Verleger: "Bird watching is an
international pastime and Ethiopia and Eritrea are some of the most spectacular places in the world for this
sport. For the first time, the thirty endemic birds of Ethiopia and Eritrea are brought together in one
volume for easy reference. An illustration of each bird and a distribution map accompany a brief description
of each species. Information on habitat, distribution, behaviour, breeding, threats and IUCN category is
also included to assist the keen observer. An introductory chapter and a complete list of all known
localities for every species make this an invaluable reference guide for both amateur and professional
bird-watchers in Ethiopia and Eritrea. In the field or in the library the full colour photographs of this
volume will both spark interest and answer questions about some of the most beautiful birds in the
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Important Bird Areas of Ethiopia
A First Inventory
von Sue Edwards, S. Tilahun & T.B.G.
Paperback, 300 Seiten, mit Karten &
Ethiopian Wildlife & Natural History Society / Semayata Press (Äthiopien), 1996
Synopsis: "The introduction
explains a little of the historical background & the effect of human activities on the country's
habitats & wildlife. Conservation priorities relating to endemic bird species are outlined together with
the criteria & methods adopted in site selection. A full list of IBAs is included. The most important
sites treated in detail with general information on habitat, ornithological importance & conservation
issues to be addressed."
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