Mitch's Safari-Shop:
Naturgeräusche (Soundscapes) aus
Zentralafrika, Ostafrika & dem südlichen Afrika
Natural Sounds (Soundscapes) from
Central, East & southern Africa
Verleger: "Bring paradise to your
home with this liberating tour of the wilds of Africa, rich with the resonances of this vibrant continent.
Travel from the Cape to the Kruger Park,
Victoria Falls to Kenya, and on to Senegal, and discover the astonishing variety of sounds these lands have
to offer."
Tracks: 1. Niokolo-Koba National
Park 2. Casamance 3. Waza National Park 4. The Cape
5. Swaziland, Ndumu Reserve 6. Kruger National Park 7. Transkei
8. Natal 9. Victoria Falls 10. Mombasa area 11. Tsavo
National Park 12. Lake Nakuru
Audio-CD, 67 Minuten, digital stereo, mit
20-seitigem Booklet (Französisch) L'Oreille Verte
(Frankreich), 1998, Nashvert NHV 850 130-2
Synopsis: "Ce volume présente des
enregistrements réalisés dans les grands parcs de ces deux pays incontournables pour les passionnés de
nature africaine. Un univers sonore dans lequel se mêlent oiseaux, mammifères, amphibiens et ambiances
naturelles. Une invitation à la découverte."
Tracks: 1. Réveil dans la savane
2. Hippopool sur la Mara 3. Matinée sous les acacias 4. Hyènes
et Rainettes peintes 5. Flamants et sources d'eau chaude 6. Sur les
berges du lac Naivasha 7. Une nuit aux portes de l'enfer 8. Marais du
lac Manyara 9. Migration des Gnous 10. La savane après l'orage
11. Crapauds et Caille arlequin 12. Curée de charognards 13. Cratère
du N'Gorongoro 14. Le volcan sacré 15. Ciel de tourterelles
Cover: "From dawn to dusk the Luangwa
Adventure brings to life the sounds of a safari in the Luangwa Valley [Zambia]. Hyaenas whoop, lions
roar, hippos honk, elephants rumble and a multitude of birds sing through the day. Special effects include
amazing underwater communication in hippos and ultrasonic echolocation calls of a bat as it hunts insects. A
percentage of sales of this CD is donated to the South
Luangwa Conservation Society."
Synopsis: "Separated by the sea and
time from the rest of the world, Madagascar sails majestically down its own evolutionary route, a living Ark
of special animals that exist nowhere else. A unique complement of lemurs, fruit bats, frogs and birds are
revealed on this charming CD. This treasure chest of esoteric sounds opens with the inimitable Indri, maybe
the closest the world has to a singing teddy bear! No music, no announcements, just pure natural sound. This
atmosphere CD doubles as the only commercially available sound guide for Madagascar, as it contains 26
indexed endemic bird species. WildSounds has donated all copies of this Special Edition CD to
help save the last fragile wetlands in Madagascar."
Kaufen Sie diese
Audio-CD direkt bei WildSounds
(Großbritannien) oder bei NHBS
Madagascar: The Fragile Land
Wild Sanctuary
von Douglas Quin
Audio-CD, 65 Minuten, stereo, mit
6-seitigem Faltcover
Miramar Recordings/Wild
Sanctuary (USA), September 1998
Synopsis: "One of the last remaining
pockets of mountain rainforest in eastern Madagascar, Ranomafana is noted for its unique diversity and high
degree of endemic species. Among those voices heard on the recording are the avahi, brown lemur, lesser
mouse lemur, white-throated oxylabe, green zorus, Madagascar cuckoo shrike, Tylas vanga, drongo, Madagascar
lesser cuckoo, Madagascar paradise flycatcher, pitta-like ground roller, spectacled bulbul, Madagascar
scops-owl, cuckoo roller, lesser vasa parrot. Berenty lies in the southernmost part of Madagascar. The
surrounding spiney desert, mixed scrub and deciduous forest of the region is unique in the world. This
riparian habitat and nearby forest supports a remarkable community of wildlife. Heard here are the
ring-tailed lemur, grey gentle lemur, Verreaux's sifaka, weasel lemur, fruit bat, Madagascar lesser cuckoo,
green sunbird, hook-billed vanga, sickle-billed vanga, white-headed vanga, Madagascar magpie robin, pied
crow, Madagascar coucal, broad-billed roller, and blue coua. Doug Quin is one of the more intrepid natural
recordists as this wonderful album will attest. To record in Madagascar is not an easy task. It is made
difficult by uncertain weather, animals that are very shy and require days of tracking through difficult
terrain to record (if they're vocal at all), and patience... lots of patience."
Out-of-Print! Diese Audio-CD wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Die Möglichkeit zum Kauf einer gebrauchten (used) Audio-CD bieten Bwana Mitch's Partner
(USA) oder (Deutschland).
Eine Neuauflage ist als African Safari:
Madagascar erschienen.
Nuits Africaines / African Sounds at Dusk
Paysages Sonores du Monde /
World Soundscapes
von Anthony Walker
Audio-CD, 62 Minuten, stereo, mit
12-seitigem Booklet (Französisch/Englisch) Sittelle (Frankreich),
1995, SIT 30004-2
Booklet: "These recordings, made in Zimbabwe and Botswana by
Anthony Walker and imaginatively edited by Jean C. Rouché, are intended to give you four concerts
which are evocations of the twilight and early hours of darkness of the African bush. The areas covered are
Matabeleland (Western Zimbabwe), Manicaland (Eastern Zimbabwe), Botswana and Zimbabwe (countrywide)."
Tracks: 1. Matabeleland: Birds at
dusk 2. Manicaland: Frogs and Toads 3. Botswana: Birds at dusk
4. Zimbabwe: Frogs and Toads
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