Regie: John Huston
Darsteller: Humphrey Bogart, Katharine Hepburn, u.a.
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 101
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 1.0) Carlton Visual
Entertainment (UK), Juli 2001, 3711501373, EAN 5037115-01373-6
Synopsis: "In John Huston's African
Queen, the boozing, smoking, cussing captain of a tramp steamer, Charlie Allnut (Humphrey Bogart), saves
prim and proper Rose Sayer (Katharine Hepburn) after her brother is killed by German soldiers at the
beginning of World War I in Africa. Many quarrels later, the two set sail on the Ulonga-Bora in order to
sabotage a German ship. Based on the 1935 novel by C.S. Forester, the wonderful combination of Hepburn and
Bogie (who won an Oscar for his role) makes this a thoroughly enjoyable blend of comedy and adventure. Later
came the book (and Clint Eastwood film) White Hunter, Black Heart, which chronicled Peter Viertel's experiences observing Huston
throughout the making of the picture."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Deutschland). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland) oder Kelkoo UK.
Born Free (UK, 1965)
Regie: James Hill & Tom McGowan
Darsteller: Virginia McKenna, Geoffrey Keen, Bill Travers, u.a.
DVD, Regionalcode 1, NTSC-Format, 95
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 2,35:1 Letterbox & 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono) Columbia TriStar Home
Entertainment (USA), März 2003, 07751
Synopsis: "This wondrous true
adventure from the best-selling novel [Born Free]
about a woman who raised a lioness and eventually set her free is beautifully photographed on the vast,
golden savannas of central Africa. Born Free is a story of courage and love, nature and human nature,
and a relationship unlike any other ever filmed. When game warden George Adamson (Bill Travers) is forced to
kill a menacing lion and lioness, he and his wife Joy (Virginia McKenna) adopt their three cubs. Two are
sent off to zoos, but the third is kept - a female they name Elsa - to which they have become particularly
attached. When Elsa becomes a full-grown lioness, the Adamsons realise that she must be set free and taught
to survive on her own. A year later the Adamsons return to the savanna and are surprised by a very special
welcome from their old friend."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (USA). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei A Movie Area (USA).
The Ghost and the Darkness
(USA, 1996)
Regie: Stephen Hopkins
Darsteller: Val Kilmer, Michael Douglas, u.a.
DVD, Regionalcode 1, NTSC-Format, 109
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 2,35:1 Letterbox
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 5.1) & Französisch (Dolby Digital 2.0) Paramount Home
Entertainment (USA), Dezember 1998, 323507, ISBN 0-7921-5304-9,UPC 09736-323507-1
Verleger: "Michael Douglas and Val
Kilmer star in this tense, terrific and true adventure set in 1896 East Africa. There, two lions on a
man-eating rampage have shut down the construction of a railway. The beasts hunt together, showing no fear
of man or fire. What's more, they're killing for sport rather than food - and they have an almost
supernatural knack for knowing what traps await them. Big-game hunter Remington (Douglas) and construction
engineer Patterson (Kilmer) set out to stop these unstoppable monsters. But, in this astonishing tale of man
against beast, the hunters become the hunted!"
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (USA). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei A Movie Area (USA).
The Ghost and the Darkness (USA,
Regie: Stephen Hopkins
Darsteller: Val Kilmer, Michael Douglas, u.a.
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 105
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 2,35:1 Letterbox & 16:9 anamorph
Ton: Englisch & Spanisch (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Paramount Home Entertainment (UK), Dezember 2001, PHE8037, EAN 5014437-80373-3
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Deutschland). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland) oder Kelkoo UK.
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