Klappentext: "This is an unorthodox
book. Coffee table presentations of African wildlife almost invariably consist of photographs and, from a
first glance, the reader could be forgiven for thinking that these pictures are photographs.
Incredulity might follow until the chance arises to make a comparison of the two. Then it is revealed that
Simon Combes' animals are swollen with a life, and warmth, that no Nikon or Hasselblad can capture. A second
and unlikely revelation is that the book isn't so much about art, as about fun and adventure. A cracking
good read with little room left over artistic technicalities. One suspects that Simon may be harbouring
trade secrets, but, he says, that's just the way things turned out. People who commission paintings of
African wildlife call for the dramatic or, in the case of an admirer who requested a cheetah up a tree, the
unlikely. But never, it seems, the humble warthog, baboon or hippo. And nobody wants a drooling hyena gazing
down from the dining room wall. So to balance things up, and to demonstrate a highly-honed draughtsmanship
that owes nothing to the camera, a number of pencil sketches are included. Simon's story is rich in
encounter with wildlife, yet he writes with the restraint of one whose years of familiarity with the bush
don't call for elaboration, or undue speculation as to danger. Rather his observations and anecdotes build
up on each other to create a rich background against which to enjoy individual tales for a second and third
time, and encourage the reader to look at a painting a little longer, for this will reveal exquisite detail
that may have been missed, or taken for granted. That is a sad note, for comparatively recently it may have
seemed that the Africa portrayed here could, itself, be taken for granted."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.com (USA), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
An African Sketchbook
Drawings & Watercolours of Kenya
by Ray Nestor
with extracts from his memoirs
von Ray Nestor, Vorwort von Elspeth Huxley
Gebundene Ausgabe, 111 Seiten, 45 Farb-
& 30 Schwarzweißillustrationen
Fountain Press (UK), November 1988, ISBN 0-86343-185-2
Klappentext: "Ray Nestor travelled to
Kenya to work as a surveyor two years before the First World War began. He returned to Kenya after enlisting
and being seriously injured in the first Battle of the Somme. Ray Nestor became a farmer, his first love
however was sketching and painting the people and landscape of Kenya. He also executed many fine portrait
drawings of his friends including Berkeley Cole and Denys Finch-Hatton whose life and love for Karen Blixen
inspired the film Out of
Africa. An African Sketchbook brings together a selection of superb drawings from his
sketchbooks, plus many of his evocative watercolours. The illustrations are complemented by Ray Nestor's
memoirs which give a fascinating insight into life in colonial East Africa."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Synopsis: "Thomasin Magor, who lived
among the Samburu for six years and built up a strong bond of trust with them, has created one of the most
intimate portraits of an African people ever attempted. In recognition of her independence - her Samburu
name is Sala, meaning ‘she who walks alone’ - she is accepted by the men and has taken part in
councils and ceremonies that would normally be barred to a woman; and by reason of her gender she is
accepted by the women and has witnessed a number of important rites that would ordinarily be barred to a
man. Her book is remarkable not just for the evocative images of the lives of Imurran (the warrior
herdsmen), the women, the children and the elders, their rituals, hairstyles, body-painting, dances and
feast days, but also for its cohesive picture of a whole people. At the heart of the book is an
extraordinary sequence of photographs of the most important of all Samburu ceremonies - E-muratare,
the days of circumcision. It is this ritual that takes places approximately once every 14 years at which the
new generation of Imurran is initiated into warrior-hood and the former warriors move on to junior
elder-hood and marriage. Thomasin Magor witnessed the 1990 ceremonies and the changeover and renewal of
roles at all levels of Samburu society. In her photographs we see boys becoming warriors, warriors becoming
elders, girls becoming wives, and mothers lamenting the passing of their sons’ time of warrior-hood. With
more than 200 colour photographs and an informative text, African Warriors is an eloquent tribute to
a proud people and an unprecedented insight into a unique way of life."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Auf der Spur des Wassers Die faszinierende
Tierwanderung in der afrikanischen Steppe
von Carlo Mari (Fotos) & Harvey Croze (Text), Geleitwort von Peter Matthiessen,Einführung
von Richard D. Estes
Klappentext: "Jahr für Jahr ereignet
sich im weiten Grasland der Serengeti
und auf dem goldenen Plateau der Massai-Mara eines der spektakulärsten Naturphänomene der Welt: die
Wanderung der Streifengnus über viele hundert, oft sogar mehr als 2000 Kilometer hinweg. Das Ausmaß dieser
Massenbewegung ist überwältigend: 1,5 Millionen Streifengnus gleichzeitig in Bewegung, dazu 600000 Zebras
und Gazellen, außerdem Elefanten, Antilopen und die stets wachsamen Raubkatzen. Nachdem sie ausgedehnte
Ebenen und endloses Grasland durchstreift haben, steht ihnen beim Durchqueren des Mara mit seiner reißenden
Strömung und regungslos auf der Lauer liegenden Krokodilen und Flußpferden das größte Abenteuer bevor.
Tausende sterben bei dem Versuch, das andere Ufer zu erreichen, werden zertrampelt oder ersticken im Kampf
ums Überleben. Carlo Mari ist den Tieren zehn Jahre lang gefolgt und hat sie beobachtet, wie sie in langen,
ununterbrochenen Kolonnen unbeirrt von Horizont zu Horizont ziehen. Auf seinen Fotos hat er die Dynamik und
Verwegenheit der Herde eingefangen, ihren inneren Rhythmus bei der Eroberung neuer Lebensräume sowie ihre
Entschlossenheit, zu überleben und sich fortzupflanzen. Die faszinierenden Bilder, ergänzt durch den
kompetenten Text des Ökologen Harvey Croze, vermitteln einen Eindruck von dem empfindlichen Gleichgewicht,
welches das Dasein all dieser Tiere bestimmt."
Verleger: "This guide is aimed at the
tourist who wishes to buy a memento of a visit to Kenya. The beautiful photographs clearly show the scenic
beauty and the many interesting tourist attractions this beautiful country has to offer. The informative
captions in three languages - English, French and German - are easily identified by means of a flag from the
country of origin."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Verleger: "Illustrated by superb
colour photographs, the book traces the journey of the Maasai from the innocence of childhood to the wisdom
of old age. It depicts the passage of the young boys through the emorata, or circumcision ceremony, to the
eunoto ceremony, undertaken after years of camaraderie and adventure and signifying the end of the carefree
existence of the warrior and the start of new responsibilities as a husband and father. A snapshot of the
current of history, here is a documentation of a culture that may not survive the increasing pressures and
constraints of the modern age."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Beautiful Maasai (Reissue)
A Superb Photographic Souvenir
Verleger: "Beautiful Maasai
documents the customs and traditions of East Africa's pastoral Maasai people. Illustrated by superb colour
photographs, the book traces the journey of the Maasai from the innocence of childhood to the wisdom of old
age. It depicts the passage of the young boys through the emorata, or circumcision ceremony, to the eunoto
ceremony, undertaken after years of camaraderie and adventure, and signifying the end of the carefree
existence of the warrior and the start of new responsibilities as a husband and father. A snapshot of the
life of Maasai women, Beautiful Maasai documents a culture that may not survive the increasing
pressures and constraints of the modern age."
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Beautiful People of Kenya (Reissue)
von Mohamed Amin (Fotos), Duncan Willetts (Fotos) & Brian Tetley (Text)
Verleger: "Made up of four different
ethnic units, the Beautiful People of Kenya are as old and as modern as humanity. This part of Africa
has been a melting pot of human society since our early hominid ancestor Homo erectus first walked upright
on the shores of Lake Turkana. Kenya's more than forty different indigenous groups are as diverse and
contrasting as the country's landscapes, and equally magnificent. Hardy and vigorous, many still circumcise
their young without painkillers, practise polygamy, and celebrate the richness of life in song, dance and
ritual. They all come to glorious life in The Beautiful People of Kenya, a magnificent full-colour
tribute to a wealth of cultures and customs with more than eighty stunning photographs from Mohamed Amin and
Duncan Willetts and a lively, fact-filled text by Brian Tetley."
Verleger: "Beloved by Ernest
Hemingway and Hollywood's legendary film makers, the fragile grasslands of Amboseli, with their swamps and
springs and seasonal lakes, stand beneath the majesty of the 5,896-metre (19,340-foot) Kilimanjaro.
Rising into the ethereal blue of an equatorial sky, the snow-capped dome of Africa's highest mountain is
testimony to the grandeur of nature's design. And through the arid grass and dust devils that spiral at its
base, the predators stalk their prey amid the beauty of Amboseli and its magnificent wildlife spectacle –
elephant, giraffe, buffalo, zebra, antelope, gazelle, lion, leopard and cheetah, and myriad other species
special to the African bush. With full-colour pictures from Mohamed Amin and Duncan Willetts, and lyrical
words from Jan Hemsing, The Beauty of Amboseli remains fresh long 'after the holiday'."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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