Mitch's Safari-Shop:
Naturgeräusche (Soundscapes) aus
Zentralafrika, Ostafrika & dem südlichen Afrika
Natural Sounds (Soundscapes) from
Central, East & southern Africa
Audio-CD, 56 Minuten, digital stereo, mit
8-seitigem Booklet
Audio Rama (Südafrika), 1996, LD 108
Cover: "This is a journey across the
Okavango Delta. Experience a twenty-four hour day with the wonderful wild creatures living in this vast
wetland paradise. Night and day the sounds are changing. Nature's soloists, choirs and orchestras play on
unrestrained. There is a natural order in the rhythm of the delta."
Tracks: 1.-10. Just after midnight
11.-22. Around dawn 23.-30. Mid-day 31.-39. After sunset and up
to midnight
Out-of-Print! Diese Audio-CD wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
One day in The Equatorial Forest / Une
journée dans La Forêt Équatoriale Congo
von Pierre Huguet
Audio-CD, 56 Minuten, digital stereo, mit
4-seitigem Faltcover (Englisch/Französisch) Frémeaux & Associés
(Frankreich), Juni 1997, Bio Sound FA1004
Cover: "This record captures the
equatorial forest, which has remained climatically stable for over 100000 years, and has thus allowed the
development of a biological diversity greater than anywhere else on this planet. In the African Congo
Forest, with its temperature between 25° (night) and 27° (day), we can hear chimpanzees, the African
cuckoo, the Gabonese grey parrot, the black-headed oriole... Recorded on the banks of the Sangha, Congo, 4th
and 5th January 1990."
Tracks: 1. One day in The
Equatorial Forest / Une journée dans La Forêt Équatoriale
Kaufen Sie diese
Audio-CD bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Deutschland) oder Audio Archives (Frankreich) - oder bei NHBS
One day in The Savanna / Une journée
dans La Savane Zambia / Zambie
von Pierre Huguet
Audio-CD, 54 Minuten, digital stereo, mit
4-seitigem Faltcover
(Englisch/Französisch) Frémeaux & Associés
(Frankreich), Januar 1997, Bio Sound FA1003
Cover: "The river Luangwa (Zambia)
meanders in a huge valley. During the dry season it goes to its mean water bed, leaving a few pools in the
Savanna. A great variety of fauna gathers there, birds in particular. The daily chorus in August included:
African grey hornbills, hippopotami, grey-crowned cranes, forked-tailed drongos, Swaison's francolins,
red-billed hornbills, Senegalese scops-owls, hyenas, three-banded coursers, epauleted bats, southern ground
hornbills, striped kingfishers, cape-collared doves, white-breasted sundbirds, hadada ibis, garden
bulbuls... Recorded in Luangwa Valley (Zambia), 15th to 30th August 1986."
Tracks: 1. One day in The Savanna
/ Une journée dans La Savane
Kaufen Sie diese
Audio-CD bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Deutschland) oder Audio Archives (Frankreich).
Paysages de Namibie / Namibia Soundscapes
Paysages Sonores du Monde /
World Soundscapes
von Jean C. Roché
Audio-CD, 57 Minuten, stereo, mit
24-seitigem Booklet (Französisch/Englisch) Sittelle (Frankreich),
1997, SIT 30015-2
Booklet: "Namibia is the epitome of wild Africa. Its
sparseness of human habitation, vast untouched distances and wonderful silences make it excellent for sound
recording in the field. The diversity of habitat often comes as a surprise to those who imagine the country
to be dominated by huge sandy deserts. The majority of the recordings were taken from the central plateau
region which has a fairly reliable rainfall pattern, one concert from Etosha and the last two feature the
much more lush vegetation of the Caprivi Strip. No one disc could possibly be completely representative, but
the author hopes that the sounds it does contain will evoke the essence of this vast and beautiful
Tracks: 1.-4. Waterberg I
5.-7. Waterberg II 8.-11. Waterberg III 12.-14. Waterberg IV
15. Waterberg V 16.-21. Gross Barmen I 22.-23. Gross Barmen II
24.-26. Gross Barmen III 27.-31. Dan Viljoen I 32.-33. Dan
Viljoen II 34.-40. Etosha - Namutoni 41.-51. Caprivi I + II
Paysages Malgaches / Madagascar Soundscapes
Paysages Sonores du Monde /
World Soundscapes
von Jean C. Roché, Victor Randrianary
& Sylvie Rifflet
Audio-CD, 61 Minuten, stereo, mit
24-seitigem Booklet (Französisch/Englisch) Sittelle (Frankreich),
1997, SIT 30014-2
Synopsis: "This CD of the sounds of
Madagascar, the Island Continent as it is also known, is a witness to its strange fauna, so different
from that of nearby Africa. There are a large number of species, even families, that occur nowhere else,
such as the Couas, a sort of terrestrial cuckoo, or the Lemurs, primitive relatives of the monkeys, whose
strange songs can be heard here."
Tracks: I. A day on the East
Coast: 1. Indri 2. Stumpffia Frog 3. Mantidactylus Frogs
4. Tylas 5. Madagascar Lesser Cuckoo 6. Stripe-throated Jery
7. Cryptic Warbler 8. Crossley's Babbler 9. Tylas
10. Gray Emutail 11. Blue Coua 12. Common Newtonia
13. Boophis Frog 14. Small Frog 15. Common Brown Lemur
16. Bamboo Frogs II. A day at Nosy Mangabé: 17. Madagascar Paradise Flycatcher 18. Black
and White Ruffed Lemur 19. Crested Drongo 20. Mantidactylus Frogs
21. White-fronted Brown Lemur 22. Small Mantella Frog III. A day in the far south of Madagascar: 23. Verreaux's Sifaka 24. Sickle-billed
Vanga 25. Greater Vasa Parrot 26. Greater Vasa Parrot (different calls)
27. Black Kite 28. Lesser Vasa Parrot 29. Broad-billed Roller
30. Hook-billed Vanga 31. Crested Coua 32. Madagascar Sandgrouse
33. Madagascar Coucal 34. Madagascar Bee-eater 35. Grey-headed
Lovebird 36. Crested Drongo 37. Madagascar Harrier-Hawk
38. Madagascar Harrier-Hawk 39. Ring-tailed Lemur 40. Crested
Coua 41. Helmeted Guineafowl 42. Crested Coua 43. White-browed
Owl 44. Rufous Flying Fox 45. Malagasy Scops-Owl 46. Cicadas
47. Ring-tailed Lemur 48. Insects 49. White-footed Sportive
Lemur 50. White-browed Owl 51. Madagascar Nightjar
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