Jane Goodall: 40 Years at Gombe
A Tribute to Four Decades of Wildlife
Research, Education and Conservation
von Jennifer Lindsey (Text), Vorwort von Gilbert M.
Grosvenor,Einführung von Jane Goodall,
Fotos von Hugo von Lawick, Andy Nelson, Michael Neugebauer, Michael Nichols, Stephen Patch u.a.
Klappentext: "On the occasion of Dr.
Goodall's 40th anniversary of research with the chimpanzees of Gombe, the Jane Goodall Institute
has joined Stewart, Tabori & Chang in paying tribute to the woman hailed by the Christian Science
Monitor as »a heroine, in a hero-less time«. In the words of Stephen Jay Gould, »Jane Goodall's work with
chimpanzees represents one of the western world's greatest scientific achievements.« Goodall was set on her
path by the famed anthropologist and paleontologist, Dr. Louis Leakey, who believed in her patience and
persistent desire to understand animals. She established the Gombe Stream Research Centre and her profound
scientific discoveries - including the observation of chimpanzees making and using tools - laid the
foundation for all future primate studies. Today, Gombe is the longest unbroken study of any animal group
ever undertaken, and Dr. Goodall travels the world, discussing her work there and speaking out on behalf of
chimpanzees - and all other animals - threatened by loss of natural habitat or otherwise harmed by the human
hand. Filled with photographs from the Institute's archives as
well as images by top photographers and new, never-before-published photographs, this beautifully
illustrated volume traces the story of Dr. Goodall's work from its singular beginning to serve as an
enduring tribute to one of the world's most important women."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.com (USA), Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Mahale: A Photographic Encounter
with Chimpanzees
von Angelika Hofer (Text), Michael A. Huffman (Text) & Günter Ziesler (Fotos), Barbara Magunski (Illustrationen) &
Nicole Kleber (Illustrationen), Vorwort von Jane Goodall
Gebundene Ausgabe, 96 Seiten, ca. 120
Farbfotos, Farb- & Schwarzweißillustrationen, 1 Farbkarte Sterling Publishing
(USA), Oktober 2000, ISBN 0-8069-5889-8
Verleger: "They are our closest
relatives - and this large-scale, eye-opening book, with a preface by the world's most esteemed expert on
the subject, opens a window onto the endlessly engrossing, sometimes dangerous, and often entertaining world
of chimpanzees. This particular group lives in the forests and rolling hills of Mahale, a protected national
park, accessible only by air or ferry, that runs 100 miles along the shore of Lake Tanganyika. For more than
15 years, Dr. Michael Huffman has devoted his life to studying this community, watching the families'
interaction with each other and charting a range of fascinating behaviors never seen before in other chimps,
from a grooming hand clasp to licking pebbles on the beach. He now guides a top photographer and biologist
on a safari through this territory, where they - and we - can encounter chimps first-hand. The three combine
to produce a remarkable chimp portrait that's an unprecedented mixture of science, art, and poetry.
Aided by haikus, magnificent photographs, and charcoal drawings, Dr. Huffman chronicles the intricacies of
chimp life and relationships, and the mortal danger they face from poachers. Among the cast of unforgettable
characters you'll meet: Masudi, a low-ranking male who stays safely near humans during tense moments in the
chimp tribe; his mother, Wantendle; and the protective, caring female Gwekulo among them. Here they are,
staring out with their intelligent gazes; hugging each other, tending lovingly to their babies; snuggling
into branches heavy with fruit; and swinging playfully from tree to tree. Our affinity for these mammals was
celebrated in Dian Fossey's best seller, Gorillas in the Mist; Mahale will ensure they will stay forever in our mind - and spur
us to help preserve the species for generations to come.
Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Begegnung mit Schimpansen
von Angelika Hofer (Text), Michael A. Huffman (Text) & Günter Ziesler (Fotos), Barbara Magunski (Illustrationen) &
Nicole Kleber (Illustrationen), Vorwort von Peter Chr. Hammelsbeck
Gebundene Ausgabe, 160 Seiten, ca. 120
Farbfotos, Farb- & Schwarzweißillustrationen, 1 Farbkarte, durchgehend illustriert
Pan Edition/Navalon Verlag, August 1998, ISBN 3-9520632-9-0
Klappentext: "Mahale ist ein
außergewöhnlicher Bildband, der in Konzeption und Design neue alte Wege geht. Im Stil der Reisetagebücher
früherer Forschungsreisender konzipiert, werden die faszinierenden Bilder des Tierfotografen Günter
Ziesler bereichert durch Kohle-Portraits von Barbara Magunski, Aquarelle von Nicole Kleber und Haikus von
Klaus Christmann. Und Mahale ist ein sehr persönliches Buch. Die Schimpansen und ihre Welt werden
von den beiden Autoren Angelika Hofer und Dr. Michael A. Huffman ebenso liebevoll wie kenntnisreich
dargestellt. Der Leser und Betrachter gewinnt einen Einblick in das Leben der Mansoko, der Waldmenschen,
wie sie die Afrikaner nennen. Mit diesem Buch erscheint zum ersten Mal ein großformatiger Bildband über
Schimpansen. Er richtet sich an alle Leser, die sich für das Verhalten von Tieren und für biologische
Zusammenhänge interessieren und sich von einzigartigen Bildern bezaubern lassen möchten."
Verleger: "For more than three
decades Frans de Waal, the author of bestsellers such as Chimpanzee Politics and Bonobo: The Forgotten Ape, has
studied monkeys and apes in zoos, research parks, and field settings. Photographing his subjects over the
years, de Waal has compiled a unique family album of our closest animal relatives. To capture the social
life of primates, and their natural communication, requires intimate knowledge, which is abundantly present
here, in the work of one of the world's foremost primatologists. Culled from the thousands of images de Waal
has taken, these photographs capture social interaction in bonobos, chimpanzees, capuchin monkeys, baboons,
and macaques showing the subtle gestures, expressions, and movements that elude most nature photographers or
casual observers. De Waal supplies extended captions discussing each photograph, offering descriptions that
range from personal observations and impressions to professional interpretation. The result is a view of our
primate family that is both intensely moving and personal, also richly evocative of all that science can
tell us of primate society. In his introduction, de Waal elaborates on his work, his mission in this volume,
and the particular challenges of animal action photography."
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.com
(USA), Amazon.co.uk
(Großbritannien), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
No One Loved Gorillas More Dian Fossey: Letters from the
von Camilla de la Bédoyère (Text) & Bob Campbell (Fotos), Vorwort von Jane Goodall
Verleger: "In the early hours of
December 27, 1985, Diane Fossey was murdered in her cabin by an unknown attacker - »No One Loved Gorillas
More« are the words inscribed on her gravestone. For 18 years, Dian had lived among the mountain gorillas
of central Africa, dedicating all her energy to protecting them. Living in basic conditions at Karisoke, the
research center she established below the steep ravines of a rain-shrouded volcano in Rwanda, Dian gradually
became accepted by the apes she encountered and developed an extraordinary bond with them. Undeterred by the
instability of the tribal and political wars raging around her, Dian struggled against poachers, Rwandan
officials' opposition, ill health, personal tragedy, and the isolation from the surroundings with
indefatigable obstinacy and unstinting determination. She collected a vast amount of data and her work
became the world's primary focus for mountain gorilla conservation and research. She raised money to pay for
anti-poaching measures, set up the first ranger patrols in Rwanda, and through the pages of National Geographic
magazine and her book Gorillas
in the Mist, focused international attention on the plight of the great apes. Here, for the first time,
Dian's story is told through the letters she wrote to her friends and family, set in context by a compelling
narrative. Sometimes scathing, sometimes self-pitying, frequently amusing and always fascinating, these
previously unpublished letters provide a unique and intimate portrait and bring to life the rewards and
setbacks of Dian's years with the creatures who she called »the greatest of the great apes«. These
impressive yet shy animals are photographed by Bob Campbell, who worked closely with Dian and captured many
unique and extraordinary images. No One Loved Gorillas More is a powerful reminder of what Dian
Fossey was fighting for. Her work not only led to a greater understanding of gorillas, but to a worldwide
concern for their survival that still resonates 20 years after her death."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.com (USA), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Eine schöne Verwandtschaft Das Familienleben der
Klappentext: "Ungewöhnliche Fotos
und Texte zeigen, wie komplex und intensiv die sozialen Beziehungen von Primaten sind und dass Primaten
genauso vielfältige Ausdrucks- und Verhaltensweisen besitzen wie wir Menschen. Seit mehr als dreißig
Jahren untersucht Frans de Waal, einer der herausragendsten Primatologen der Welt und Autor von Bestsellern
wie Der gute Affe und Bonobos:
Die zärtlichen Menschenaffen, das Leben von Primaten in Zoos, Forschungsparks und in freier Natur.
Über die Jahre hat er eine unglaubliche Menge an Fotomaterial von unseren nächsten Verwandten angesammelt.
Die Auswahl an Fotografien für dieses Buch fängt die soziale Interaktion von Bonobos, Schimpansen,
Kapuzineräffchen, Pavianen und Makaken ein und zeigt die feinen Gesten, Ausdrucksweisen und Bewegungen, die
die meisten Naturfotografen oder gelegentlichen Beobachter so faszinieren. De Waal bietet zu jedem Foto
einen Begleittext, der seine Beobachtungen und Eindrücke sowie seine professionellen Interpretationen
schildert. Das Ergebnis ist ein besonders berührender und zugleich persönlicher Einblick in die
Gesellschaftsstruktur der Primaten."
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.de. Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen
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