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Coffee Table Books on Peoples & Cultures in East Africa
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Portraits of Africa
von Mohamed Amin (Fotos) & Peter Moll (Text)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 192 Seiten, 184 Farbfotos, 2 Farbkarten
Design & Produktion von Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteCamerapix Publishers International (Kenia)
Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteThe Harvill Press (UK), Oktober 1983, ISBN 0-00-272639-4
Klappentext: "Africa is changing fast: ancient cultures - dominated by tribal customs, the rhythm of the seasons, rites and hierarchies, age groups and elders - exist side by side with airports and skyscrapers. Nowhere is this contrast greater than in Kenya, where progressive government policies co-exist with a respect for tribal traditions. For seven years the authors of Portraits of Africa travelled the length and breadth of Kenya, documenting the peoples and customs of a land where man himself is now believed to have taken his first steps. The result is a compelling account, illustrated by unique photographs, of the way diverse African peoples live, work and play. It is also a valuable historical record of peoples no longer able to defend or live by the past. Kenya's ethnic groups, between them speaking some 30 different languages, are studied in depth, from the crocodile-hunting el Molo of Lake Turkana, numbering only a few hundred, to the agriculturalist Bantu-speaking majority. Portraits of Africa includes the Okiek hunters of the forest, the Maasai warriors of the plain, the Samburu and their ancient wedding rites, the Kikuyu with their rich legends: hunters, nomads, pastoralists and agriculturalists, all proud now to call themselves the people of Kenya. This comprehensive study of Bantu, Nilotic and Cushitic-speaking peoples provides an insight into 45 main ethnic groups and over 140 sub-groups. The text is illustrated by 180 full-colour photographs. Portraits of Africa is an important contribution to our understanding of the early social structures which have shaped human society and destiny for thousands of years."
Informationen zu Mohamed Amin erhalten Sie bei Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteThe Mohamed Amin Foundation.
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAbebooks.com (Kanada) oder deutschsprachige Website / German-spoken website Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAbebooks.de (Deutschland).
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von Nigel Pavitt, Vorwort von Wilfred Thesiger
Gebundene Ausgabe, 223 Seiten
Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteKyle Cathie (UK), September 1991, ISBN 1-85626-043-7
Verleger: "Samburu is a striking photographic record of one of the most beautiful peoples of Kenya. Just north of the Equator, where the Great Rift Valley provides some of the most spectacular scenery in Kenya, lies Samburuland, the home of a race of proud, tough, semi–nomadic pastoralists. Like their more famous relatives the Maasai, they continue to withstand the efforts to impose an alien culture on them and live their lives as pastoralists whose culture revolves around the cattle they tend. Nigel Pavitt MBE has had unlimited access to the Samburu, over the course of 35 years, and as a result this book illuminates the Samburu culture, detailing their lives, through their roles as semi-nomadic pastoralists as well as through the rites of passage that they practice."
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAbebooks.com (Kanada) oder deutschsprachige Website / German-spoken website Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAbebooks.de (Deutschland).
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deutsche Ausgabe / German edition Die Samburu
Einer der letzten Kriegerstämme Afrikas
von Thomasin Magor
Gebundene Ausgabe, 256 Seiten, 212 Farbfotos, 2 Farbkarten
deutschsprachige Website / German-spoken website Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteDroemer Knaur, 1994, ISBN 3-426-26820-5
Deutsche Ausgabe von African Warriors (Großbritannien).
Klappentext: "Im rauhen Norden Kenias, weit entfernt von jeglicher Zivilisation, leben die Samburu, ein halbnomadisches Hirtenvolk, einer der letzten Kriegerstämme Afrikas. Über ihre Herkunft gibt es keine Zeugnisse. Sie selbst nennen sich Die mit den weißen Ziegen, ernähren sich von Fleisch, Milch und Blut und ziehen mit ihren Herden durch das karge Land, immer auf der Suche nach Wasser und nach Weideplätzen. Obwohl ihre Sprache kein Wort für Willkommen kennt und die Samburu sich Fremden gegenüber feindselig verhalten, ist es Thomasin Magor gelungen, das Vertrauen dieser Menschen zu erringen. Sechs Jahre hat sie bei ihnen gelebt. Sogar die Männer akzeptierten sie, ließen sie teilhaben an Riten und Zeremonien, die den Frauen sonst verschlossen sind. Thomasin Magor konnte einmalige Einblicke gewinnen in die Rituale und Symbole einer sehr besonderen Kultur, in eine kleine, geschlossene Gesellschaft, die sich durch ein lebendiges, fluktuierendes Rollensystem und die tiefe Achtung vor den älteren Stammesmitgliedern auszeichnet. E-muratare, das alle 14 Jahre stattfindende Fest der Beschneidung, das junge Samburu zu Kriegern macht, ist das bedeutendste Ereignis der Samburu-Kultur; Thomasin Magor hat 1990 diese Initiationsriten miterlebt. Ihre Fotos dokumentieren eine geheimnisvolle, fremde Welt, eine Lebensweise, von der niemand sagen kann, wie lange es sie noch geben wird."
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner deutschsprachige Website / German-spoken website Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAbebooks.de (Deutschland).
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Sensual Africa
von Joe Wuerfel, Interview mit Peter Beard
Gebundene Ausgabe, 120 Seiten, 77 Duotonfotos
Edition Stemmle (Schweiz), Februar 2000, ISBN 3-908163-13-7
Klappentext: "In the many years he has spent travelling through Africa, Joe Wuerfel has happened across a number of places never before documented in photographs. In this volume, the photographer takes us on a trip to Kaokoland, Namibia, to the Himba - a semi-nomadic tribe of herdsmen, to the mountain village of Heyza, Tanzania, and to the Cape Verde Islands. The personal and emotional tone of his photographs reveals that Joe Wuerfel has not only witnessed Africa, but experienced it as well, seeking personal contact and communication with its people. Wuerfel's large-scale photographs capture the mind and spirit of Africa, its music, its pulsating vitality, its hot and arid climate, its vast expanses and its loneliness. The photographer lays as much stress as possible on spontaneous, unrehearsed shots, which gives his pictures their power and immediacy. Profound emotion fuses with enormous aesthetic range and formal mastery to reveal the trained eye of the photographer."
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAbebooks.com (Kanada) oder deutschsprachige Website / German-spoken website Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAbebooks.de (Deutschland).
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Shepherds of the Desert
von David Keith Jones
Gebundene Ausgabe, 184 Seiten, 49 Farb- & 119 Schwarzweißfotos, 7 Karten
Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteElm Tree Books/Hamish Hamilton (UK), April 1984, ISBN 0-241-10349-5
Klappentext: "Shepherds of the Desert is a visually stunning book which will take you deep into the lives of the handsome nomadic peoples of northern Kenya. To capture these images the author became a wanderer himself, crossing and re-crossing an area larger than Great Britain with few roads and no permanent rivers. It is a land of vast spaces, studded with mountains and split by the Great Rift Valley, largest geological feature on earth. Cradled here, close to the shore of Lake Turkana, is Africa's richest fossil site where the bones of early man have lain for two million years. Roaming this ancient wilderness, the Samburu, Turkana, Pokot, Rendille and Gabbra herd their animals on an endless search for new grass, new browse, new water. 'Long-boned' Africans, many of these pastoral nomads are strikingly beautiful and have a fascinating variety of life-styles, languages and traditions. David Keith Jones portrays their mysterious initiation dances and ancient ceremonies; the skilled workmanship of their artefacts; their homes, elders, families and animals; their daily triumph over the harsh environment. Against the background of their huge and timeless landscape, the wild creatures and plants of the region, he creates a unique tribute to the beauty, strength and versatility of the shepherds of the desert."
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAbebooks.com (Kanada) oder deutschsprachige Website / German-spoken website Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAbebooks.de (Deutschland).
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Talk to the Stars
The Samburu of Northern Kenya
von Rhodia Mann (Text) & Clive Ward (Fotos), Vorwort von David Coulson
Gebundene Ausgabe, limitierte Auflage von 500 handsignierten Exemplaren, 164 Seiten, 153 Farbfotos, Diagramme, Tabellen, Karten
Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteDesert Sands (Kenia), September 2001, ISBN 9966-9694-0-3
Klappentext: "Rhodia's quest to understand and record Samburu culture before it disappears has led her into many unusual adventures. In her small and battered Suzuki, she has traversed the 8,000 square miles of Samburuland a thousand times. The outer journeys - as well as the inner one - took her over twenty years, whilst she gradually gained the respect and trust of a shy and reticent people. Healing arts, divination techniques, sacred places and esoteric knowledge were revealed to her - one tiny fact at a time. It took years and years of patient listening, observing and questioning before these tidbits of privileged information became a book. Finding a photographer for what seemed an endless project presented many difficulties. Rhodia feels herself fortunate in having found Clive Ward. His training as a professional mountain guide gave him the patience her unusual subject-matter demanded. He accompanied her on her more recent journeys. Rhodia's text is full of both physical fact and metaphysical information. Much of this is new and unique, giving insights into the 'inner workings' of this proud culture. Interspersed with anthropology are personal experiences: some poignant, some extremely humorous. She makes no bones about how the book got written! Clive's photographs cover major ceremonies as well as hitherto unknown rituals; portraits of specific and important individuals, as well as unforgettable panoramas. The book is a feast for both mind and spirit."
Informationen zur Autorin erhalten Sie bei Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteRhodia Mann.
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAbebooks.com (Kanada) oder deutschsprachige Website / German-spoken website Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAbebooks.de (Deutschland).
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Kenya's Nomads of the Jade Sea
von Nigel Pavitt
Gebundene Ausgabe, 242 Seiten, 227 Farbfotos, 8 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 1 Diagramm, 3 Karten
Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteThe Harvill Press (UK), März 1997, ISBN 1-86046-176-X
Synopsis: "In the far northwest corner of Kenya, blasted by scorching heat and a relentless wind, lies one of the world's least hospitable places. Nearly everywhere, rainfall rarely exceeds six inches per year and daytime temperatures rise to more than 100 degrees in the shade. There, in an area about the size of Ireland, bordering on the remote parts of Uganda, Ethiopia, and the Sudan, lives a fiercely independent tribe, the Turkana, one of the last truly nomadic peoples of Africa. This is the first book devoted solely to the Turkana. Because of the harsh physical reality of their homeland, the Turkana are far less acculturated than most other native peoples of East Africa, and their lifestyle and ceremonial traditions have survived relatively undisturbed. Author Nigel Pavitt first travelled among the Turkana in 1957, and he has returned regularly to learn more about them and to photograph their customs and traditions and the rugged landscape they inhabit. The Turkana live near the shores of a great inland sea, known today as Lake Turkana, whose enticing blue-green water is alkaline and bitter to the taste. Some Turkana fish the shallow waters of the lake, but most live a transitory life, seeking fresh water and grazing for their mixed herds of cattle, sheep, camels, and goats. Families must often split up to increase the chances of survival. In the rainy season, which lasts from March until early July, the perched earth becomes carpeted with grass dotted with wildflowers and the herds rapidly gain weight. July is the month of plenty and the time when most Turkana ceremonies take place, including male and female rites of passage, marriages, and other communal rituals. Nigel Pavitt documents these traditions in his fascinating text and more than 220 superb color photographs, which range from women's hut-building activities to healing rituals, from the joyous dance sessions of young men and women to a relaxed tribunal of elders. He traces the prehistory of the region that has led paleoanthropologists such as Richard Leakey to stunning discoveries, tells of the extraordinary wealth of wildlife that once populated the area, and recounts the history of the colonial period, reporting that the Turkana were never fully subdued. Most importantly, however, he creates a vivid picture of a vital traditional culture. This invaluable record of a remarkable people and their distinctive way of life celebrates a unique and authentic beauty."
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAbebooks.com (Kanada) oder deutschsprachige Website / German-spoken website Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAbebooks.de (Deutschland).
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Kenya's Nomads of the Jade Sea
von Nigel Pavitt
Gebundene Ausgabe, 242 Seiten, 227 Farbfotos, 8 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 1 Diagramm, 3 Karten
Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteHarry N. Abrams (USA), Oktober 1997, ISBN 0-8109-3896-0
US-Lizenzausgabe von Turkana: Kenya's Nomads of the Jade Sea (Großbritannien).
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
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