Klappentext: "The Victoria Falls are
one of world's most spectacular natural wonders, and the inspiration for a wide range of emotional response
in all who visit them. »A dark and terrible hell« wrote one traveller, while another described them as
»one of the most transcendentally beautiful natural phenomena on this side of paradise«. Whatever the
response, all are agreed that the mighty Zambezi River, as it thunders into its self-made gorge in the
greatest volume of falling water in the world, has the power to fascinate and hypnotise. In African
Thunder Jan and Fiona Teede give us the story behind the spectacle, and provide answers to a series of
intriguing questions. How were the Falls formed? Was it by a »cataclysmic event«, as Livingstone surmised,
or by the erosive force of the river itself? Who was the first European to visit them? And what are the
secrets of the so-called Rain Forest? The authors take us on a journey from the dawn of time through the
history of early man in the area to the Falls' present-day status as a world-renowned tourist attraction.
Their long experience of the Zambezi River and its famous waterfall is augmented by careful research into
the writings of nineteenth-century travellers such as Chapman, Baines and the Fall's 'discoverer',
Livingstone. Over many years, the Teedes have photographed the Victoria Falls at different seasons and in
varying moods - in their full summer glory, at sunrise in winter, or eerily lit by the moon. They here
present a collection of magnificent photographs of the Falls, of the Rain Forest in all its lush beauty, of
the islands of the Upper Zambezi, and of the wealth of wildlife in the bushveld areas around the Falls.
Sensitive pencil sketches by wildlife artist Larry Norton show birds, animals and plants in richly textured
detail and add atmosphere to the informative text. This visually stunning book will serve as a memento for
all who have visited the Falls, and whet the appetite of those who are planning a visit for the first
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Busanga The Northern Plains of the
Kafue National Park, Zambia
von François d'Elbée
Gebundene Ausgabe, 182 Seiten, 122
François d'Elbée (Sambia), Juli 2004, ISBN 9982-9943-0-1, ISBN-13 9789982-9943-0-9
Klappentext: "Born in Paris,
François d'Elbée has lived and travelled in Africa since he was nineteen. His hunting, and later his
photography, have given him access to most of the Central and Southern parts of the Continent. François'
new book is a photographic essay on the Busanga plains, in the northern part of the Kafue National Park, in
Zambia. His journal contains personal impressions of the African bush and memories of his wanderings through
Africa. The success of his previous book The Bush & Eye
helped to bring exposure to Zambia's Lower Zambezi National Park. Busanga will certainly achieve the
same goal for this remote and unique region of the Kafue National Park."
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dieses Buch bei NetBooks (Südafrika).
Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
The Bush and Eye A Photographic Essay on the
Lower Zambezi
von François d'Elbée
Gebundene Ausgabe, 159 Seiten, 139
Farbfotos & 8 Schwarzweißfotos, 1 Karte
François d'Elbée (Sambia), November 2002, ISBN 0-620-29149-4, ISBN-13 9780-620-29149-1
Klappentext: "The Lower Zambezi
National Park is a wildlife sanctuary with no equivalent in Africa. It occupies a long stretch of the
Zambezi River valley dominated by the hills of the Zambezi Escarpment. Its configuration is unique. Apart
from the presence of the river and, of that of a World Heritage Site
on its Zimbabwean bank, the Park's richly diverse heritage of fauna and flora is one of the best remaining
inviolate areas of the planet. Here, French photographer François d'Elbée spent five months [during the
2001 safari season], based at Chiawa Camp. He has brought
back from this special place images that are in themselves an ode to the beauty of the wild and comments
which sometimes reveal his concern about the dangers threatening an environment whose natural balance,
however perfect, is fragile."
"A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to support the Conservation
Lower Zambezi projects."
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Rückentext: "Cri d'alarme et cri
d'amour, cet ouvrage est l'hommage qu'ont voulu rendre François et Priscilla d'Elbée à l'un des derniers
paradis terrestres, les plaines du Busanga: un territoire méconnu logé en plein cœur de la Zambie, une
enclave merveilleuse peuplée d'animaux sauvages menacés par les braconniers. Pour dénoncer ce massacre et
dire leur émotion devant la magie du Busanga, ils ont observé la faune, la suivant nuit et jour pour en
comprendre les jeux, les chasses, les rituels et les liens. Associant leurs talents respectifs de
photographe et d'auteur, François et Priscilla d'Elbée se sont donné la réplique pour créer un dialogue
pudique et passionnant qui prend tour à tour le ton d'un journal de bord et d'une fabuleuse épopée. Bien
plus qu'un document, leurs Carnets de Brousse se font l'écho d'une émotion ardente et d'une lutte
acharnée, celles que vivent encore quelques aventuriers pour que notre civilisation ne laisse pas mourir
ses trésors naturels."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Luangwa: Memories of Eden
David Kelly paints the South Luangwa
National Park
von David Kelly (Illustrationen), Vorwort von Philip Berry,
Textbeiträge von Philip Berry,
Ishmail Osman, Michael Ronaldson, Keennan Thole, Mark Sprong & David Kelly
Gebundene Ausgabe, 128 Seiten, über 120
Farbillustrationen, 25 Duotonillustrationen, 15 Farbfotos, 1 Schwarzweißfoto, 1 Karte
David Kelly (UK), Januar 2004, ISBN 0-9546620-0-8
Klappentext: "The South Luangwa
National Park was only born in 1972. The area had been previously gazetted as a Game Reserve. Covering an
area of over 9000 sq. km the great Luangwa river slowly meanders along the wide valley floor. The mineral
rich soils have created a wide diversity of vegetation, from stands of giant red mahogany, to scrubland and
large open savannah plains. With such rich vegetation, the area supports a huge variety of wildlife,
including large herds of buffalo and elephant, as well as significant populations of impala, puku,
waterbuck, eland and kudu. Thornicroft's giraffe is an interesting subspecies of the common southern giraffe
and is endemic to the Luangwa. The Cookson's wildebeest is another speciality and a subspecies of the common
blue wildebeest. The main predators are lion, leopard and spotted hyena, whilst the endangered wild dog can
quite often be seen. There is also a large variety of resident birdlife with over 400 species recorded.
There are a number of excellent lodges that offer comfortable accommodation and varied game activities such
as day and night drives as well as walking safaris. Once bitten, the Luangwa bug will remain with you
always. Enjoy!"
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dieses Buch direkt bei
(Großbritannien). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Verleger: "In the remote hills of
north-eastern Zambia a number of small streams converge to form the beginnings of one of Africa's most
enigmatic rivers - the Luangwa. For one thousand kilometres its muddy waters course in a south-westerly
direction through a wide valley which epitomises the soul of tropical Africa. The territory is harsh,
luxuriant, prolific in wildlife and vague in history. Luangwa: Zambia's Treasure is a book that
graphically and concisely captures the essence of the Luangwa Valley. In addition to presenting a
comprehensive photographic record of the valley, the book contains chapters that describe the ecology,
people and conservation issues of the area."
Weitere Informationen zu diesem Buch
erhalten Sie bei Inyathi Publishing.
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Safari Dreaming An African Experience in the
South Luangwa Valley, Zambia
von Paul Joynson-Hicks
Gebundene Ausgabe, 161 Seiten, 183 Farb-
& 51 Duotonfotos, 1 Farbkarte Blue Mango Publishing
(Tansania), November 2002, ISBN 9987-8934-1-4
Klappentext: "Safari Dreaming
is a glimpse into the unique flora and fauna and the breathtaking landscapes of Zambia's South Luangwa
National Park as experienced under the guidance of Robin Pope Safaris.
Never intrusive, always informative, Robin and Jo Pope invite you to be their guest in one of nature's less
trodden but most inspirational heartlands. Dawn, midday, dusk and the black of the night - the ever-changing
moods of the South Luangwa are as different as one elephant footprint from another. Pause for a moment and
allow this beautiful and dramatic gallery of striking photographs to take you to the heart of Africa, to a
campfire under a starlit sky where the glass of claret in your hand never runs dry and a hyaena barks in the
distant darkness."
Informationen zu Paul Joynson-Hicks
erhalten Sie bei Blue Mango.
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Klappentext: "Zambezi: Journey of
a River presents a fascinating pot-pourri of excitement and adventure, containing a wealth of carefully
researched anecdotes and stories: stories of powerful African kingdoms and colourful tribal ceremonies,
missionaries and martyrs, bloodshed and savagery, colonial disputes, slaves, cannibals and concubines,
crackpots and criminals, explorers and pioneers: stories of the fabled gold mines of Mwene Mutapa, lost
silver mines of great wealth, an iron god and strange two-toed people. But the story of the Zambezi is not
only the story of man. The river is rich in natural history. It is home to such curiosities as the dugong,
catfish that electrocute their prey, frog-eating bats, snakes with two heads, turtles whose sex is
determined by temperature, and migratory eels that have mysteriously mastered the man-made obstacles of
Kariba and Cahora Bassa to colonise the river beyond. Michael Main follows the ancient course of the Zambezi
from its quiet birthplace in north-western Zambia through shallow valleys and floodplains, wild and savage
gorges, stupendous waterfalls and rapids, two major hydroelectric schemes, the spectacular Zambezi Valley
and finally through the ancient Zambezi delta to the Indian Ocean. It is a journey of thousands of
kilometres, through four countries. It is an odyssey that leaves one awe-struck, humbled and, above all,
anxious for the future of the savage and beautiful river."
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