Mitch's Safari-Shop:
Bildbände über Mensch & Tier (Konflikt
& Naturschutz) in Afrika
Coffee Table Books on Man & Beast
(Conflict & Conservation) in Africa
Gebundene Ausgabe, 224 Seiten, 553
Bridgewood Productions (USA), August 1994, ISBN 0-9639261-0-1
Verleger: "With the world's wild
areas under steadily-increasing pressure from an ever-expanding human population, Focus On Africa:
Wildlife, Conservation and Man combines the best images of 136 photographers to eight African countries
from Kenya to South Africa with a thoughtful and balanced examination of the problem - its origins &
possible solution. Opening with an essay by Dr. Richard Leakey, the book includes revealing views from
African guides and informative profiles of the eight countries visited. The quality of the photographs
stands comparison with any on the market, but more than that, the project created a venue in which ordinary
people could do more than just talk about a world problem."
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Klappentext: "Foremost authority on
the world's ivory trade, a leading expert on the management of elephants, a former game warden, farmer and
hunter, Ian Parker draws on twenty-five years of field experience in Africa to illuminate the key issues
behind conservation today. His conclusions are startling. The traditional 'villains' - the poachers and the
ivory traders - are not as responsible for the plight of elephants in many African countries as is generally
alleged. The fault lies much more with the governments of those countries where game laws are outdated and
corruption is commonplace; and with the international conservation bodies which, inept and inefficient as
they often are, have much to answer for, no matter how good the cause they are serving. Ian Parker's message
is both carefully considered and deeply disturbing. If there is an ivory crisis (and even the
pessimists admit that there are over a million elephants in Africa today [1983]), it is the activities of
the conservationists themselves which constitute the main danger to the survival of the elephant. The real
crisis is in current conservation philosophy. Constructive as well as critical, Ivory Crisis is a
book for every animal lover, ecologist and self-respecting conservationist. It is a tale of conflict and
contradiction, paradox and parable, illustrated with exceptional photographs mostly taken by Mohamed Amin.
It is the true story of ivory and the elephant, and of man's interest in both."
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Rhinos Belong to Everybody
von Bernhard Grzimek
Gebundene Ausgabe, 207 Seiten, 62 Farb-
& 76 Schwarzweißfotos auf 112 Tafeln, Schwarzweißillustrationen, Karte William Collins Sons &
Co. (UK), 1964
Synopsis: "A survey of African
wildlife from the Sudan and the Congo to the Cape: northern deserts, tropical coast-line, savannah, forest,
mountains and lakes. How long can the animals of Africa survive? The poachers multiply, and the merchants
who supply the East with Rhino horn and the West with ivory and skins flourish."
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Vorwort: "Here at the southern tip of
the African Continent we stand poised on the brink of Man's headlong rush into the 21st Century, determined
to leave behind us a past fading so rapidly from before our eyes that we may hardly have poised to notice it
changing. When I contemplate the twilight of the three realms of the Giants, the last remaining free range
of the Southern African elephants, I realise without surprise that I have myself been an unwitting spectator
of that change, oblivious of the progress that foreshadows their extinction. Man surely changes in
attitudes, and if we take things like winds, sunsets and wild things for granted we may find we have arrived
at the end with picture books and nothing else. Perhaps it will be what we deserve, for so often history
records our lament for things long gone and for how it could have been otherwise. O wilderness! perhaps some
see hope in the neglected dimensions of life; and whilst we may never regain the golden age, we may gain a
better understanding. Wild things and places are often portrayed with Man absent, as he does not fit into
the book of our pure world of imaginary wilderness. I do not mean modern 'civilized' man, for he long ago
left the Garden of Eden, but man who walks in the tracks of wild things and whose extinction today is far
more certain than that of elephants and rhinos. From the freezing cold shores of western Namibia to the warm
pulse of the Indian Ocean Man has moved steadily in the tracks of the giants. The Himba people of the
Kaokoveld, living as they have since the 15th Century in northern Namibia, the Bayei of the Okavango and the
amaThonga of northern Zululand, who go back further in time, all living and struggling alongside wild
creatures in decreasing wilderness to which we have confined them. Changing political structures wash away
the past with almost unseemly haste in attempts at change. The wilderness is invaded, dismantled and
labelled, and only afterwards do we awake, pause and then plunge headlong again; we make no excuse to the
animals but we do apologize to man and sweep him along in our design. So I came to photograph Man, not as
you and I so often know him, but Man of the bush, swamps or desert and the life around him. I see in the
face of a Tonga witchdoctor the same spirit of wilderness as in the lovely line of a family of elephants in
the far-off deserts of Namibia. The spirit exists, whether one is flying low in an aircraft over that
far-off land or crawling through the Botswana bush. In Twilight of the Giants I have brought together
a portrait in words and pictures of animals and Man in changing worlds. Worlds where, in the case of Man,
his past has changed in such a way that it affected the future of his own environment and, through progress,
has begun to do away with the creatures with whom he shared it."
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Wild at Heart Man and Beast in Southern
von Chris Johns (Fotos) & Peter Godwin (Text), Vorwort von Nelson Mandela
Verleger: "Reprising the years-long,
in-depth collaboration that produced much of National Geographic
magazine's coverage of southern Africa, award-winning photographer Chris Johns and veteran foreign
correspondent Peter Godwin present this important critical exploration of the region's myriad facets and its
collisions between tradition and modernity, conservation and development, and people and animals. In
evocative photographs and accompanying anecdotal text, Wild at Heart criscrosses southern Africa -
from the Kalahari Desert and Drakensburg Mountains to the Skeleton coast and Zambesi River - to reveal its
diverse populations and wildlife and highlight their often unacknowledged interdependence. Johns's superb
photographs of wildlife, including cheetahs, rhinos, elephants, and his sensitive portraits of Himba
pastoralists, San Bushmen hunter-gatherers, Zulu farmers, and other populations are combined with Godwin's
passionate, lyric stories that both entertain and enlighten. The result is a finely detailed yet panoramic
image of southern Africa that underscores the indissoluble connections between all its elements and
speculates on the prospects for a future based on understanding those connections. Beautifully presented in
a unique, oversize format with a top-opening spine that allows gallery-quality presentation of the images, Wild
at Heart is destined to become a classic."
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