The Big Five of Africa (SA/USA, 1995)
African Experience
Regie: William Taylor
Produzent: Gerald Hinde & William Taylor
Kamera: Wayne Hinde & Gerald Hinde
Ton: Wayne Hinde, William Taylor & Gerald Hinde
Sprecher: Gary Marshal
Musik: Steve Fawcett
Produziert von Panthera
Productions (SA/USA)
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 55
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0)
GTV/Nu Metro
Home Entertainment (Südafrika), 200?, HTDVD-002, EAN 6003285-01375-2
Cover: "Lion, leopard, elephant,
buffalo and rhinoceros - for centuries most sought after and dangerous of the world's big game. These five
species gripped the imaginations of hunters and sportsmen who were drawn to Africa from around the world to
experience the blood pounding thrill of hunting The Big Five. Often misunderstood, and always
persecuted, The Big Five of Africa have tenuously survived the depredations of man and now coexist in
pockets of well protected conservation land. Today the excitement of the hunt is still there, but the
trophies taken home are photographs and memories of these fascinating animals in their natural habitat. The
film takes a close and gripping look at the lore, the legend and the private lives of each of The Big
Five. Experience the tenderness of family life in an African elephant herd, the drama of lions hunting
cape buffalo, the thrill of tracking leopard through the African night and the struggle of the rhinoceros
for it's survival as a species. Film makers William Taylor and the father and son team of Gerald and Wayne
Hinde researched and filmed The Big Five over a three year period. Locations included, the Chobe National Park of Botswana, the Kruger and Pilanesberg
National Parks [of South Africa], and the Mala Mala Game Reserve of
South Africa."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Südafrika).
Andere DVD-Ausgaben
The Big Five of Africa ist
enthalten in Panthera Triple: PAL :
The Big Five of Africa ist
enthalten in Panthera Triple 2: PAL :
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