Die letzten wilden Schimpansen [Chimps
On The Edge](USA
2003, 53 min.)
Produzent: David Hamlin
Kamera: Robert Poole, Gil Domb & David Hamlin
Ton: Scott Simper
Sprecher: David Triunfol (engl. Fassung)
Musik: Williams/Biondo Music
Eine National Geographic
Television & Films (USA) Produktion
Verleger: "Jane Goodall und Michael Fay, der mit einem spektakulären Fußmarsch durch den
zentralafrikanischen Dschungel weltberühmt wurde, machen sich auf, um im tiefsten Kongo die letzten wilden
Schimpansen zu suchen. Der zweite Teil des Films würdigt die Lebensleistung Goodalls und beleuchtet
insbesondere ihr Engagement in wohltätigen Organisationen zugunsten der afrikanischen Tierwelt. Ein
bewegender Blick auf ein großartiges Leben."
Synopsis: "For over 40 years Jane Goodall's passion was studying Chimpanzees, now her mission is to
save them. Join Jane, explorer and conservationist, Michael Fay and wildlife photographer Nick Nichols as
they journey through the remote forests of West Africa and then on to Brazzaville where they meet the
President of the Congo to push for further areas to be protected. Will the natural world's most formidable
allies have the necessary impact in the corridors of power in Africa to save the last wild chimps?"
Extra-Feature: Leben und Legende von Jane Goodall [The Life and Legend of Jane Goodall](USA 1994, 26 min.)
Produzent: Judith Dwan Hallet
Kamera: John Davey & Gary Steele
Ton: David John, Peter Miller & Mark Roy
Eine National Geographic
Society (USA) Produktion
Synopsis: "National Geographic
präsentiert das faszinierende und manchmal kontroverse Leben von Jane Goodall, wie sie es sieht und die
Personen, die sie am besten kennen."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.de. Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland).
New Chimpanzees (USA, 1995) National Geographic Video
Regie: Cynthia Moses
Produzent: Catherine McConnell & Cynthia Moses
Kamera: Neil Rettig
Sprecher: Linda Hunt
Produziert von Moses Films (USA)
für National Geographic
Television (USA)
Verleger: "A mother mourns her dying
child, a hunting party enjoys a riotous meat-eating feast, an outside gains acceptance through sex. The
images and insights of chimpanzees in the wild presented here are unprecedented in their variety and
intimacy. From the dense, green tropical Tai Forest of Côite d'Ivoire to the steep slopes of Tanzania a new
generation of scientists reveals something startling: their apparent understanding that certain plants may
cure illness, the brutal practices of territorial warfare and coordinated hunting, even displays of
loneliness and rapture. Most amazing, thanks to multi-generational studies, is the crucial new understanding
of their intricate social hierarchies and unique cultures. Now that they are endangered in the wild, The
New Chimpanzees conveys the urgency to learn more about chimps and bonobos in their natural state and
perhaps to acknowledge that they did not fail to become human, they have instead become modern apes."
Out-of-Print! Dieses Video wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Die Möglichkeit zum Kauf eines gebrauchten (used) Videos bietet Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.com (USA).
People of the Forest
Special Edition
Universal Green Label
2 DVDs, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, über
159 Minuten
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Holländisch & Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0) Universal Pictures
(Benelux), März 2003, 902716-1, EAN 32591-9027161-6
People of the Forest(TZ/USA 1986, 85 min., 4:3 Fullscreen)
Produzent: Hugo van Lawick
Kamera: Hugo van Lawick
Ton: Peter Marler, Hugo van Lawick, Anthony Walker & Len Gillard
Sprecher: Antoon van Hooff (holl. Fassung) & Colin Scott (engl. Fassung)
Musik: Jennie Muskett
Eine Hugo van Lawick [Caracal Ltd.] (TZ) Produktion mit Discovery Channel (USA)
Synopsis: "Jane Goodall spent much of her life with the chimpanzees of Gombe in Tanzania and changed
the way we see these bright, playful animals. Filmmaker Hugo von Lawick followed her progress and shares the
fruits of his labor in People of the Forest, an epic look at birth, life, and death in the jungle.
The individual personalities of the chimps stand out so clearly it's sometimes a strain to remember these
creatures aren't human, and their struggles with other tribes, predators, and the forces of nature are
alternately thrilling and heartbreaking. The photography is lush - with 20 years of footage to pick through,
it should be - and Colin Scott's narration is clear and unobtrusive. People of the Forest lends a
strong sense of empathy to the viewers and leaves us with greater respect for our closest cousins."
Extra Features: Chimpanzees: Return to the Forest(NL 2000, 53 min., 16:9 Letterbox anamorph)
Regie: Alan Miller
Kamera: Martijn van Beenen
Ton: Mark Wessner
Sprecher: Simon Shrimpton-Smith
Eine Nature Awareness Films (NL)
Produktion mit Evangelische Omroep (NL)
Synopsis: "Today, over fifty once-captive chimpanzees are now living free on lushly forested islands in
the Gambia River. Rescued from market traders or disenchanted owners, these chimpanzees were destined for
zoos, laboratories or to be destroyed. However, twenty-six years ago a young woman, Stella Brewer, adopted
these orphans and created a program to return them to the wild. Our film presents this remarkable history of
Stella's project." Making Of People of the Forest(NL/TZ 1992, 21 min., 4:3
Fullscreen, nur holländischer Ton)
Regie: Cees van Zijtveld
Produzent: Barry van der Sluis
Kamera: Mark Deeble, Gil Domb, Hugo van Lawick, Coen Oldenhof, Aat Schipper & Victoria Stone
Eine Koproduktion von AVRO (NL) & Caracal Ltd.
Synopsis: "A behind the scenes look at the making of Hugo van Lawick's film People of the Forest."
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