Dotted Plains - Spotted Game
Images from the Masai Mara
von Paul Goldstein & Roger Hooper, Vorwort von Jonathan Scott
Gebundene Ausgabe, 160 Seiten, 157
Crowley Esmonde (UK), Dezember 2005, ISBN 0-946680-21-2
Einführung: "The Masai Mara is the
world's most prolific wilderness and to do full justice to its staggering beauty would be the work of a
dozen books, not one. However, without weighing the pages down with onerous text, Roger and I have tried to
give a personal impression of the reserve we have come to know and love. The book is divided into two parts:
the first looks at the Dotted Plains and their numerous inhabitants, while the second part features the
Spotted Game, essentially the cheetahs and leopards that for so many are the two most beautiful yet
enigmatic predators. The result, we hope, will be a unique pictorial guide to this extraordinary reserve - a
corner of Kenya that is very much more than just a far-flung location in a holiday brochure. The Masai Mara
is classical acacia- and gardenia-dotted rolling plains, liberally sprinkled with every type of wildlife,
and, especially towards the north near Aitong Hill, magnificent for game viewing all year round. However, it
is much more than this; it is the towering escarpments, threatening, anvil-coloured thunderheads that rise
up in the late afternoon, dazzling sunsets and, of course, the scene of the unique, once yearly migration
when the plains darken with over a million wildebeest and zebra, pursued relentlessly by their predators.
For the photographer, there is nowhere like it on earth; it affords the best light and the best
opportunities. The Mara is also a very precarious ecosystem, so sensitive that irresponsible or greedy
management in the reserve can damage it irrevocably. Sadly, not all visitors and landowners heed the
warnings. Unless it is respected rather than exploited, the Mara will become sullied, and generations to
come will not be able to enjoy it as we have. To be out early, with a chill still in the air, the valleys
and plains enriched by the first majestic rays of a sumptuous sunrise, is an incomparable reward for any
wilderness fan. In these pages, we try to translate that experience. Our book - a combination of Roger's
digital skill and my own transparencies - is a testament to the magic of the Mara. We hope you enjoy it.
There are many people we would like to thank, especially the patient game drivers and certainly all the
staff of Kicheche Mara Camp - a
parcel of paradise in the most precious environment." [Paul Goldstein]
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Faces of Kenya
von David Keith Jones
Gebundene Ausgabe, 247 Seiten, 39
Farbfotos auf 32 Tafeln, 171 Schwarzweißfotos, 6 Karten Hamish
Hamilton (UK), November 1977, ISBN 0-241-89748-3
Klappentext: "Few countries can rival
the wealth of Kenya's natural attractions. David Keith Jones has, in this volume of superb photographs,
succeeded in capturing the whole spectrum of these riches in all their diversity. The huge, open spaces of
Africa, her magnificent heritage of animals and birds, her traditional peoples, her lakes, mountains, coasts
and deserts are all here, caught with precision and sensitivity. Faces of Kenya is the product of
many years' residence in the country; of long, arduous safaris by the author to the four corners of the
land. As we travel with him, from the palm-hung beaches of the Kenya Coast, crowded with memories of a
centuries-old civilisation, to the harsh, trackless deserts of the north where pastoral nomads still roam,
there is little his camera misses; nor as we pass westwards over the great Rift Valley to the shores of the
largest lake in Africa. Along the way we view the elephant and lion who, with over a hundred other species
of mammal, still share this land with man, a land dominated by the peaks of Mount Kenya,
snow-capped and girt with glaciers though only ten miles from the equator. For David Jones mountains have
always been important. Much of his boyhood was spent in England's Lake District and his first photographic
essay, at the age of thirteen, was on Snowdonia. From there he went on to climb and photograph many of the
major peaks in the Alps, so it was not surprising that on his arrival in Kenya in 1968 he found a new
challenge. It was only after four climbs to the peaks of Mount Kenya,
including a bivouac at 17,000 feet, that he was satisfied he had portrayed it adequately. From the mountain
summit the plains, lakes and deserts beckoned, and it was not long before David Jones had photographed every
aspect of this beautiful land that he has come to love. As a photographer and writer he is well-known to the
East African public; this book should bring him the wider audience that he well deserves."
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The Great Migration
von Jonathan Scott
Gebundene Ausgabe, 160 Seiten, 84
Farbfotos, 24 SW-Illustrationen, 2 Karten Elm Tree Books (UK),
Oktober 1988, ISBN 0-241-12163-9
Klappentext: "It is thirty years
since Bernhard and Michael Grzimek made the Serengeti National Park
in Tanzania world famous through their book and film Serengeti
Shall Not Die. Since then the neighbouring Masai Mara in Kenya has also become recognised as a superb
wildlife reserve. Together, these two magnificent game areas form the land of the great migration. Every
year since 1977, Jonathan Scott has observed the largest population of grazing mammals in the world -
dominated by vast herds of wildebeest - as it arrives in the Mara in search of food and water during the dry
season. More recently, since the re-opening of the border between Kenya and Tanzania, he has been able to
accompany the wildebeest back to their ancestral calving grounds on the Serengeti plains to study
the other half of the migration story and complete the annual cycle. He has stayed with the herds as they
move around the Serengeti, observing the
mass calving; followed as they desert the plains and move into the woodlands at the beginning of the dry
season; witnessed the frenetic activity of the rut. But this is much more than the story of the year of the
wildebeest. All the Serengeti's animals are
linked together by a complex web of inter-relationships. The vast nomadic herds pattern the lives of the
other species. The migration takes the wildebeest and zebra on a journey through country that harbours all
the larger predators: lions and leopards, cheetahs and wild dogs, hyaenas and jackals; and, in the north,
some of the largest crocodiles still to be found in Africa await the moment each year when the herds must
plunge across the Mara River to reach greener pastures. The Serengeti/Mara is the
most important game sanctuary on earth, and the wildebeest migration its greatest spectacle. But the modern
world is crowding in and threatening the future of the habitats and of the animals. This book is not only a
magnificently illustrated celebration of a unique land. It is a warning that constant vigilance is necessary
if the land of the great migration is to be preserved for the benefit of future generations."
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The Great Migration
von Carlo Mari (Fotos) & Harvey Croze (Text), Geleitwort von Peter Matthiessen,Einführung
von Richard D. Estes
Verleger: "The golden plateau of the
Maasai Mara is a sanctuary for African wildlife and the stage for one of the most extraordinary natural
phenomena in the world - the wildebeest migration. The acclaimed Italian photographer Carlo Mari has
followed these animals for ten years. His photographs capture the dynamism and the courage of the herds,
their rhythms, their conquest of new spaces and their struggle to survive and perpetuate themselves.
Although he focuses on the startling beauty and drama of this vast movement of animals, Mari sets it within
the context of the whole spectrum of African wildlife; of leopards, hyenas, elephants and crocodiles in
particular. His often breathtaking images show us the precarious equilibrium in which all of these animals
live and, together with a text written by the ecologist and zoologist Harvey Croze, tell us of the need to
protect them in the ever-changing environment man has created."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Islands in the Bush
A Natural History of the Kora
National Reserve, Kenya
von Malcolm Coe, Einführung von Richard Leakey
Gebundene Ausgabe, 240 Seiten, 42
Farbfotos auf 32 Tafeln, Schwarzweißillustrationen & Diagramme, 4 Karten George Philip (UK),
Juli 1985, ISBN 0-540-01086-3
Klappentext: "In the heart of Kenya
lies the Kora National Reserve,
one of the last surviving areas of untouched African bush. Home of George Adamson and the setting for his
work with lions, the character of this precious reserve is now threatened by plans to build a dam within the
park, while its wildlife and vegetation are being increasingly affected by nomadic herdsmen in search of
pasture. An expedition to this fascinating area was jointly sponsored by the Royal Geographical Society and
the National Museums of Kenya
in 1983/4. The aim of the expedition was to record the flora and fauna of the Reserve as the basis for a
plan for its future. No survey of this kind had ever been done and among the many interesting species
investigated by the expedition were a number which had evolved in response to special environments, notably
the rock islands that are such a feature of the Reserve. Here, Malcolm Coe relates the story of the
expedition, from the initial planning stages when it seemed finance would never be forthcoming to the
hilarious entertainments that were mounted to mark departures. Although his account is full of the
personalities involved, including George Adamson, his brother Terence, and his mercurial assistant Tony
Fitzjohn, the animals and plants of Kora take the centre
of the stage. The entertaining and lively text focuses on the creatures of the bush and the bush itself,
with many fascinating descriptions of the lifestyles of individual species, from the trees which have formed
associations with ants to the remarkable breeding behaviour of foam frogs, and the underground fungus
gardens produced by termites. Some of the most unusual creatures live on the rock outcrops which are home to
specially-adapted species. Here the flat-headed bat and pancake tortoise have evolved so that they can
secrete themselves in the rocky cracks, while the fishes of the guppy family which live in seasonal ponds on
the outcrops have a life cycle in which the dry season is passed as an egg. In all aspects of its work the
expedition was affected by the failure of the rains in 1983, and again in the spring of 1984, part of the
major drought from which much of Africa was suffering. In his final chapter Malcolm Coe looks at the drought
in its long-term context and considers the future of Kora and of Africa as
a whole in relation to this problem and the pressures of overpopulation. Richard Leakey's valuable
introduction sets the expedition in the context of environmental problems in Kenya, and also presents the
wider implications in terms of Africa and the rest of the Third World."
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Journey through Kenya
von Mohamed Amin (Fotos), Duncan Willetts (Fotos) & Brian Tetley (Text), Vorwort von William Holden
Synopsis: "Few countries have such a
fascinating history as Kenya, home to some of the world's greatest athletes and the Safari Rally. Colonised
by the British for more than 50 years, ending with independence in 1963, Kenya draws visitors from all over
the world to see its fascinating mixture of landscape, wildlife and people. The snows of Mount Kenya
astride the Equator, twenty-two national parks and almost 500 kilometres of silver-sanded coast make Kenya
one of the great holiday resorts - with surfing, snorkelling, scuba-diving and big game fishing among the
attractions which have lured such authors as Hemingway and Ruark. Blending historical fact with anecdote and
imagery, and with an introduction by the late film star William Holden, 150 colour illustrations by Mohamed
Amin and Duncan Willetts and Brian Tetley's text paint a vivid and exciting picture of an unforgettable
nation. Journey through Kenya makes splendid reading - a memorable souvenir of the journey of a
lifetime through this, one of the last great natural wildernesses."
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Journey through Kenya (Reissue)
von Mohamed Amin (Fotos), Duncan Willetts (Fotos) & Brian Tetley (Text), Vorwort von William Holden
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Kenia Ein Porträt in Luftbildern
von Yann Arthus-Bertrand (Fotos), Anne Arthus-Bertrand (Text) & Anne Spoerry (Text)
Deutsche Ausgabe von Le Kenya vu du
ciel (Frankreich). Die englische Ausgabe ist als Kenya from the Air erschienen.
Rückentext: "In über fünfzig
großformatigen Fotografien porträtiert Yann Arthus-Bertrand das ostafrikanische Land. Die zweiseitigen
Abbildungen zeigen das reiche Spektrum der Landschaften Kenias - von der Küste des Indischen Ozeans über
Wüsten, Trockensavannen und Feuchtgebiete bis zu den großen Seen und riesigen Vulkanen im Osten. Die
kristallklare Luft läßt auch Details gestochen scharf erkennen: umfriedete Gehöfte afrikanischer Bauern,
in Staubwolken dahinwandernde Herden, die Schatten von Dromedaren. Ein Trupp Elefanten zieht durch einen
tropischen Sumpf; rosa heben sich Flamingos von dem dunkelblauen Wasser eines Sees ab. Das Flugzeug steigt
bis auf die Höhe schneebedeckter Vulkangipfel und nähert sich im Sinkflug dicht einem vereinzelten
ausgedörrten Baum. Der Farbenreichtum der Landschaften Kenias und ihre bizarren geometrischen Strukturen
wurden nie so eindrucksvoll wiedergegeben. Yann Arthus-Bertrand schuf mit seinem Keniabuch ein neues
Meisterwerk der Luftbildfotografie. Seine Aufnahmen werden höchsten ästhetischen Ansprüchen gerecht und
sind zugleich Dokumente von wissenschaftlichen Rang. Sie bieten eine Fülle neuer, überraschender Blicke in
die »dunkel lockende Welt« Afrikas (Karen Blixen)."
Informationen zum Fotografen erhalten Sie
bei Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
In seiner Online-Fotogalerie Yann
Arthus-Bertrand: Photos/Photos/Fotos finden Sie auch Fotos aus diesem Buch, die als kostenlose
Bildschirmhintergründe (free wallpapers) zur Verfügung stehen.
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Kenia Faszination ferne Länder
von Jean Hartley (Text)
Fotos von Daryl Balfour, Sharna Balfour, Andrew Bannister, Peter Blackwell, Mitch Reardon, Dave Richards
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag,
176 Seiten, 266 Farbfotos, 1 Schwarzweißfoto, 1 Farbkarte TIME LIFE International,
1996, ISBN 90-5390-655-X
Verleger: "Dieser prachtvolle
Bildband stellt das Land in seiner ganzen Vielfalt und Farbigkeit vor, darunter die Küstenregion mit ihren
herrlichen Korallenriffen, das gewaltige Rift Valley mit seinen Steilhängen, das Gebiet um den
schneebedeckten Kilimandscharo
mit den dort halbnomadisch lebenden Massai und nicht zuletzt die Städte Nairobi und Mombasa mit ihren
quirligen Märkten."
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