Tippi of Africa The Little Girl Who Talks to
the Animals
von Sylvie Robert (Fotos), Alain Degré (Fotos) & Valérie Péronnet (Text)
Paperback, 242 Seiten, über 100
Farbfotos, Farb- & Schwarzweißillustrationen Struik
Publishers (Südafrika), Oktober 1997, ISBN 1-86872-083-7
Südafrikanische Ausgabe von Mon livre
d'Afrique (Frankreich).
Verleger: "The story of Alain Degré
and Sylvie Robert, a couple who chose to relinquish their lives in France for the freedom of nature in
southern Africa. This is the also story of their daughter Tippi. Share their unique encounters with meerkats
and the hidden mysteries of the cruel Kalahari; travel with them to the wilds of Namibia, Botswana and
Zimbabwe. Read about the beginnings of their daughter Tippi’s life in the bush, dunes and swamps, and her
endearing kinship with wild animals – particularly Abu, a five-ton elephant, whom she calls 'my brother'.
The language of the wild is no secret for Tippi of Africa."
Ausführliche Informationen zu Tippi
Degré und ihrem Leben in Namibia erhalten Sie bei Tippi.
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Trouble with Africa
Stories from a Safari Camp
von Vic Guhrs
Gebundene Ausgabe, 222 Seiten, 65
Farbillustrationen, Duotonillustrationen, 1 Karte Penguin
Books (SA) (Südafrika), November 2004, ISBN 0-670-04797-X
Klappentext: "German-born artist Vic
Guhrs came to Africa at the age of twenty-two to fulfil his boyhood dream of a life in wild places among
wild animals. He lived for twenty-five years in an isolated bush camp [Chibembe, Kapani]
in the Luangwa Valley in Zambia and knows that, despite its paradoxes and its mysteries, he can never leave
Africa. The trouble with Africa, he says, is that once it is in your blood, like malaria, it is almost
impossible to get rid of. And the trouble with Africa is also the trouble with those of us who settle here:
as long as we insist on judging it from a Western perspective, we will be the outsiders - we will be forever
baffled by it. The complexities of African attitudes that seem to confound us are perhaps not so complex
after all; it is their very simplicity that we fail to understand. On the road to our civilised
enlightenment have we lost the ability to see life in its most fundamental essence?"
Rückentext: "'For many years Vic Guhrs has painted brilliant paintings of Africa - and now in words he
puts these portraits into context and the result is a wonderful portrait of one man's Africa. We are
fortunate that the man behind this book is an insider - a resident, a traveller and most of all an artist.'
Paul Theroux"
Informationen zum Autor erhalten Sie bei Vic
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.com
(USA), Amazon.co.uk
(Großbritannien), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Way of the Leopard
von Gillian van Houten
Paperback, 169 Seiten, 60 Farbfotos auf 32
Tafeln Spearhead
Press (Südafrika), November 2003, ISBN 0-86486-559-7
Verleger: "The author of The Way
of the Leopard, Gillian van Houten, is well–known to the South African public as a former television
newsreader. She is also known for her relationship with John Varty, the wildlife filmmaker. The Way of
the Leopard has its origins in the life of a leopard that lived at Londolozi Game Reserve
some years ago. It was the mother leopard who opened the way for leopard at Londolozi and who
inspired this moving and often humorous account about raising two leopard cubs – Little Girl and Little
Boy – at Londolozi and finally
setting them free in the Luangwa National Park in Zambia. The Way of the Leopard is more than a
wildlife book. It is, in the author's words, an account of 'what it means to come into the animal presence'.
As such it is a very personal account of the fragile relationship and interaction between humans and
leopards. It is in essence the story of the 'coming of age' of Little Boy and Little Girl, of what it means
to be a leopard. Through this touching personal account, however, the reader is given an insightful view
into the life, behaviour and characteristics of leopards. The book will contain a 32–page full colour
section of photographs taken by Gillian and the team during their stay with the two leopard cubs."
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Wilderness Family At Home with Africa's
von Kobie Krüger, Karin Krüger (Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 406 Seiten, Farbfotos,
Schwarzweißillustrationen, Karte Bantam Press (UK), Februar 2001, ISBN 0-593-04676-5
Synopsis: "Everyone warned Kobie
Krüger that being the wife of a game warden at a remote ranger station in South Africa's largest national
park would be an arduous move. The heat was unbearable, malaria would be a constant danger, her husband
would have to be away for long stretches, there were no schools or nearby doctors for their three daughters,
and of course the area teemed with wild animals. Yet for Kobie and her family, the seventeen years at South
Africa's Kruger National
Park were the most magical of their lives. Now, in The Wilderness Family, Kobie recounts the
enchanting adventures and extraordinary encounters they experienced in this vast reserve where wildlife has
right of way. Kobie and her husband Kobus were overwhelmed by the beauty of the Mahlangeni ranger station
when they arrived with their little girls in the autumn of 1980. Golden sunshine glowed in the lush garden
where fruit bats hung in the sausage trees; hippos basked in the glittering waters of the Letaba River;
storks and herons perched along the shore. Kobie felt she had found heaven on earth - until she awoke that
first night to find a python slithering silently across her bedroom floor. It was the perfect introduction
to the wonders and terrors that awaited her. As the Krügers settled in, they became accustomed to living in
the midst of ravishing splendor and daily surprises. A honey badger they nursed back to health rampaged
affectionately through the house. Sneaky hyenas stole blankets and cook pots. Ordinarily placid elephants
grew foul-tempered and violent in the summer heat. And one terrible day, the shadow of tragedy fell across
the family when a lion attacked Kobus in the bush and nearly killed him. But nothing prepared the Krügers
for the adventure of raising an orphaned lion cub. The cub was only a few days old and on the verge of death
when they found him alone. Leo, as the girls promptly named the cub, survived on loads of love and bottles
of fat-enriched milk, and soon became an affectionate, rambunctious member of the family. At the heart of
the book, Kobie recounts the unique bond that each of the Krügers forged with Leo and their sometimes
hilarious endeavor to teach him to become a real lion and live with his own kind in the wild. Writing
with deep affection and luminous prose, Kobie Krüger captures here the mystery of untamed Africa - its
fathomless skies, soulful landscapes, and most of all, its astonishing array of animals. By turns funny and
heart-breaking, engaging and suspenseful, The Wilderness Family is an unforgettable memoir of a
woman, her family, and the amazing game reserve they called home for seventeen incredible years."
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk
(Großbritannien) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Wilderness Family [Paperback]
At Home with Africa's Wildlife
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk
(Großbritannien), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Wildlife & Warfare
The Life of James Stevenson-Hamilton
von Jane Carruthers
Gebundene Ausgabe, 256 Seiten, 17
Duotonfotos, 10 Farbillustrationen, 1 Schwarzweißillustration, 5 Karten University of Natal Press
(Südafrika), September 2001, ISBN 0-86980-986-5
Klappentext: "In 1902 James
Stevenson-Hamilton swapped his military career for the more uncertain calling of 'game warden'. Under his
supervision the Kruger National
Park emerged as one of the great national parks of the world. This biography, based on
Stevenson-Hamilton's personal journals, illuminates for the first time the fascinating diversity of his
ninety-year lifespan. The evolution of the Kruger National
Park was his life's work, but Stevenson-Hamilton kept his many other interests alive. During his diverse
military career he saw service in Natal in the late 1880s, and in the First World War he fought in Gallipoli
and Egypt. In 1917 he was seconded to a civilian administrative post in the southern Sudan where he remained
until 1921. Wildlife & Warfare provides insights into South African and British history before
the Second World War. It explores the troubled early history of the Kruger National
Park within the context of Stevenson-Hamilton's life, and also presents the modern reader with an
illuminating account of his pioneering work on environmental philosophy and management."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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