Synopsis: "Possibly more than any
other, the word 'Zambezi' evokes the mystery and excitement of Africa. Few rivers are more pristine or less
explored. This legendary waterway threads across Africa for almost 3,000 kilometres, passing through six
countries on its journey to the Indian Ocean. Jumbo Williams and Mike Coppinger are among the few people to
have travelled the length of the river, much of it previously inaccessible because of civil war. In Zambezi
- River of Africa they not only weave a fascinating travel adventure but also examine the environmental
and socio-economic issues confronting the region. Arising as an insignificant stream in the lush highlands
of north-western Zambia, the Zambezi soon crosses into war-torn Angola. Re-entering Zambia, the growing
river moves through remote Kalahari sand country, along the sprawling waterways of Barotseland, through
Caprivi and on to the famous Victoria Falls where, in the words of Jumbo, '... the entire Zambezi leaps
wildly into a bleak two-kilometre-wide abyss.' Below the falls the authors experience white-water rafting at
its exhilarating best through the thundering Batoka Gorge. Man-made Lake Kariba offers a different beauty,
with rich bird life and fishing delights being the features of this tourist haven. The valley below Kariba
is the epitome of tropical Africa; hot, harsh, untamed and abounding with big game. Here the authors
encounter poachers and gain, at first-hand, an insight into the frustrating battle to conserve Africa's
dwindling wildlife heritage. Shortly after entering Mozambique the river is captured once more, this time by
the vast Cahora Bassa Dam. Below the dam the authors face the hazards of civil war in tracing the Zambezi
through Mozambique's wild hinterland. After encompassing the plains of Marromeu, with its legendary buffalo
herds, the distributaries of the delta relinquish their freshwater bounty to the Indian Ocean. The fluid,
entertaining text, together with more than 200 stunning colour photographs, presents an unforgettable
passage through the heart of Africa and captures the very essence of the Zambezi."
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The Zambezi: River of the Gods
von Jan Teede & Fiona Teede, Larry Norton (Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 190 Seiten, 158
Farbfotos, 69 SW-Illustrationen, 7 Karten
Andre Deutsch (UK), November 1990, ISBN 0-233-98592-1
Klappentext: "The Zambezi is one of
the least explored and inhabited rivers in the world. It passes through some of the most beautiful and
dramatic scenery in southern Africa, including the majestic and spectacular Victoria Falls and the lush
pastures of the Mana Pools. Such glorious scenes contrast strikingly with the grim devastation of Mozambique
which has, in recent years, become virtually inaccessible. The Zambezi's banks are home to some of the most
prolific game herds in Africa, including the threatened and much publicised African elephant and black
rhino. For these noble animals, natural resources are dwindling, their habitat threatened by the inexorable
erosion of progress. Only on the shores of this great river can they be truly at home. Jan and Fiona Teede
guide us through this astonishing scenery, from the Zambezi's source to its mouth. Their text is vivid,
thorough, and contains a wealth of information on African history, folklore and legend, ecology and
important conservation issues. Their photographs are dazzling. The text is illustrated with original
drawings by the wildlife artist Larry Norton, who has made detailed studies of both the game and the hugely
varied birdlife of the Zambezi. It is an unforgettable journey."
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Klappentext: "The pictures in this
book have been carefully chosen from a total of several thousand taken over a four year period by Ian
Murphy. In a world which has been made smaller by the jet aeroplane and the television image, it is quite
surprising how many of the images he has captured appear strange and unfamiliar to foreign eyes. Zambia is a
very large and sparsely populated country by European standards, and to visitors from more crowded lands,
the sense of space and stillness leaves vivid memories. But while Zambia has an abundance of wilderness, she
is also endowed with a rich and diverse cultural heritage. The scenes reproduced between these covers show
Zambian life in the cities, on the farms, down the mines and in the game parks, with a thoroughness which
has never been attempted before. Even those who know the country well will see familiar scenes through fresh
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bei Ian
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Zambia - Landscapes
von David Rogers
Gebundene Ausgabe, 96 Seiten, 104
Farbfotos, 1 Farbkarte Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), Oktober 2001, ISBN 1-86872-678-9
Verleger: "Visitors to the central
African country of Zambia can revel in the essential 'African experience'. Zambia boasts game-rich parks, is
bordered by the mighty Zambezi River in the west and south, and is at the southern end of the continent's
Great Lakes region. It also shares the adrenaline-junkie paradise of Victoria Falls with neighbouring
Zimbabwe. This book reflects the character of this country of contrasting landscapes, from its harsh dry
season, to the wake of lush greenery left by the all-encompassing waters that wash the country's
floodplains, and which are enjoyed by a rich variety of animals and birds."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Zambia - Safari in Style
Intimate Travel Experiences Exploring
the Wilds & Wonders of Zambia
Klappentext: "Zambia - Safari in
Style combines the aspirational and inspirational elements of enticing travel experiences, embracing the
wildlife, landscapes, architecture, décor and cuisine of some 30 prime lodges and bush camps in Zambia. On
a journey that starts in the less-travelled grassy plains of Western Zambia, writer and photographer David
Rogers wends his way along the Zambezi River to Victoria Falls, enjoying the exciting activities on offer at
this great wonder of the world. He then heads eastwards into the Lower Zambezi National Park and up the
southernmost limits of the Rift Valley through South and North Luangwa national parks. He searches Kasanka National Park for
sitatunga and the Bangweulu swamplands for shoebill storks before paddling by canoe into the heart of Kafue
National Park. On the way, Rogers meets and talks with the personalities who own and run tourist
establishments, from traditional bush camps to the avantgarde. Some present the ultimate in comfort and
luxury whereas others immerse guests in a more rustic atmosphere. In the end, it is the individual ambience
of each lodge that has guided him, in consultation with the editors and travel consultants of the
award-winning Africa Geographic magazine,
in a selection that reflects the unique, intimate destinations featured in Zambia - Safari in Style."
Interessant für den Safari-Reisenden: Dieses Buch beinhaltet Bilder von Buffalo Camp (North
Luangwa National Park), Busanga Bushcamp
(Kafue National Park), The Bushcamp Company
(Chamilandu Camp & Chindeni Camp, South Luangwa National Park), Chaminuka Lodge (Lusaka),
Chiawa Camp (Lower Zambezi
National Park), Chichele Presidential
Lodge (South Luangwa National Park), Chuma House (Upper
Zambezi), Island Bush Camp (South
Luangwa National Park), Kafunta River Lodge (South
Luangwa Valley), Kapishya (Nordsambia),
Kasanka National Park, Kulefu Tented Camp
(Lower Zambezi National Park), Lechwe Plains Tented
Camp (Lochinvar National Park), Lunga River Lodge
(Kafue National Park), Mfuwe Lodge (South
Luangwa National Park), Mutemwa Lodge (Upper
Zambezi), Norman Carr Safaris
(Kapani Lodge, South Luangwa Valley; Nsolo Camp & Luwi Camp, South Luangwa National Park), Old Mondoro (Lower Zambezi
National Park), Puku Ridge Tented Camp
(South Luangwa National Park), Remote Africa Safaris
(Tafika, South Luangwa Valley; Chikoko Camp & Crocodile Camp, South Luangwa National Park), The River Club (Upper
Zambezi), Robin Pope Safaris
(Nkwali, South Luangwa Valley; Nsefu & Tena Tena, South Luangwa National Park), Sausage Tree Camp
(Lower Zambezi National Park), Shenton Safaris (Kaingo Camp
& Mwamba Camp, South Luangwa National Park), Shiwa Ng'andu
(Nordsambia), Stanley Safari Lodge
(Upper Zambezi), Sussi Lodge (Upper
Zambezi), Thorntree River Lodge (Upper
Zambezi) und Tongabezi Lodge (Upper
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