Gebundene Ausgabe, 242 Seiten, 227
Farbfotos, 8 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 1 Diagramm, 3 Karten The Harvill Press (UK),
März 1997, ISBN 1-86046-176-X
Synopsis: "In the far northwest
corner of Kenya, blasted by scorching heat and a relentless wind, lies one of the world's least hospitable
places. Nearly everywhere, rainfall rarely exceeds six inches per year and daytime temperatures rise to more
than 100 degrees in the shade. There, in an area about the size of Ireland, bordering on the remote parts of
Uganda, Ethiopia, and the Sudan, lives a fiercely independent tribe, the Turkana, one of the last truly
nomadic peoples of Africa. This is the first book devoted solely to the Turkana. Because of the harsh
physical reality of their homeland, the Turkana are far less acculturated than most other native peoples of
East Africa, and their lifestyle and ceremonial traditions have survived relatively undisturbed. Author
Nigel Pavitt first travelled among the Turkana in 1957, and he has returned regularly to learn more about
them and to photograph their customs and traditions and the rugged landscape they inhabit. The Turkana live
near the shores of a great inland sea, known today as Lake Turkana, whose enticing blue-green water is
alkaline and bitter to the taste. Some Turkana fish the shallow waters of the lake, but most live a
transitory life, seeking fresh water and grazing for their mixed herds of cattle, sheep, camels, and goats.
Families must often split up to increase the chances of survival. In the rainy season, which lasts from
March until early July, the perched earth becomes carpeted with grass dotted with wildflowers and the herds
rapidly gain weight. July is the month of plenty and the time when most Turkana ceremonies take place,
including male and female rites of passage, marriages, and other communal rituals. Nigel Pavitt documents
these traditions in his fascinating text and more than 220 superb color photographs, which range from
women's hut-building activities to healing rituals, from the joyous dance sessions of young men and women to
a relaxed tribunal of elders. He traces the prehistory of the region that has led paleoanthropologists such
as Richard Leakey to stunning discoveries, tells of the extraordinary wealth of wildlife that once populated
the area, and recounts the history of the colonial period, reporting that the Turkana were never fully
subdued. Most importantly, however, he creates a vivid picture of a vital traditional culture. This
invaluable record of a remarkable people and their distinctive way of life celebrates a unique and authentic
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Turkana Kenya's Nomads of the Jade
von Nigel Pavitt
Gebundene Ausgabe, 242 Seiten, 227
Farbfotos, 8 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 1 Diagramm, 3 Karten Harry N. Abrams (USA),
Oktober 1997, ISBN 0-8109-3896-0
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Lebendiges Gestern Schlüssel zur Wiege der
von Mohamed Amin (Fotos) & Brian Tetley (Text), Vorwort von Richard Leakey
Klappentext: "Der Turkana-See, auch
Jade-Meer genannt, hieß früher Rudolf-See. Er liegt im nördlichen Kenia und ist der größte See im
afrikanischen Rift Valley, diesem riesigen Riß in der Erdkruste, der sich fast 10000 Kilometer lang vom
Libanon bis nach Mosambik erstreckt. Heute ist der Turkana-See weltweit als »Wiege der Menschheit«
bekannt. Hier fand Richard Leakey, der auch ein Vorwort zu diesem Buch schrieb, ein über 1000
Quadratkilometer großes Gebiet, das sich als außerordentlich reich an Fossilien erwies und der Welt
hervorragende Nachweise für die ersten Hominiden lieferte. An diesem See leben sechs Eingeborenenstämme,
die ihr Jäger- und Nomadenleben noch heute so führen wie einst unsere Vorfahren. Sie fristen ein so
primitives Dasein, daß man sie für Überlebende der Steinzeit halten könnte. Und hier, in diesem
abgelegenen Teil Afrikas, gibt es eine erstaunliche Vielfalt von Tieren, darunter allein 350 Vogelarten und
die größte noch vorkommende Ansammlung von Krokodilen, Vertreter einer Tierart, die bereits vor den ersten
Hominiden existierte. Dieses Buch zeigt das bunte, lebendige und unverdorbene Leben rund um den Turkana-See.
Die Fotos von Mohamed Amin fangen die eigenartige Atmosphäre der Seelandschaft ein und geben einen
einmaligen Einblick in die Sitten und Gebräuche der dort lebenden Stämme. Die Zivilisation wird auch diese
Menschen überrollen, ihre Lebensart wird sich ändern, und schon bald wird nichts mehr davon geblieben
sein. So wird dieses Buch zu einem Dokument; es führt uns heutigen Menschen vor Augen, wie unsere Vorfahren
einst lebten, es ist gleichsam ein illustrierter Abschnitt aus der Kulturgeschichte der Gattung
Synopsis: "The pictures of this book
are an evidence of the passion for Africa. In his book Green Hills of
Africa Ernest Hemingway wrote, »All I wanted now, was to get back to Africa. I had not left it yet, but
when I awake at night I was lying and listening full of homesick for it.« Therefore, these pictures may be
the last attempt to catch something of Africa's soul before it will lose its innocence to the technical
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Vanishing Africa
The Samburu of Kenya
von Yasuo Konishi (Fotos) & Kate Klippensteen (Text), Vorwort von Peter Beard
Verleger: "Breathtaking images and an
illuminating text portray the nomadic Samburu of northern Kenya, one of the vanishing warrior peoples of
Africa. In this richly illustrated, large-format journal, a Japanese photographer and American writer team
record their cross-cultural experiences living in a hut of a family of the Samburu tribe at various times
for nearly a decade. Through their powerful photographs and insightful and personal text, we visit the
Samburu, a pastoral tribe living in the semi-arid savannas and deserts of northern Kenya, who pride
themselves on both their independence and their adherence to traditional ways. This intimate portrait,
crafted in the tradition of the acclaimed Last of the Nuba,
captures the daily life and ancient rituals of a fascinating tribe. The pictorial coverage includes
evocative portraits of respected warriors, many of whom had never been photographed; the 102-year-old grand
patriarch; a young man on the eve of his circumcision; and maidens losing themselves to singing and dancing.
Here also are spectacular views of the land and wildlife and intimate scenes of daily activities and special
ceremonies, from herding to initiation rites. Vanishing Africa is a rare journey of discovery for
stay-at-home travelers, as well as a 'must-have' for collectors of great photographic books."
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