Mitch's Safari-Shop:
Naturgeräusche (Soundscapes) aus
Zentralafrika, Ostafrika & dem südlichen Afrika
Natural Sounds (Soundscapes) from
Central, East & southern Africa
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Audio-CD bei Concrete
Jungle (Südafrika; PayPal-Konto
Zimbabwe: Gardens Of Eden
Wild Sanctuary
von Bernie Krause
Audio-CD, 59 Minuten, stereo, mit
6-seitigem Faltcover
Miramar Recordings/Wild
Sanctuary (USA), September 1998, 09006-23139-2, ISBN 1-57177-199-9
Synopsis: "This disc includes a
stunning array of birdsong, along with treats such as a troop of baboons whooping it up with the sunrise.
It's one of Krause's best works, as he offers up a panorama of sounds, with rich sense of space and
community. The transitions in place and time unfold at a relaxed pace, allowing us to sink into each scene.
At the same time, Bernie's sensitivity in composing a single experience is in top form here, leading the
listener through the landscape in ways that bring the diversity of the place into a seamless whole."
Tracks: 1. Zimbabwe: Gardens Of
Informationen zu Bernie Krause erhalten
Sie bei Wild
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