Synopsis: "Die Autoren wählten 152
Arten der Säuger aus, mit deren Begegnung man am ehesten rechnen kann und heben mit Hilfe des eindeutigen
Textes und der Buntbilder die charakteristischen Merkmale jeder Spezies hervor, um die Bestimmung zu
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dieses Buch bei Exclusive Books (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche
für mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Verleger: "Where to Watch Birds in
Africa is a field guide designed to help birders and general wildlife enthusiasts organize the most
enriching trips possible throughout this great continent. From Morocco to Madagascar, this book presents
over 200 bird-watching sites in detail and describes the species endemic to Africa. The traveler will find
practical information on climate, transportation, accommodations, health, and safety as well as advice on a
number of strategic questions: Where can we see birds that epitomize the continent? Which country supports
the best cross-section of species and the most endemics? How many sites must be visited to see most of these
birds? How much time do these trips take and when is the best time to go? Featuring over one hundred maps
and fifty-one line drawings, this book is not only a guide but also a handy reference. Following a chapter
on how to use the book, there is an introduction to the continent and its birds. The countries,
archipelagos, and islands are then dealt with alphabetically. General introductions to each country are
followed by site details, which include bird lists; a list of other wildlife present, if applicable; and the
latest information on where to look for the best birds."
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