Verleger: "Zwei Tonnen Lebendgewicht
und Horndolche wie aus der Dinosaurierzeit, das alles auf vier Säulenbeinen, die den Koloss in federndem
Trab schneller als einen 100-Meter-Läufer sprinten lassen, das sind die Markenzeichen eines Tieres, das oft
als Symbol für Urkraft und Wehrhaftigkeit gilt. Doch gerade das Nasenhorn, das den Kraftprotz selbst für
Löwen unangreifbar macht, ist ihm zum Verhängnis geworden, seit die Gier des Menschen nach dieser
Hornsubstanz geweckt wurde. Dem Naturfilmer Rudolf Lammers ist es mit diesem Buch auf beeindruckende Weise
gelungen, das Leben der letzten afrikanischen Nashörner in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum umfangreich in
Text und Bild zu dokumentieren."
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Rhino The Story of the Rhinoceros
and a Plea For Its Conservation
von Daryl Balfour & Sharna Balfour, Einführung von Adam Faith, Vorwort von Ian
Synopsis: "Rhino are among the most
magnificent and awe-inspiring creatures on earth. Massive, powerful and imposing yet totally vulnerable to
the whims of mankind, the survival of the world's remaining rhino is one of the greatest challenges facing
conservationists today. The rhino's horn, its great defensive weapon, is also its Achilles' heel and the
sole reason for it having been hunted to the brink of extinction. Rhino looks in turn at all the
remaining rhino species of the world: the black and white rhino of Africa, the Indian rhino, and the most
severely endangered rhino, the Javan and the Sumatran. The text provides a wealth of natural history data
and up-to-date research, and discusses the dilemma of poaching and the rhino horn trade. The efforts of
international and local conservation bodies to curb the slaughter of this majestic beast are described in
detail, while first-hand accounts of the animals in their natural surroundings and their habits and social
behaviour convey the excitement and immediacy of the authors' experience of living with the rhino of Africa.
The unheard-of privilege accorded to the Balfours of operating unfettered by the usual restraints and park
regulations and being allowed to roam at will through the great rhino reserves of Africa has resulted in a
unique perspective on the rhino in its natural habitat and in an unparalleled collection of stunning
photographs. With its informative and vivid text and wide-ranging visual material, Rhino highlights
all the current issues of rhino preservation and makes an evocative plea for the continued existence of
these great creatures of the natural world."
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Rhino The Story of the Rhinoceros
and a Plea For Its Conservation
von Daryl Balfour & Sharna Balfour, Einführung von Adam Faith, Vorwort von Ian
Gebundene Ausgabe, 176 Seiten, 122 Farb-
& 18 Schwarzweißfotos, 14 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 3 Karten, 5 Tabellen New Holland
Publishers (UK), März 1991, ISBN 1-85368-102-4
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Synopsis: "Size and appearance alone
are enough to fascinate and engage us in the story of the rhino. With its impressive bulk, armor-plated skin
and fearsome horns, the rhino inspires wonder and invites comparison with a prehistoric age when other such
massive and ponderous herbivores commonly roamed the earth. A landmark species on the evolutionary scale,
there is something else that singles the rhino out as a special subject. More than any other animal the
rhino has come to symbolize endangered species' struggle for survival in the modern world, illustrating the
best and worse of human's involvement with the animal kingdom. With four out of five remaining rhino species
on the brink of extinction due to human predation, the restoration and protection of the white rhino
population in southern Africa offers hope of our ability to make human impact on the natural world a
positive one. This book celebrates one of the world's best-known and marvelous mammals, offering an
introduction to the world of the rhino, its unique and fascinating behavior, and our own crucial role in
securing its future."
Informationen zu den Fotografen finden Sie
bei Ann
& Steve Toon (Großbritannien).
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(Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Natural History and Conservation
von Steve Toon & Ann Toon
Paperback, 72 Seiten, 40 Farbfotos, 4
Illustrationen & Karten, Voyageur
Press (USA), April 2002, ISBN 0-89658-586-7
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(Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Run Rhino Run
von Esmond Bradley Martin (Text), Chryssee Bradley Martin (Text) & Mohamed Amin (Fotos), Vorwort von Elspeth Huxley
Klappentext: "The rhinoceros, the
world's second largest land animal, has been on earth for sixty million years. But by 1990 the only rhinos
left may well be those in zoos and wildlife reserves. Throughout history the rhino has been pursued for its
horn and hide, but never so ruthlessly as during the last few years: in the 1970s over half of Africa's
rhinos were killed, exclusively for their horn - which is only compressed hair, usually weighing less than
three kilogrammes. Drs. Esmond and Chryssee Martin's book is as informative as it is timely. They describe
the characteristics and behaviour of the rhino in its few remaining habitats, and give a fascinating account
of its history and the myths that seem always to have surrounded it. In the course of investigating the
reasons for man's appalling inhumanity to this, the strangest of the world's surviving pachyderms, they
travelled far and wide to study the trade in rhino products, and discovered some remarkable evidence of the
uses to which they are put - from the drugs of traditional medicine in Taipei to the much-prized dagger
handles of North Yemen. Prices for rhinoceros horn on markets in the Far East rose to record peaks in 1981,
making the prospects for the rhino even more grim, as Elspeth Huxley emphasises in her Introduction; but the
Martins have suggested how mankind can still make it possible for rhinos to go on living at large in some
parts of the world, which was theirs long before the advent of man. This book, with its admirably clear and
factual text, and with sobering photographs by Mohamed Amin that highlight the tragedy of the story, comes
not a moment too soon. Let us hope that it will do more than spread knowledge to an indifferent world; that
it will arouse the support that is needed to save the rhinoceros - for clearly at this eleventh hour
sympathy is not enough."
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