Birds of Dar es Salaam
Common Birds of Coastal East Africa
von Gudrun Wium-Andersen & Fiona Reid,
Allan Bramley (Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 106 Seiten,
Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania, 2000, ISBN 87-987586-1-6
Synopsis: "Situated on the tropical
coastline of northern Tanzania, Dar es Salaam and its surrounding areas support a rich avifauna. Over 400
species have been recorded in a 50 km radius and there are several conservation initiatives aimed at
safeguarding species dependent upon the shrinking coastal forests. This pocket-sized book is aimed at the
beginner and will hopefully serve to engender interest (and eventually support) for birds and wild places by
Tanzanian citizens. It follows the format of most popular field guides with colourful illustrations and a
short description of appearance and habits on the facing page."
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eine Online-Recherche für mögliche Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Field Guide to the Amphibians and
Reptiles of Arusha National Park (Tanzania)
von Edoardo Razzetti & Charles Andekia
Msuya, Vorwort von Lota
Melamari (TANAPA)
Vorwort: "The breathtaking scenery of
Mount Meru and Kilimanjaro
is not the only reason for visiting Arusha National
Park. Rather, the extraordinary quality of the park lies in the variety of its landscapes and habitats,
ranging from open savannah to montane forests, lakes, marshes and rocky peaks, hosting a highly diverse
wildlife community. Therefore visitors, during their walks through the park, besides enjoying the view of an
elephant roaming in the forest, have the possibility to discover the enchanting world of the minor species:
birds, butterflies, frogs, snakes. The Arusha National
Park's herpetofauna seems to be particularly interesting and diverse... This booklet is the result of
the joint effort of two naturalists: Charles Msuya from the University of Dar es Salaam
and Edoardo Razzetti from the University of Pavia... The
authors' competence, commitment and enthusiasm, together with their ability to take beautiful photographs,
resulted in this fine work, that is expected to gently guide visitors into the fascinating world of
amphibians and reptiles, two groups of animals, which have been on earth so much longer than man."
(Lota Melamari, Director General, Tanzania National Parks)
Zur Zeit ist
keine Bezugsquelle für dieses Buch bekannt.
Field Guide to the Freshwater
Fishes of Tanzania FAO Species Identification
Sheets for Fishery Purposes
von D.H. Eccles
Paperback, 145 Seiten FAO (Italien), Oktober 1992,
ISBN 92-5-103186-X
Verleger: "This field guide includes
the freshwater fishes of present or potential interest to, or likely to be encountered in, fisheries in
Tanzania. There are background remarks on the fauna and a basic introduction to taxonomy. A section on
technical terms and measurements illustrates the characters used for identification. The guide to species is
preceded by sections that will aid in identification of families. The species accounts include illustrations
and information on synonyms, FAO names, local names, maximum size, distribution, habitat and miscellaneous
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei NHBS
(Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Important Bird Areas in Tanzania
von Elizabeth Baker & Neil Baker
Paperback, 303 Seiten, mit Karten &
Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania (Tansania), November 2002
Synopsis: "This publication is part
of a global project being co-ordinated by BirdLife International
that aims to identify all important sites for threatened birds. This volume contains comprehensive
information on 80 sites in Tanzania that meet the criteria for Important Bird Areas (IBAs)."
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