Rückentext: "With only 5,000
surviving, the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) is one of the world's most endangered large carnivores - and
one of the most remarkable. This comprehensive portrait of wild dogs incorporates previously scattered
information with important new findings from a six-year study in Tanzania's Selous Game Reserve, Africa's
largest protected area. The book emphasizes ecology, concentrating on why wild dogs fare poorly in protected
areas that maintain healthy populations of lions, hyenas, or other top carnivores. In addition to
conservation issues, it covers fascinating aspects of wild dog behavior and social evolution. The Creels use
demographic, behavioral, endocrine, and genetic approaches to examine how and why nonbreeding pack mates
help breeding pairs raise their litters. They also present the largest data set ever collected on mammalian
predator-prey interactions and the evolution of cooperative hunting, allowing them to account for wild dogs'
prowess as hunters. By using a large sample size and sophisticated analytical tools, the authors step well
beyond previous research. Their results include some surprises that will cause even specialists to rethink
certain propositions, such as the idea that wild dogs are unusually vulnerable to infectious disease.
Several findings apply broadly to the management of other protected areas. Of clear appeal to ecologists
studying predation and cooperation in any population, this book collects and expands a cache of information
useful to anyone studying conservation as well as to amateurs intrigued by the once-maligned but
extraordinary wild dog."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.com (USA), Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Synopsis: "Part 1 is general
presentation of Iain Douglas-Hamilton's 4 1/2 years of pioneering behaviour research among elephants in Lake Manyara
National Park (Tanzania) as a PhD candidate. Study techniques such as developing a photo file of
elephants to enable individual recognition, radio collar monitoring and aerial monitoring and counting are
described. Part 2 by Oria Douglas-Hamilton focuses on the human animal relations of the study which brought
researchers and the elephants in close and constant contract. Part 3 focuses on changes and takes the reader
from the initial 'problem' of habitat destruction via vegetation destruction by the elephants to the much
larger scale more serious problem of the destruction of elephants because of poaching for ivory."
Informationen zu Iain Douglas-Hamilton und
seiner Arbeit erhalten Sie bei Save The Elephants.
Informationen zu Oria Douglas-Hamilton finden Sie bei Olerai.
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Battle for the Elephants
von Iain Douglas-Hamilton & Oria
Gebundene Ausgabe, 368 Seiten, 102 Farb-
& 20 Schwarzweißfotos auf 68 Tafeln, 2 Farbillustrationen, 7 Karten Doubleday (USA), Februar
1992, ISBN 0-385-40192-2
Synopsis: "At the 11th hour, shocked
by pictures of rotting carcasses plundered for their ivory, the world has woken up to the plight of the
African elephant. But the seeds of the tragedy were sown way back in the 1970s. It was then that the authors
came across ominous signs of organized poaching in Kenya where they lived. Alarmed by what they saw they set
out to reveal the extent of the slaughter sweeping Africa. This book tells the extraordinary inside story of
the author's battle to draw the world's attention to the plight of the elephants and the injustice and
destruction that the elephants were the victims of."
Informationen zu Iain Douglas-Hamilton und
seiner Arbeit erhalten Sie bei Save The Elephants.
Informationen zu Oria Douglas-Hamilton finden Sie bei Olerai.
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Born Free
A Lioness of Two Worlds
von Joy Adamson, mit Briefen von George
Adamson, Vorwort von Lord
William Percy, Nachwort von Charles Pitman
Synopsis: "Out of Africa comes the
story of the most remarkable association between man and wild beast ever told. Joy Adamson is the wife of a
Game Warden in Kenya. Four years ago her husband was called out to deal with a man-eating lion. While
stalking the lion he was suddenly charged by a lioness whom he had to shoot in self-defense. In the crevice
of some nearby rocks he found three cubs. They decided to rear one of them as a pet..."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Born Free (40th Anniversary Edition)
A Lioness of Two Worlds
Rückentext: "There have been many
accounts of the return to the wild of tame animals, but since its original publication in 1960, when the New
York Times hailed it as a 'fascinating and remarkable book', Born Free has stood alone in its
power to move us. Joy Adamson's story of a lion cub in transition between the captivity in which she is
raised and the fearsome wild to which she is returned captures the abilities of both humans and animals to
cross the seemingly unbridgeable gap between their radically different worlds. Especially now, at a time
when the sanctity of the wild and its inhabitants is increasingly threatened by human development and
natural disaster, Adamson's remarkable tale is an idyll, and a model, to return to again and again.
Illustrated with the same beautiful, evocative photographs that first enchanted the world forty years ago
and updated with a new introduction by George Page, former host and executive editor of the PBS series Nature and author
of Inside the Animal Mind, this anniversary edition introduces to a new generation one of the most
heartwarming associations between man and animal."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.com (USA), Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Cheetahs of the Serengeti Plains Group Living in an Asocial
von Timothy M. Caro
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag, 478
Seiten, 34 Schwarzweißfotos, 102 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 90 Tabellen University of Chicago
Press (USA), Juni 1994, ISBN 0-226-09433-2
Verleger: "Cheetahs of the
Serengeti Plains is the most comprehensive account of carnivore social behavior to date. Synthesizing
more than a decade of research in the wild, this book offers a detailed account of the behavior and ecology
of cheetahs. Compared with other large cats, and other mammals, cheetahs have an unusual breeding system;
whereas lions live in prides and tigers are solitary, some cheetahs live in groups while others live by
themselves. Tim Caro explores group and solitary living among cheetahs and discovers that the causes of
social behavior vary dramatically, even within a single species. Why do cheetah cubs stay with their mother
for a full year after weaning? Why do adolescents remain in groups? Why do adult males live in permanent
associations with each other? Why do adult females live alone? Through observations on the costs and
benefits of group living, Caro offers new insight into the complex behavior of this extraordinary species.
For example, contrary to common belief about cooperative hunting in large carnivores, he shows that neither
adolescents nor adult males benefit from hunting in groups. With many surprising findings, and through
comparisons with other cat species, Caro enriches our understanding of the evolution of social behavior and
offers new perspectives on conservation efforts to save this charismatic and endangered carnivore."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.com (USA), Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Echo of the Elephants
The Story of an Elephant Family
von Cynthia Moss (Text) & Martyn Colbeck (Fotos), Vorwort von David Attenborough
Gebundene Ausgabe, 192 Seiten, 70
Farbfotos, 1 Karte, 1 Stammbaum BBC Books (UK),
Oktober 1992, ISBN 0-563-36094-1
Klappentext: "In January 1990,
Cynthia Moss, the founder of the Amboseli Elephant Research Project, and wildlife photographer Martyn
Colbeck set out to record 18 months in the life of one elephant family in the Amboseli National Park
in Kenya. Echo of the Elephants is an account of their findings and offers a fascinating insight in
words and pictures into elephant behaviour. Cynthia and Martyn enter the world of the elephant family at a
time when the wisdom and resourcefulness of their matriarch, Echo, are tested to the limit. Threatened by a
severe drought and the increasing encroachment of the modern world, Echo guides her family as they seek
food, water, safety and companionship. Her calm and gentle nature even sustains her through the near-tragic
birth of her own calf, Ely. Gradually, as time passes, the personalities of the individual elephants start
to emerge and a remarkable picture of the complex rules and customs that govern elephant behaviour becomes
apparent. As they follow Echo and her family, Cynthia and Martyn are able to observe the most intimate
details of elephant life including birth, death, courtship, mating, fighting and playing. Echo of the
Elephants, which accompanies a major BBC Natural World programme, is a unique and beautifully
illustrated account of one elephant family which has much wider implications for our understanding of
elephants everywhere. The television programme of Echo of the Elephants is also available on BBC video."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
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