Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag, 80
Seiten, 203 Schwarzweißfotos, 9 Diagramme, 2 Karten Oxford University Press (UK),
Juli 1975, ISBN 0-19-857395-2
Rückentext: "Hyaenas have a bad
reputation. They scavenge. They stink. They scowl. They emit weird hysterical laughing sounds. Their
slouching gait and sloping backs mean, according to African lore, that they're ridden by witches at night.
But these and other Old Wives' Tales aside, what is life like for hyaenas on the plains of East Africa? In
this richly illustrated and readable book Hans Kruuk describes the fascinating hunting behaviour of hyaenas,
their life in competition with lions and wild dogs, vultures and jackals, their clan organization and
individual behaviour. We are made to realize all the ecological problems facing a hunter, and the solutions
that hyaenas have evolved. We learn about the intricate relationships between a host of different species of
large animals, both predators and prey. We learn too that much of that bad reputation of the hyaena is
undeserved - a result of men's 'common sense' (which here means 'common prejudice') that can only be
dispelled by the patient work and watchfulness of the ecologist. This is a book that will kindle the
imagination of anyone, child or adult, who has visited a zoo, and who senses that the languor of the animals
there must be an unhappy and unjust contrast to the openness and energy of the African savannah."
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