The Ultimate Guide: Elephants (UK/USA, 1996)
Discovery Channel
Regie: Ian Duncan
Produzent: Ian Duncan
Kamera: Mike Coles
Ton: George Hitchins
Sprecher: Will Lyman
Musik: Chris Whitten
Produziert von Windfall
Films (UK) für Discovery Channel (USA)
Cover: "Five tons of boundless
strength and wary intelligence, it can toss tree trunks in anger or pick up a dime in curiosity. Our largest
land animal - the elephant - is profiled in this master reference to the world's greatest living creatures.
Using cutting-edge computer animation, journey into the past of the elephant's family tree, discover
nature's successes and failures, witness intimate wildlife behaviour and see startling comparisons of size
and speed."
Sie diese DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Südafrika).
Das Wesen der
Elefanten (BW/USA, 1994) National Geographic Video
Produzent: Dereck Joubert & Beverly
Kamera: Dereck Joubert
Ton: Beverly Joubert
Sprecher: Stacy Keach (engl. Fassung)
Musik: Mark Adler
Produziert von Wildlife
Films Botswana (BW) für The National
Geographic Society (USA)
Verleger: "Die preisgekrönten
Tierfilmer Dereck und Beverly Joubert laden Sie ein zu einem intimen Streifzug durch Afrikas aufregende Welt
der Elefanten. Über zwei Jahre lang verfolgte das Film-Ehepaar die Dickhäuter Tag und Nacht. Sie
entdeckten so überraschende, nie zuvor auf Celluloid gebannte Verhaltensweisen, die viele klischeehafte
Vorurteile über das größte an Land lebende Säugetier dieser Welt nachhaltig entkräften. Staunen Sie
über das faszinierende Gebaren, wenn ein Elefanten-Weibchen aktiv und mit sehr viel Bedacht einen
Lebensgefährten erwählt. Erleben Sie die verblüffende Kommunikationsfähigkeit, das ausgeprägte
Erinnerungsvermögen, das umsichtige Miteinander und die Einstellung der Elefanten zum Tod. In Das Wesen
der Elefanten wird Ihnen einmal mehr bestätigt werden, daß es sich bei diesen Tieren um eines der
außergewöhnlichsten und reizvollsten Geschöpfe unserer Erde handelt..."
Out-of-Print! Dieses Video wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
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Whispers: An Elephant's Tale (BW/USA, 2000)
Regie: Dereck Joubert
Produzent: Beverly Joubert & Dereck Joubert
Kamera: Dereck Joubert
Ton: Beverly Joubert
Sprecher: Angela Bassett (Groove), Joanna Lumley (Half Tusk), Anne Archer (Gentle Heart), Debi Derryberry
(Whispers), Kevin Michael Richardson (Adult Whispers), Alice Ghostley (Tuskless), Betty White (Round), Kat
Cressida (Princess), Joan Rivers (Spike), John DiMaggio (Tough-Tusk/Fulla Bull), Tone Loc (Macho Bull) u.a.
Musik: Trevor Rabin
Eine Dereck &
Beverly Joubert (BW) Produktion für Walt Disney Pictures
DVD, Regionalcode 1, NTSC-Format, 72
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0) Walt Disney Home Video
(USA), Oktober 2001, 23406, ISBN 0-7888-3032-5, UPC 786936-16078-9
Synopsis: "Filmed in Botswana and
featuring live-action footage of elephants, Whispers: An Elephant's Tale is the tale of a baby
elephant's struggle to survive when his herd is attacked by Takers (poachers). As the Takers approach,
Whispers' mother, Gentle Heart admonishes him to run as fast as he can, promising him that she will find him
later. Whispers finds another herd led by Half-Tusk. Half-Tusk's sister, Groove usually brings up the rear,
ensuring that the ranks are safe, but when she gets tired of taking orders from her sister, Groove leaves
the herd with Whispers underfoot. She becomes a reluctant mother figure, growing more and more attached to
the youngster as they face constant danger from poachers and lions, as well as the lack of water that
accompanies the dry season. Whispers is a heartfelt tale of the power of love, the importance of
family and the strength of promises. The film is comprised of 80% live-action footage of elephants in the
wild and 20% of footage of trained elephants [at Abu Camp]."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (USA). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei A Movie Area (USA).
The Whole Story: Elephants & Lions
Wildlife Stories
DVD, Regionalcode 0 (weltweit),
PAL-Format, 102 Minuten
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 1,78:1 Letterbox
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0) Delta Music (UK),
August 2002, 82265, EAN 4006408-82265-3
The Whole Story, Episode 1: Elephants (SA/NL 2000, 51 min.)
Regie: Ann Strimling & Garth Lucas
Produzent: Ann Strimling & Garth Lucas
Kamera: Owen Prümm; Richard Williams & Grant Nelson
Ton: Mark Phillips & Michael Gerlach
Sprecher: Peter Terry
Musik: Sue Grealy
Eine Talking Pictures (SA)
& Off The Fence (NL)
Produktion für Discovery Networks
Europe (UK), Discovery Networks
International (USA) & RTV Family Entertainment (DE)
Cover: "Elephants are not only the largest land mammals on Earth, they are also among the most
endearing: an irresistible mix of intelligence, dexterity and shear power. Comprised of over 100,000
individual muscles, the elephant's trunk is the world's most versatile nose. At various times it functions
as hand, weapon, drinking straw, vacuum cleaner, snorkel and eating utensil. Combine this with a pair of
tusks which are, in fact, the world's longest teeth and the elephant presents an extremely formidable face.
These powerful pachyderms are able to adapt to almost any African habitat. In the Kunene desert, they trek
for days in search of precious water to drink. In the rainforest of Ghana, the smaller, more agile elephants
face different challenges. In rarely captured footage, the forest elephants are seen spraying themselves
with half-chewed food and saliva to cool down. Wherever they find themselves, elephants are fiercely
familial. They travel in herds and keep in touch with each other using 30 different long-distance,
low-frequency calls. This way, group members can call home from over 8 kilometers away. Science has only
recently revealed a rare new elephant ailment known as 'floppy trunk syndrome'. Thought to be a new type of
virus or the result of eating toxic introduced plants, the result is that the animal loses all control of
its trunk. There is no recovery and, unable to feed properly, there is little hope of survival. With
stunning visuals, the latest scientific research and rare elephant behavior, we tell The Whole Story
on Africa's great grey giants." The Whole Story, Episode 8: Lions (SA/NL 2000, 51 min.)
Regie: Ann Strimling & Garth Lucas
Produzent: Ann Strimling & Garth Lucas
Kamera: Owen Prümm; Richard Williams & Grant Nelson
Ton: Mark Phillips & Michael Gerlach
Sprecher: Peter Terry
Musik: Julian Wiggins
Eine Talking Pictures (SA)
& Off The Fence (NL)
Produktion für Discovery Networks
Europe (UK), Discovery Networks
International (USA) & RTV Family Entertainment (DE)
Cover: "Lions are a universal emblem of courage – the super-charged hunting beasts admired for
centuries for their strength and prowess. More than any other animal, lions symbolise Africa. The roar of a
lion fills the night – the world's most chilling, spine-tingling sound - as powerful as the noise of a
small plane taking off. It has a huge appetite: at one sitting, a hungry lion can eat the equivalent of a
whole person. Its eyes are keen: this big tawny hunter has night vision six times better than ours. It's a
big killing machine: it weighs at least twice as much as a grown man, has claws like sharp switchblades, a
rasping tongue much rougher than sandpaper. It can overpower animals far bigger than itself. Yet it can be
gentle, caring and affectionate. Mothers even suckle each other's cubs. The secret of the lion's success is
that it lives in a group – Africa's most powerful land carnivore is the only truly social cat in the
world. The mighty male's life is fraught with danger, the sleek female's with the cares of child-minding,
warring with neighbours, and risking all in the hunt. So do lions have it made? We find out The Whole
Story of life in the pride."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Deutschland). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland) oder Kelkoo UK.
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