DVD, Regionalcode 0 (weltweit),
NTSC-Format, 111 Minuten
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0) Questar (USA), August
2005, QD3595, ISBN 1-59464-176-5, UPC 033937-03595-1
Echo of the Elephants (UK/USA 1992, 56 min.)
Regie: Martyn Colbeck
Produzent: Marion Zunz
Kamera: Martyn Colbeck
Ton: Martyn Colbeck
Moderation: George Page
Musik: Henry Priestman
Eine Koproduktion von BBC (UK) & Thirteen/WNET (USA)
Synopsis: "Features Cynthia Moss and the elephant herd she's been studying for over 20 years. We will
experience the daily dramas in the life of the 'E' family of elephants, led by their matriarch, Echo. In
some of the most moving elephant behavior ever seen, we'll watch Echo's newborn calf, Ely, struggle to get
up on his front legs soon after birth. Although Ely is unable to stand, he manages to survive by crawling.
Day by day, under the supervision of his mother and the rest of the herd, we track Ely's progress. Finally,
after several days, we'll witness the climactic moment when Ely gathers his strength and lifts himself up.
His legs, weak and wobbly, are able to support him as he manages to take his first steps. Thus begins a
journey that will reveal some of the most intimate moments in the lives of these African elephants." Echo of the Elephants: The Next Generation (UK/USA 1996, 55 min.)
Regie: Martyn Colbeck
Produzent: John Sparks
Kamera: Martyn Colbeck
Ton: Martyn Colbeck & Karen McComb
Moderation: George Page
Musik: Henry Priestman
Eine Koproduktion von BBC (UK) & Thirteen/WNET (USA)
Synopsis: "When we last saw our heroine, Echo, the matriarch of a clan of elephants, her baby Ely had
dramatically overcome what had appeared to be a crippling birth defect. Now we return to Amboseli National
Park in Kenya and together with elephant expert Cynthia Moss, set out with the herd once more. Echo's
granddaughter is having trouble with unwanted suitors. Ely, now strong and healthy, is suddenly stricken
with a mysterious disease. And Echo herself is pregnant again and gives birth to an irresistible new member
of the family!"
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.com (USA). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei A Movie Area (USA).
Regie: Michael Caulfield
Produzent: Michael Caulfield
Kamera: Tom Cowan
Ton: Max Hensser
Sprecher: Avery Brooks
Musik: Roger Mason
Eine Discovery Channel
Pictures (USA) Produktion
DVD, Regionalcode 1, NTSC-Format, 38
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0) Artisan Home Entertainment
(USA), Juni 2001, 11864, UPC 012236-11864-0
Cover: "The Safari of a Lifetime. Now
on DVD! Africa's Elephant Kingdom takes you into the heart of the continent and face-to-face with the
great elephants of Africa. Featuring spectacular cinematography and the amazing picture and sound quality
that comes from giant-screen film, this is the same widely acclaimed motion picture playing in giant-screen
theaters worldwide. Feel the Thundering Herd! Africa's Elephant Kingdom is the story of one elephant
clan's struggle for survival as it travels across vast stretches of land in search of dwindling sources of
food and water. Wide and high above Africa, the camera travels over waterfalls, rivers, plains, and forests.
Large groups of elephants move across the plains. One comes closer. He is the Old Bull, our storyteller, and
it is through his eyes that the film dramatically unfolds."
Out-of-Print! Diese DVD wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Die Möglichkeit zum Kauf einer gebrauchten (used) DVD bietet Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.com (USA).
Regie: Michael Caulfield
Produzent: Michael Caulfield
Kamera: Tom Cowan
Ton: Max Hensser
Sprecher: Avery Brooks
Musik: Roger Mason
Eine Discovery Channel
Pictures (USA) Produktion
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Kalahari.net (Südafrika).
Elefanten (SA/UK, 1999)
[Time of the Elephants]
Faszinierende Tierwelten
Regie: Robert Waldron
Produzent: Heather Waldron
Kamera: Rolf Cyrus, Roger Harris, Corrie Prinsloo, Terry van Rooyen, Robert Waldron & Matthew Whyshall
Sprecher: Martin Jarvis (engl. Fassung)
Musik: Guy Dagul
Produziert von Wild Dog Productions
(SA) für HIT Wildlife (UK)
Cover: "Sehen Sie durch die Augen
eines Elefanten, die Natur belassene Welt des Krüger National
Parks. Wir folgen der Elefantenherde in ihrem täglichen Leben, erfahren alles über das komplexe und
soziale Verhalten des größten Landsäugetieres. Lassen Sie sich einfangen und verzaubern von der
imposanten, tierreichen und manchmal auch dramatischen Welt des Krüger National
Synopsis: "South Africa's Kruger National
Park is a sanctuary for an enormous range of African wildlife, including the African elephant. This
one-hour special chronicles the historic return of the big male tusker elephants. Follow the lives of three
generations of elephants as they reclaim their former sanctuary. In a story spanning a century, the
once-barren Kruger Park
is cautiously re-populated by elephants, with the population growing from 0 to 9,000 over this period. Led
by a giant tusker, we follow this journey through time, in the sanctuary of peace that protects the
elephants through two world wars, and a long civil war. We witness the loneliness of a young bull elephant
spending his first night apart from the herd, and the tragic outcome of his independence. Rare sequences of
some of Kruger's
famed big tuskers are also shown, and the death of two tuskers by natural causes are testament to the
conservation success of Kruger. The
story is enriched with stunning widescreen images of elephant families and their behaviour."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.de. Erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei
PreisTester (Deutschland).
Elefanten (USA, 1989)
National Geographic Video
Produzent: Irwin Rosten
Kamera: Norris Brock, Erik Daarstad, Christopher Fryman, Dereck Joubert, Pramod Mathijr, Keerthi Perera
& Bertram van Munster
Ton: Michael Haines, Beverly Joubert, David Mathew, Merce Williams & Hiroshi Yamashita
Sprecher: E. G. Marshall (engl. Fassung)
Musik: Craig Safan
Eine Koproduktion von The National
Geographic Society (USA) & WQED Pittsburgh (USA)
VHS-Video, PAL-Format, Farbe, 52 Minuten Concorde Video, März
1993, 60206
Verleger: "Von allen Lebewesen auf
unserer Erde ist der Elefant das größte, stärkste - und gleichzeitig auch eines der intelligentesten. Von
Sri Lanka nach Kenya - Elefanten zeigt diese großartigen Dickhäuter in unterhaltsamer und, da
ihre Zukunft mehr und mehr gefährdet ist, leider manchmal alamierender Weise. In Asien, wo der Elefant
verehrt und angebetet wird, können Sie beobachten wie Mensch und Tier Seite an Seite arbeiten. Beobachten
Sie außerdem das außergewöhnliche Verhalten der wilden Elefanten in den weiten Steppen Afrikas und sehen
Sie, wie sich diese Tiere selbst über große Entfernungen verständigen können. Erleben Sie zuletzt die
Geburt eines Elefantenbabies und seine allerersten Steh- und Gehversuche."
Out-of-Print! Dieses Video wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Die Möglichkeit zum Kauf eines gebrauchten Videos bietet Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.de.
Elefanten am Kilimanjaro (NL/USA/FR,
2004) [Elephants of
Regie: Caroline Brett
Produzent: Caroline Brett
Kamera: Barbara Tyack & Matt Aeberhard
Ton: Oswin Nungu, Pepijn Aben & Karen Hoy
Sprecher: Simon Shrimpton Smith (engl. Fassung)
Musik: Soundpalette
Produziert von Nature Conservation Films
(NL) für National
Geographic Channel (USA), Canal+ (FR) & NCRV (NL)
Cover: "Auf dem Kilimandscharo
im Nordosten Tansanias findet man auf einer Höhe von 4.800 Metern das Skelett eines Elefanten. Wie kommt
ein so gewichtiges Tier auf so eine Höhe? War es auf Nahrungssuche? Haben Wilderer es hierher geschafft?
Die Frage ist ein kaum lösbares Rätsel. In den Wäldern unterhalb des großen, weißen Berges sollen die
heimischen Elefanten zur Lösung beitragen. Die mächtigen Tiere begleiten uns auf eine abenteuerliche
Expedition - auf den Spuren vergangener Mysterien."
Synopsis: "In eastern Africa, a chain of magnificent volcanoes blisters the face of the earth. Some are
dead, others sleep and at least one is very much alive. There's the Black Mountain, the Sacred Mountain and,
most famous of all, an icon of Africa, the Great White Mountain - Kilimanjaro.
To indigenous tribes these legendary volcanoes are the homes of the gods and known as the Mountains of Eden.
Lying three degrees south of the equator in Tanzania, these earthly pimples are astonishingly diverse. Snow
capped peaks and glaciers rise above an alien landscape populated by plants seemingly from another world.
Lower slopes are blanketed with forests and at its base the mountain open out onto vast savannahs where huge
herds roam. The largest and most impressive of all the animals that live on and around the Great White
Mountain are elephants. Much less familiar are the shy and rarely seen elephants that dwell in the high
forests. In the past elephants roamed freely up and down the mountain. Now they run a treacherous gauntlet
as more and more of the slopes are cultivated. As the elephants trudge upward they disappear into thick rain
forest. Animals abound here, like Colobus monkeys, buffalo's and silvery cheeked hornbills. Elephants are
not designed to scramble up and down steep slopes. Deep ravines represent insurmountable barriers. No
elephant has ever reached the top of Kilimanjaro
(19,340 ft) but a skeleton was found at sixteen thousand feet. Bleached bones provide proof but why would
one of these great beasts ascend so far up the Great White Mountain? No one will know what really happened
high on Kilimanjaro
but lower down the forest elephants are beginning to reveal some of their secrets…"
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DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.de. Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland).
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