Einleitung: "This publication
consists of extracts and condensations from newsletters written from my safari lodge in Luangwa Valley [Kapani Lodge,
Zambia]. Every few months when I could break away from my multitudinous chores administering the lodge or
attending to my guests I would apply myself to compiling another newsletter. They cover a period of nearly
eight years and obviously I would pick out the highlights for each issue; often dramatic encounters with
some of the larger predators. This will probably give the reader the impression that these events are a
daily occurrence whereas in reality a visitor might expect to witness such an experience only occasionally.
Although the scene is set in Luangwa Valley most of the contents of these pages could apply equally in any
other wildlife area in Africa, for it is basically about animals and their way of life, the environment they
occupy and the people involved which will, hopefully, appeal to wildlife lovers and conservationists. In the
vernacular Kakuli means a solitary buffalo bull or a small group, beyond breeding age who have left
the main herd and live on their own. The word can also mean The Leader in the mistaken belief that it is the
head of the clan. Researchers, however, tell us that it is not the bull but the cow who is dominant in these
buffalo herds. Whatever the true interpretation the people among whom I live call me Kakuli. Most foreigners
are known by several local names - not always flattering. This one is more complimentary than most. This
book, however, is not specifically about buffalo or any one species but about them all. Nonetheless the old
buffalo bull in the twilight of his life, placidly going about his own business is particularly endearing to
me and with whom I feel I have some affinity, I was once injured by one! My views on the future of wildlife
and tourism are expressed at the end of this book."
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Life of Frederick Courtenay Selous
von J. G. Millais, F.Z.S.
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag,
Nachdruck, 387 Seiten, 1 Schwarzweißfoto, 4 Schwarzweißillustrationen
The Gallery Publications (Tansania), Dezember 2001, ISBN 9987-667-11-2
Nachdruck von Life of Frederick
Courtenay Selous, Capt. 25th Royal Fusiliers (England, 1918).
Rückentext: "Frederick Courtney
Selous (1851-1917) was above all a great hunter and adventurer. He was also a naturalist, patriot and
pioneer. He was very much a man of his times and yet was one of the few men of his men of his day who could
see beyond the narrow vision of colonialism. The name of Selous lives on in one of the great game reserves
of East Africa. Many of those who are fortunate enough to have visited the Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania
will have seen Selous' grave, near to the spot where he fell in battle. This is a book of lively anecdotes
which explores the qualities of an extraordinary man who was the epitome of the great, fair-minded
Englishman who lived in the heyday of British Imperialism. Loyalty to 'King and country' brought Selous to
his death as an intelligence officer in the campaign to capture Tanganyika from the Germans. Selous, a
curious, lively child grew up to be strong in mind, stature and the ideals of the time. He went on
adventures, hunted and collected specimens in Asia Minor, Europe and Africa. In this book we see the
affection and respect he commanded from those who met him, including Teddy Roosevelt. The re-issue of this
biography is very welcome. The modern reader not only gains an insight into the life of the man but also the
history of colonial Africa and the genesis of some of the political and ecological issues of today."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Lion Children
von Angus McNeice, Maisie McNeice &
Travers McNeice
Gebundene Ausgabe, 216 Seiten, Fotos,
Illustrationen Orion Books (UK),
Oktober 2001, ISBN 0-7528-4160-2
Synopsis: "Emily (16), Travers (10),
Angus (9), Maisie (7) and Oakley (1) lived in an idyllic 300-year-old cottage in the Cotswolds. They
attended the local school, watched telly and did all the things English middle-class children do. Then, in
1995, their mother, a biologist, seized the opportunity to study lions in Botswana and, in the space of 3
months, changed the family's lives forever. Within 24 hours of landing in Gaborone they were travelling to
their new home at Maun in the Okavango Delta, one of the most beautiful wildernesses on earth. Just weeks
after arriving, the children had made home in an old mission house full of stray dogs. Then there were the
little things to attend to like getting fresh water, buying food, digging a toilet and finding out what
creepy crawlies would kill you and which would not. Their classroom was an open hut and their back garden
the Okavango Delta. Their free days were spent in a Land Rover tracking prides of lions across hundreds of
miles of bush. The Lion Children is an extraordinary life-enhancing story about the joy of childhood
and living in an environment as different as it can be. But above all it is about the lions who we get to
know through the eyes of the children themselves. Through Jane Goodall we came to love the land and
chimpanzees of Gombe Stream on Lake Tanganyika, so through Travers (now 16), Angus (now 14) and Maisie (now
12) we will come to know and love the country and the lions of the Okavango. This story will capture the
public's heart and imagination. It is illustrated with the children's own drawings and photographs taken
over the 5 years."
Informationen zum Okavango Lion
Conservation Project (OLCP) erhalten Sie bei Lion Aid.
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Klappentext: "Colonel van der Post's
new travel book is concerned with a people specially near to his heart. From childhood, he had been
fascinated by the Bushmen - the aboriginal inhabitants of Africa, who even then were rapidly becoming
extinct. Last year he led an expedition over the Kalahari Desert, in search of some remnants of this unique
people, and made a film of it for TV. His account of this search, which was a spiritual no less than a
physical exploration, is one of the most enthralling stories we have ever read - a worthy companion piece to
the author's celebrated Venture to the Interior. Natural obstacles, and a number of human problems,
nearly caused the expedition to come to grief. But, after arduous travelling and many setbacks, they finally
discovered a community of Bushmen: Colonel van der Post describes their circumstances, customs, lore and
nature with an affection and an imaginative sympathy which bring right home to us the remarkable qualities
of these archaic, doomed, yet vividly living survivors from a remote past. No less felicitous is the
author's touch when he is writing about the animals and flowers, the African nights in camp, the primitive
rock-paintings, or the holy place which refused to let itself be photographed. Here is a tale of adventure
and a book of wonder."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.com (USA), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Klappentext: "Mahlangeni, the Tsonga
word for 'meeting place', is one of the most remote ranger stations in the Kruger National
Park. Far from everywhere, this isolated corner of the wilderness was home for eleven years to Kobie
Krüger, wife of the ranger in charge of the station, and their three daughters. Running a household and
raising a family in a place where leopards, elephants, snakes and the like are your only neighbours, where
you have no telephone, and where a trip to town means first crossing a river full of hippos and crocodiles,
is hardly a straightforward business. But Kobie Krüger tackled each problem with undaunted pragmatism and
an energy that gives new meaning to the word resourceful. Written with warmth, humor and a charm that
reflects her deep love of the solitude of wilderness and her respect for its creatures, great and small, her
story of life at Mahlangeni will delight all lovers of wild places."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Mukoba: Where Lions Roared
A Week in a Wilderness Game Lodge
von Dennis Winchester-Gould, Ginger Gray (Illustrationen)
Klappentext: "The Botswana Government
in 1968 offered Dennis Winchester-Gould any area he would like to choose for visitors to come to to enjoy
Botswana's fabulous wildlife and wilderness. He chose a vast stand of Mukoba (acacia nigrescens - knobthorn)
trees that had thrived for aeons on the verge of one of the Okavango Delta's spectacularly beautiful
tributary channels, with its own unbelievable pool - that he named Mukoba Water. Dennis Winchester-Gould
spent a week running his own game lodge on the fringes of the fabled Okavango Delta - relieving the Manager.
Animals, birds, snakes, the wilderness - and of course the humans who came to enjoy it; who maybe touched
it, but seldom really understood it. Man's atavism, born in the dawn of pre-history, has too many
onion-skins of what the outside world blithely calls 'civilisation'. And the most rapacious predator of all
- the human female! Visitors from all over the world came to Mukoba - and came again. Then it was
incorporated into the Moremi Wild Life Reserve - and this fascinating wilderness operation was no
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Okavango Adventure
Memoirs of a Game Ranger
von E. Cronje Wilmot (Text) & C.T. Astley Maberly (Redaktion & Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 262 Seiten, 130
Schwarzweißillustrationen, 2 Karten
Howard Timmins Publishers (Südafrika), 1970, ISBN 0-561-00101-4
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Roaring at the Dawn
Journeys in Wild Africa
von Brian Jackman (Text), Jonathan Scott (Fotos) & David Coulson (Fotos)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 166 Seiten, 53
Farbfotos auf 28 Tafeln, 1 Karte Swan Hill Press (UK),
Juli 1995, ISBN 1-85310-570-8
Klappentext: "Roaring at the Dawn
is a celebration of the splendours of wild Africa, its greatest game parks and most spectacular fauna. The
material is culled from two decades of safari notebooks which have taken the author to Kenya, Tanzania,
Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa. Sometimes accompanied by such legendary characters as
the late George Adamson, Brian Jackman offers the reader a vivid and authentic portrait of life in the bush
as it is today. Illustrated with outstanding colour photographs, Roaring at the Dawn is a tribute to
the enduring glories of the African bush."
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