Verleger: "In today's high-stakes,
highly charged international business world, you simply can't afford a misunderstood gesture, an ill-placed
word, or a misinformed judgment. The Global Etiquette Guide to Africa and the Middle East shows both
business and leisure travelers how to understand, appreciate, and manage - as well as maximize the benefits
of - the myriad cultural differences that can exist between you and your African or Middle Eastern business
hosts. This fact-filled cultural guidebook provides detailed advice on: Dining; Drinking; Speaking; Eye
contact; Hailing a taxi; Dress; Negotiating; Gift giving; Conducting a meeting; Tipping; Holidays; Dealing
with authorities. Just as customs vary greatly between the African/Middle Eastern region and the United
States, so do they vary among the diverse nations of Africa and the Middle East. What is proper and expected
in South Africa, for example, may be a deal-breaker in Syria. With today's politically changed realities,
understanding these distinctions is more important than ever. The Global Etiquette Guide to Africa and
the Middle East will familiarize you with the customs, habits, tastes, and mores of every key African
and Middle Eastern nation - over forty in all - and help you guarantee the mutual respect and acceptance
that are vital for keeping every international business relationship agreeable, effective, and
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