Verleger: "In today's high-stakes,
highly charged international business world, you simply can't afford a misunderstood gesture, an ill-placed
word, or a misinformed judgment. The Global Etiquette Guide to Africa and the Middle East shows both
business and leisure travelers how to understand, appreciate, and manage - as well as maximize the benefits
of - the myriad cultural differences that can exist between you and your African or Middle Eastern business
hosts. This fact-filled cultural guidebook provides detailed advice on: Dining; Drinking; Speaking; Eye
contact; Hailing a taxi; Dress; Negotiating; Gift giving; Conducting a meeting; Tipping; Holidays; Dealing
with authorities. Just as customs vary greatly between the African/Middle Eastern region and the United
States, so do they vary among the diverse nations of Africa and the Middle East. What is proper and expected
in South Africa, for example, may be a deal-breaker in Syria. With today's politically changed realities,
understanding these distinctions is more important than ever. The Global Etiquette Guide to Africa and
the Middle East will familiarize you with the customs, habits, tastes, and mores of every key African
and Middle Eastern nation - over forty in all - and help you guarantee the mutual respect and acceptance
that are vital for keeping every international business relationship agreeable, effective, and
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Verleger: "Fernreisen, ob individuell
oder pauschal, können eine lustvolle Begegnung mit der Fremde sein. Doch der Weg dorthin ist mit
Fettnäpfchen gepflastert, denn oft verursacht Tourismus in den Urlaubsregionen massive Kultur- und
Naturschäden. Als langjähriger Reiseleiter vermittelt der Autor praxisnah, wie einfach man das
Reiseerlebnis auf umwelt- und sozialverträgliche Weise verstärken kann. Aus dem Inhalt: Heikle Reiseziele.
Gezielte Vorbereitung entspannt. Als Gast in der Fremde. Persönliche Einladungen. Sex unterwegs. Wie bleibt
das Geld im Land? Trinkgeld - wann und wie viel? Märkte machen Spaß. Schenken, aber richtig. Der Tourist
als Arzt? Umweltschutz ist einfach. Verhalten in Naturparks. Notwehr-Rechte. Abschied als Beginn."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland).
The Travelers' Guide to African
Customs and Manners
How to converse, dine, tip, drive,
bargain, dress, make friends, and conduct business while in sub-Saharan Africa
Verleger: "Business travelers and
vacationers alike are heading to the burgeoning continent of Africa in ever-increasing numbers. But, for the
American traveler, there are few places on the earth that present more cultural difference than Africa. For
example, how do you know which countries will consider it perfectly sensible for you to wear a safari outfit
- and which will take it as an insult? How do you know which countries are strict in observing Muslim or
Jewish or tribal holidays, during which time no business appointments are possible? How should you behave
when invited into a tribal home? Will they give you utensils, or should you eat with your fingers like
everyone else - and do you eat with your right or left hand? What's the proper amount to tip your safari
guide? This well-researched and fascinating guide provides all the dos and taboos for travelers venturing
into Botswana, Cameroon, Conte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa,
Tanzania, Uganada, and Zimbabwe. Topics covers includes: conversations, telephones, currency,
transportation, meals, hotels, business, private homes, holidays, legal matters, key phrases. This
fascinating and invaluable guide will lessen the stress and heighten the enjoyment of anyone's trip to
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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