the Wild Chimpanzees (USA, 1984) National Geographic Video
Produzent: Barbara Jampel & Hugo van
Kamera: Hugo van Lawick & Martin Bell
Ton: Kenneth Love & Hugo van Lawick
Sprecher: Alexander Scourby
Musik: William Loose & Jack Tillar
Eine Koproduktion von The National
Geographic Society (USA) & WQED Pittsburgh (USA)
Verleger: "In 1960 Jane Goodall set
out for Tanzania's remote Gombe Stream Game Reserve to study the behavior of man's closest living relative,
the chimpanzee. With dedication and perseverance she earned the trust of a wild chimp community, and
gradually they revealed their individual personalities and the rich tapestry of their daily life. This film
looks at two landmark decades of Jane Goodall's work, including her dramatic discovery of chimpanzees making
and using tools."
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Die Möglichkeit zum Kauf eines gebrauchten (used) Videos bietet Bwana Mitch's Partner (USA).
Chimps On The Edge (USA, 2003)
National Geographic
Produzent: David Hamlin
Kamera: Robert Poole, Gil Domb & David Hamlin
Ton: Scott Simper
Sprecher: David Triunfol
Musik: Williams/Biondo Music
Eine National Geographic
Television & Films (USA) Produktion
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 53
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Next Video (Südafrika), 2003, SNGD 024, EAN 600966321-348-6
Cover: "For over 40 years Jane
Goodall's passion was studying Chimpanzees, now her mission is to save them. Join Jane, explorer and
conservationist, Michael Fay and wildlife photographer Nick Nichols as they journey through the remote
forests of West Africa and then on to Brazzaville where they meet the President of the Congo to push for
further areas to be protected. Will the natural world's most formidable allies have the necessary impact in
the corridors of power in Africa to save the last wild chimps?"
Verleger: "Im Sommer 1960 reiste die
damals 26 Jahre alte Jane Goodall nach Afrika. Ihr Auftrag lautete, eine Gruppe von Schimpansen ausfindig zu
machen und zu beobachten. 1990, drei Jahrzehnte später, ist Jane Goodall von einem fremden Beobachter zum
besten Freund und Verbündeten der Schimpansen geworden. Sie hat ihr Leben dem Studium dieser einzigartigen
Tiere verschrieben und konnte belegen, dass die Schimpansen die engsten Verwandten des Menschen im Tierreich
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Goodall: My Life With the Chimpanzees (USA, 1990) National Geographic Video
Produzent: Judith Dwan Hallet
Kamera: John Davey & Gary Steele
Sprecher: Jack Lemmon
Eine National Geographic
Society (USA) Produktion
Verleger: "In the summer of 1960,
26-year-old Jane Goodall set out for Africa. Her mission was to find and observe an elusive tribe of
chimpanzees. Today, almost three decades later, Jane has grown from a stranger to the chimp's loyal friend
and strongest ally. Her lifelong dedication to the study of chimpanzees has helped to identify them as man's
closest relative. In Jane Goodall: My Life With the Chimpanzees, this extraordinary woman shares
her personal story of the triumphs and trials that come with leading a life in the wild."
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Die Möglichkeit zum Kauf eines gebrauchten (used) Videos bietet Bwana Mitch's Partner (USA).
Jane Goodall's Wild
DVD, Regionalcode 0 (weltweit),
NTSC-Format, 43 Minuten + 32 Minuten Bonus
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 5.1) & Französisch (Dolby Digital 2.0) SlingShot Entertainment
(USA), Februar 2003, SDVD9906, UPC 017078-99062-1
Jane Goodall's Wild Chimpanzees(CA/USA 2002, 43 min.)
Regie: David Lickley
Produzent: David Lickley
Kamera: Reed Smoot; James Neihouse
Ton: Kim Hayes & Stuart French
Sprecher: Jane Goodall & Marc Strange
Musik: Amin Bhatia & Johnny Clegg
Eine Science North (CA)
Produktion in Zusammenarbeit mit Science Museum of Minnesota
(USA) & Discovery Place
Cover: "Jane Goodall's Wild Chimpanzees is a giant screen journey into the hearts, minds and
world of wild chimpanzees with the world's most famous field researcher, Dr. Jane Goodall. Be among the few
humans who have ventured into the realm of the wild chimpanzee to see them at close range. Dr. Goodall's
discoveries in forty years of research at Gombe - including her groundbreaking observations of chimpanzees
making and using tools - have not only revolutionized our understanding of chimps, but ultimately of human
behavior itself. Take an extraordinary trip deep into Gombe and across four decades of research to
experience the world of the chimpanzee as never seen before."
Extra Features: Behind the Scenes of Jane Goodall's Wild Chimpanzees(CA/USA 2002, 15 min.)
Produzent: Jonathan Brock
Kamera: David Lickley, James Neihouse, Franco Mariotti & Kathryn Galligan
Sprecher: David Lickley
Musik: Amin Bhatia & Johnny Clegg
Produziert von Science North (CA), Science Museum of Minnesota
(USA) & SlingShot Entertainment
(USA) The Making of the Music(CA/USA
2002, 10 min.)
Regie: Saul Pincus
Musik: Amin Bhatia & Johnny Clegg
Produziert von Science North (CA), Science Museum of Minnesota
(USA) & Bhatia Music (CA) A Message from Jane(CA/USA
2002, 4 min.)
Produziert von Science North (CA)
& SlingShot Entertainment
(USA) Science North Commercial(1
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