Mitch's Safari-Shop:
Bildbände über Mensch & Tier (Konflikt
& Naturschutz) in Afrika
Coffee Table Books on Man & Beast
(Conflict & Conservation) in Africa
Synopsis: "Africa has the fastest
mean population growth on earth, and Africa's Vanishing Wildlife places the threats the continent's
wildlife faces in the context of the present human population explosion and the dangers that come with it.
By highlighting the plight of the wildlife and the habitats on which they rely, this book hopes to
contribute to a better understanding of the problems faced by Africa's delicate ecosystems."
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Auch Nashörner gehören allen Menschen
Kämpfe um die Tierwelt Afrikas
Klappentext: "Dieser große Bild- und
Textband über die Tierwelt in Afrika ist das Ergebnis der Reisen und Forschungen, die der berühmte
Tierkenner und Frankfurter Zoodirektor im Schwarzen Kontinent unternommen hat. Auch wenn man sich wie er nur
um Nashörner und Löwen kümmern will, gerät man gerade ihretwegen in diesem heutigen Afrika mitten in die
Politik und Kriegswirren. Professor Grzimek setzt die Arbeit, die er mit seinem an der Serengeti ruhenden
Sohn Michael begonnen hat, hartnäckig fort, zusammen mit einem verbissenen Häuflein von Europäern aller
Nationen und Afrikanern; sie wissen: bei dieser Neuordnung Afrikas wird in den nächsten zehn Jahren das
Überleben der herrlichen Tierwelt unserer Erde entschieden, von Geschöpfen Gottes, die wir auf neu
eroberten Sternen niemals wieder finden können. Ein paar Nationalparks muß man für sie als letzte
Zufluchtswinkel erhalten und neue schaffen. Sie sind auch für die Menschen Afrikas so wichtig. In wenigen
Jahren schon werden sie eine wichtige Einnahmequelle armer afrikanischer Staaten sein, deren Einwohnerzahl
sprunghaft anwächst. Prachtvolle Bilder und spannende, eindringliche Worte eines Mannes, der nicht nur
Leoparden, Flußpferde und Strauße seit Jahrzehnten kennt, sondern auch die afrikanischen Menschen, denen
er freundschaftlich verbunden ist. Wer nun in diesem Buch zu blättern beginnt, ist sofort dem
abenteuerlichen Zauber und dieser gewaltigen humanitären Aufgabe verfallen. Wie so vieles, was dieser
persönlich fast scheu zurückhaltende Mann in fieberhafter Arbeit während der letzten zehn Jahre
geschaffen hat, ist gerade dieses Bildbuch eine Saat, die in Herzen der heranwachsenden Generationen
Früchte tragen wird."
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The Besieged Desert
War, Drought, Poaching in the Namib
Klappentext: "North-west Namibia is a
desert - rugged, utterly uncompromising, frequently beautiful and always fascinating. It comprises two
adjoining tribal homelands, Damaraland and Kaokoland, and until recently was virtually untouched by the
intrusive influence of the technological age. Here live great herbivores such as elephants, rhinos, and
giraffe, in an environment unlike any other in Africa. Living amongst them are Himba pastoralists, a tribe
that time has left behind. The author joined the area's resident ecologist Garth Owen-Smith, to see for
himself what has happened here. This book deals with the people they met and the wildlife encountered - it
tackles the problems caused by the war between the South African Army and the Swapo guerillas which has
spilled over into this area; the poaching that is going on there, and the effects of a crippling five-year
Rückentext: "Remember, in Damaraland we're not just talking about any wild animals. These are desert
elephants and rhinos, for God's sake. The combination of those species and that environment is not found
anywhere else in the world. You can't tell me that ecologically and aesthetically they aren't a priority,
that they're not worth saving. What a waste, what a loss to science and the world if they're allowed to pass
from the scene at this stage, when it's still within our power to do something about it. (Garth
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Brutal Kinship
von Michael Nichols (Fotos & Text) & Jane Goodall (Text)
Klappentext: "Brutal Kinship
explores the relationship between humankind and its closest relative, the chimpanzee, presenting these
extraordinary animals in the wild, in captivity, and in sanctuaries created expressly for their protection.
In his revealing photographs, and in their commentaries drawn from first-hand experiences, Michael Nichols
and Jane Goodall join forces to present the ways in which chimpanzees are physically, emotionally, and
intellectually closer to us than we ever imagined, and how, paradoxically, we have forced them into a more
human yet sadly less humane existence. »Once we accept or even suspect that humans are not the only animals
with personalities,« writes Dr. Goodall, »not the only animals capable of rational thoughts and problem
solving... and above all, not the only animals to know mental as well as physical suffering, we become less
arrogant, a little less sure that we have the inalienable right to make use of other life forms in any way
we please.« In Brutal Kinship Michael Nichols, one of the most superb animal photographers working
today, explores the fine line between probing inquiry and abuse, between love and exploitation."
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The Conservationists and The
The Story of Game Protection and the
Wildlife Society of Southern Africa
von John A. Pringle (Text), assistiert von Creina Bond & John Clark
Illustrationen von C. T. Astley Maberly, Thomas Baines, C. D. Bell, Koba Boseaux (Barbara Tyrrell), E. Byrd,
Edmund Caldwell, Dora Campion, J. C. Dollman, Jock Emsley, Wilhelm Langschmidt, F. le Vaillant, Penny
Miller, Charles Rolando u.a.
Gebundene Ausgabe, 319 Seiten, 2
Farbfotos, 92 Schwarzweißfotos & Faksimilereproduktionen, 58 Farbillustrationen, 143
Schwarzweißillustrationen, 14 Karten, Tabellen
T.V. Bulpin & Books of Africa (Südafrika), 1982, ISBN 0-949956-23-6
Klappentext: "This book tells the
story of wildlife in Southern Africa and the struggle between the conservationists and the killers to decide
the fate of a beautiful environment and a flora and fauna of unparalleled richness. To the first men who
evolved, migrated or settled in Africa, the continent seemed boundless and its natural resources unlimited.
They killed, burned, slashed and destroyed without thought of the consequences. Why conserve or domesticate
if the numbers were inexhaustible? Only the ostrich was domesticated in Southern Africa. All other wild
creatures were slaughtered without mercy, some to extinction, others to the brink of annihilation. The last
quagga, a female, died on 12 August 1883. She died not on the South African veld, not on those wide plains
which had once been 'darkened as far as the eye can reach with a moving phalanx of gnoos and quaggas whose
numbers literally baffle computation'. Instead, the solitary survivor of the race lay down and died in a
cage in the Amsterdam Zoo, Holland. With that the quagga species became extinct. Nine days after the death
of this lonely quagga, a group of people concerned at what was happening to wildlife in Natal, met in Durban
and formed a game protection society. From this humble beginning commenced the struggle for conservation in
Southern Africa. It is a poignant but inspiring story, often brutal, bitter, full of disappointment and
despair, but with a darkness illuminated by the faith of many dedicated people who worked incessantly
towards the ideal of man living in greater harmony with nature."
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als De Luxe
Edition (limitierte Auflage von numerierten Exemplaren, in Kunstleder gebunden).
Consuming Nature
A Photo Essay on African Rain Forest
von Anthony L. Rose, Russell A.
Mittermeier, Olivier Langrand, Okyeame Ampadu-Agyei, Thomas M. Butynski & Karl Ammann (Fotos)
Synopsis: "Consuming Nature is a
testimony to human ignorance and greed, and to awakening humane concern - a call for compassion and rapid
action. It is honest, forthright, and demands attention. The photos are not always pleasant, some are
tragically sad, others downright shocking. But they depict what is really happening - something that will
only get worse, if we sit back and do nothing. (Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE/Founder The Jane Goodall Institute
& UN Messenger of Peace.)
This full-colour coffee table book about the exploitation of African rain forests follows the bushmeat
crisis from causes and effects to considerations of the future. Award winning photos by Karl Ammann and
collaboration with some of the world's most experienced primate conservationists have resulted in this
impressive publication."
The End of the Game (New Edition)
The Last Word from Paradise
von Peter Beard
Paperback, Neuausgabe, 288 Seiten, über
300 Duotonillustrationen Chronicle
Books (USA), August 2000, ISBN 0-8118-2881-6
Klappentext: "In 1961, newly
graduated from Yale, Peter Beard settled in Kenya on land adjoining the farm of Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen).
Thus began a special relationship, not only with the woman who was one of the most eloquent chroniclers of
life in East Africa, but also with the people and animals of the continent. In The End Of The Game,
Beard documents the history and future of African wildlife. It is a big story, dramatically told and
illustrated with over three hundred contemporary and historical photographs as well as dozens of paintings
by Karen Blixen's house steward, Kamante Gatura. Focusing on the widespread destruction of the African
elephant, Beard tells of the enterprisers, explorers, missionaries, and big-game hunters whose quests for
progress and adventure were to change the face of Africa forever. These include Theodore Roosevelt; Ernest
Hemingway; Denys Finch-Hatton, the romantic hero of Out of Africa;
legendary game warden J.A. Hunter; and railway engineer J.H. Patterson, who became famous as the pursuer of
the Man-Eating Lions of Tsavo [The
Man-Eaters of Tsavo]. The End of the Game is a classic work, one that explores the intricate and
complex relationship between man and animals, and how both struggle to adapt to their changing environments.
It is not always a happy story. But it is an important one. The End of the Game is not a book
you will soon forget."
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