Synopsis: "In the tradition of Jane
Goodall and Dian Fossey, Anne Rasa has devoted years of patient observation, often in conditions of
considerable discomfort and danger, to studying the Dwarf Mongoose in the Taru Desert of Kenya. The author
takes us into the heart of the mongoose's day-to-day life, and whole life-cycle, revealing the subtle and
complex web of interactions between the mongoose family and the other denizens of the bush."
Informationen zu Anne Rasa erhalten Sie
bei Kalahari
Trails in Südafrika.
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Mountain Gorillas
Thirty Years of Research at Karisoke
von Martha M. Robbins (Redaktion), Pascale Sicotte (Redaktion) & Kelly J. Stewart (Redaktion)
Rückentext: "For the past three
decades the mountain gorillas of Karisoke Research Center have been the subject of many studies focusing on
their behavior and ecology. Long-term observations on known individuals, from birth to death, as well as
data on social behavior within and between groups have led to an understanding of many aspects of the social
system of gorillas. The findings have made significant contributions to models of comparative primate
behavioral ecology. Mountain gorillas have also been the focus of intense conservation efforts, which have
become a model for conservation programs elsewhere. While most of what we know about the genus Gorilla
is based on mountain gorillas, data on the other two recognized subspecies have increased over the past 20
years. This book highlights and summarizes some of the behavioral, ecological, and conservation work on
mountain gorillas, and makes comparisons with findings from other study sites. Aimed at graduate students
and researchers in primatology and behavioural ecology, it will also appeal to all those interested in
gorilla conservation, and represents the most up-to-date and diverse collection of information available on
this endangered ape."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Ngorongoro: The Eighth Wonder
A Survival Special on African
von Henry Fosbrooke, Vorwort von Prinz Bernhard der Niederlande
Gebundene Ausgabe, 264 Seiten, 19 Farb-
& 22 Schwarzweißfotos auf 24 Tafeln, Schwarzweißillustrationen, Diagramme, Tabellen, 5 Karten
Andre Deutsch (UK), Juni 1972, ISBN 0-233-96035-X
Klappentext: "The Ngorongoro
Crater in Tanzania is probably Africa's most beautiful game reserve and one of the most spectacular
natural wonders on earth. Here, within the great natural arena of the Crater, is concentrated an Africa in
miniature, with representatives of virtually all the big game animals. Henry Fosbrooke was the first
conservator of the Crater and the surrounding Conservation
Area, and his acquaintance with Ngorongoro
goes back over 35 years. In this book he describes every aspect of the Crater; its inhabitants, its
wildlife, its history - and its future. The history and prehistory of Ngorongoro
are fully covered, and include a description of Dr. Leakey's great discoveries at Olduvai Gorge, which is
within the Conservation
Area. Mr. Fosbrooke is particularly concerned to set Ngorongoro
in the context of its surroundings, and to show that this great showpiece of nature can be preserved only if
its role is clearly defined and the means taken to defend it from rash and ill-judged development. But it is
the animals who are the centrepiece of the Crater, and of this book. Drawing upon his unrivalled experience,
the author assesses the status of each species, its history as a part of the Crater's ecology, and its place
in the future. The author also describes the life of the Masai inhabitants of the Crater and their place
within the ecology of the Conservation
Area. Enriched by anecdote, and illuminated by many years of study and research in the field, this is a
heart-felt argument for a positive policy that will ensure the survival of the place, its people and its
wildlife as what is indeed the eighth wonder of the world."
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The Orphans of Tsavo
von Daphne Sheldrick, Vorwort von F. Fraser Darling
Klappentext: "The author is the wife
of the Game Warden in charge of Tsavo East.
Daphne Sheldrick first made her home there when this great and virtually uninhabited tract of territory was
in part unexplored. Here she brought up her young family. Her husband was concerned with all the tasks
involved in transforming Tsavo East into
a National Park. He had to put down poaching, counter the devastation of the animal population due to
recurrent droughts by setting up a system of irrigation; observe the feeding habits of the elephant and
consider the ecological changes likely to arise from them and promote an aerial census of these herds. The
side of his work in which his wife plays an outstanding part is in the care of all the orphaned animals
which the game scouts bring in. Mrs. Sheldrick has reared some of these from infancy and kept many for a
number of years - but she has always done this in the intention of training them to become, not pets, but
competent wild animals which can, when the time comes, return to their free life if they choose to do so.
Meanwhile, rhino, buffalo, bush pigs, elephant and many other animals wander around her garden and even into
her house, providing her children with endless entertainment and her husband with a rare opportunity for
making a scientific study of their habits. Mrs. Sheldrick's love of the bush country, her remarkable
understanding of animals and her enjoyment of adventure, combine to make her book both convincing and
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Portraits in the Wild
Behavior Studies of East African Mammals
Klappentext: "In recent years, a
wealth of fascinating new material has been revealed about the ways in which animal societies really work.
By studying groups of known individuals in their free wild state, over months and years, scientists are
reaching conclusions both startling and important, drawn from work on elephants, zebras, antelopes, baboons,
the great cats and many others. Cynthia Moss, who has taken part in some of these field studies herself,
here brings together the latest findings on the chief mammals of East Africa. Old myths and legends are
dispelled as we begin to comprehend in all its astonishing complexity the social interactions of these
extraordinary species. The animals are revealed in their natural habitats, seen through the eyes of trained
biologists, not over the sights of a gun or through the bars of a cage. The author vividly describes the
elephant's family life, the true nature of the hyena, the role of males and females in the lion pride, the
complex 'friendships' among baboons. The color and black-and-white photographs in this book are by wildlife
specialists and each is selected to show some behavioral or ecological facet of the animal's life, including
events rarely recorded in the wild before. Each chapter is devoted to one species or group of related
species and describes the animal's life as it is now known and the work of the scientists who made the
discoveries - Hans and Ute Klingel, George Schaller, Hans Kruuk, Iain Douglas-Hamilton and many more. Many
of the scientists spent months at a time in the bush, hoping that their discoveries would help in the
animals' ultimate conservation."
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Pride of Lions
von Brian Bertram
Gebundene Ausgabe, 253 Seiten, 14
Farbfotos auf 8 Tafeln, 97 Schwarzweißfotos, 1 Karte
J.M. Dent & Sons (UK), August 1978, ISBN 0-460-04311-0
Klappentext: "Until recently, almost
nothing was known about the way lions lived in the wild. Brian Bertram spent over four years in the Serengeti, studying
undisturbed lions there; he learned how to recognize hundreds of lions individually, and single-handedly
darted, radio-collared and tracked a number to ensure that he could always find them and their pride, and so
study lion behaviour more systematically. Lions alone among cats are social: they are usually to be found in
groups, hunting, feeding, grooming, playing and resting with their pride which, as Dr. Bertram shows, is a
kind of permanent extended family. Major chapters deal with lions' social behaviour and reproduction, the
inter-relatedness of the animals which make up lion prides, and the maintenance and defence of pride
territories. The methods by which lions hunt, and sometimes catch, their prey are contrasted with those used
by the solitary leopard and cheetah. Dr. Bertram also looks at the evolution of lions and their unique
social organization to explain some of the more remarkable points about their way of life - the parasitical
males, the practice of infanticide in which males new to a pride indulge, the synchronizing of their
reproduction, the extraordinary inefficiency of their mating, and the degree of co-operation among lions who
are relatives. Pride of Lions, illustrated throughout with the author's own photographs, is for
anyone who enjoys looking at lions and would like to know more about them. It is a vivid and evocative
account of Brian Bertram's work in the most magnificent of the world's wildlife areas, the conservation of
which is so vital to the survival of wild lions and the multitude of other animals - including humans - who
share their superb habitat."
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A Primate's Memoir
A Neuroscientist's Unconventional
Life Among the Baboons
Klappentext: "»I had never planned
to become a savanna baboon when I grew up; instead, I had always assumed I would become a mountain
gorilla,« writes Robert Sapolsky in this witty and riveting chronicle of a scientist's coming-of-age in
remote Africa. Raised in an intellectual, immigrant family in Brooklyn, Sapolsky wished he could live in the
primate diorama in the Museum of Natural History. He wrote fan letters to primatologists, started reading
their textbooks at age fourteen, and even learned Swahili in high school, all with the hopes of one day
joining his primate brethren in Africa. Finally, upon graduating from college, Sapolsky's dream comes true
when, at age twenty-one, he leaves the comforts of the United States for the very first time to join a
baboon troop in Kenya as a 'young transfer male'. Book smart and naive, Sapolsky sets out to study the
relationship between stress and disease. But he soon learns that life in the African bush bears little
resemblance to the tranquillity of a museum diorama. He is alone in the middle of the Serengeti with no radio,
no television, no electricity, no running water, and no telephone. His nearest neighbors are the Masai, a
warlike tribespeople whose marriages are polygamous, with wedding parties featuring tureens of cow's blood.
The victim of countless scams and his own idealistic illusions, Sapolsky nevertheless survives culinary
atrocities, gunpoint encounters, and a surreal kidnapping, while witnessing the encroachment of the tourist
mentality on the farthest vestiges of unspoiled Africa. As he conducts unprecedented physiological research
on wild primates, he becomes evermore enamored with his subjects - unique and compelling characters in their
own right - and he returns to them summer after summer, until tragedy finally prevents him. Here is Robert
Sapolsky's exhilarating account of his life in the bush with neighbors both human and primate, by turns
hilarious and poignant. The culmination of more than two decades of experience and research, A Primate's
Memoir is a magnum opus from one of our foremost scientist-writers."
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A Primate's Memoir (Reissue)
A Neuroscientist's Unconventional Life Among the Baboons
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