Synopsis: "For hundreds of thousands
of years, people have been awed by elephants. Unfortunately, these giant beasts are rapidly disappearing as
a result of our insatiable need for more land and the desire of some people for ivory. Biologist and
conservationist Joyce Poole offers a deep and personal look at these remarkable animals. She has spent over
half her life studying and protecting elephants, and draws on her own groundbreaking studies of African
elephant behavior in Kenya as well as the work of other renowned biologists. Poole paints a detailed picture
of the earth's largest land mammal, teaching readers about the elephant's intricate society and strong sense
of family, their complex infrasonic communication, their feeding and mating habits, and their chances for
survival in a rapidly changing world."
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Elephants: Gentle Giants of Kapama
von Heinrich van den Berg (Fotos), Philip van den Berg (Fotos), Ingrid van den Berg (Text & Fotos) & Keri Harvey (Text)
Klappentext: "Elephants are
fascinating creatures. The times we spent watching and photographing them at Kapama Private Game Reserve
have been some of the most memorable we have experienced. Perhaps it is because, like many others before us,
we could not help but sense a kindred spirit. Elephants show so many of the characteristics that are admired
in people. Despite their great strength, they are extremely dignified. Within their tight-knit family groups
they display compassion, loyalty and cooperation. They nurse and take care of their young for up to ten
years, disciplining, teaching and coddling them. Their friendships are life-long affairs and they never
forget. People who know elephants well would say that they have a sense of humour and a sense of self, and
no-one would doubt that they have an eerie sense of death. We would follow a breeding herd for days and in
their acceptance of our presence they would come right up to the vehicle, even touch it, and allow their
young to investigate and play right in front of us. Then the very next day their mood would be totally
different. In no uncertain terms they would show their irritation, breaking their way through the bush,
trumpeting, flattening everything in their way and hurrying along as if they had an appointment at the other
end of the reserve. Then they would arrive at their destination deep in the heart of the bush, and as they
reached their favourite resting place there would be instant silence and peace. We also had close
interactions with Kapama's tamed herd, which
is used for elephant-back safaris. These endearing giants never ceased to amaze us. They seemed to
understand more about us than we understood about them and their ways of communication. Few sensations in
the world can surpass that of being touched by elephants. The photographs in this book are a tribute to
these majestic creatures of the African bush, and are a portfolio of the special moments we captured on film
during our time at Kapama. This book is not
intended to cover all aspects of African elephants, but rather to portray the magnificence and the aura of
mystery and timelessness that surrounds them."
Informationen zu den Fotografen erhalten
Sie bei HPH Photography.
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dieses Buch bei NetBooks (Südafrika)
oder direkt bei HPH Publishing
(Südafrika). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Elephants for Africa
von Randall Jay Moore (Text), Christopher Munnion (Text) & Horst Klemm (Fotos & Design), Vorwort von Anthony
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag, 380
Seiten, 145 Farb- & 92 Duotonfotos, 7 Karten, durchgehend farbig & schwarzweiß illustriert
Abu Publications (Südafrika), November 2002, ISBN 0-620-26323-7
Verleger: "The story of one man's unique
relationship with the African elephant. Rarely in the history of publishing has a book been able to offer the
combination of a superb photographic celebration of Africa and its wildlife with a moving story that, in the words
of one critic, 'reads like a gripping thriller'. Elephants for Africa is such a work. It is the unique,
heart-warming - and heart-rending - drama of one man's intimate relationship with the world's largest land mammal,
the African elephant. Triumph and tragedy is here as Randall Jay Moore unfolds the saga of his life-long mission to
return captive elephants to their true home in the African wilderness. From the circuses, zoos and safari parks of
American to the wilds of the Congo, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana, Moore shares incredible adventures
with his elephant friends. Elephants for Africa is illustrated beautifully throughout its 384 pages, not only
with contemporary photographs complementing the original story but with superb photographic studies of Africa's
remaining wilderness areas taken by award-winning wildlife photographer, Horst Klemm. It is a classic collector's
item that should grace the bookshelves of all who love elephants, Africa and its rich wildlife heritage."
Mehr Informationen zu Randall Moore's Elefanten
erhalten Sie beim Abu Camp.
Informationen zu Horst Klemm finden Sie bei Horst Klemm
Sie dieses Buch bei NHBS (Großbritannien) oder NetBooks
(Südafrika). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-26323-7, limitierte Auflage von 400 signierten numerierten Exemplaren
1-400, ½ in Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsoring Private Subscribers' Edition (ISBN 0-620-26323-7,
limitierte Auflage von 26 signierten numerierten Exemplaren A-Z, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Collectors' Edition
Elephants of Africa
von Paul Bosman (Illustrationen) & Anthony Hall-Martin (Text), Vorwort von Anton E. Rupert
Gebundene Ausgabe, 42 x 31 cm, 120 Seiten,
131 Farbillustrationen (davon 26 ganzseitig), 105 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 5 Farbkarten C. Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), 1986, ISBN 0-86977-240-6
Klappentext: "It was an elephant -
Mafunyane of the Kruger National
Park - that brought the artist and author together many years ago; and despite being charged by him - or
perhaps because of this - elephants have become their abiding interest and passion. This book is the
culmination of more than a decade of observation and research, and is primarily the artist's and author's
celebration of the African elephant. But it also clearly puts the case for the conservation and proper
management of the complex ecosystems that support the greatest faunal assemblages on earth, of which
elephants are but a part. Elephants of Africa contains reproductions of 24 outstanding pastel
paintings of elephants in representative habitats throughout the continent. In addition, there are superb
color cameos and eloquent pencil drawings of both elephants and the many other creatures - some of them rare
or endangered - that share the elephant's varied environments in Africa. These animals include the Zaïre
peacock, the gorilla, the bongo, the zebra duiker, the Lord Derby eland, the lion, the leopard, and man. The
text is both informative and scientifically accurate, yet written in a personal and anecdotal style. It is
also realistic, squarely facing all the pertinent issues of elephant biology and conservation. The decline
of the elephant in some areas because of poaching and human population increase; the ivory trade; the
over-population of elephants in some sanctuaries; the conflict between elephant and man - all these issues
are discussed by one of the leading authorities on African elephants. An impressive blend of inspired
artwork, factual accuracy based on personal experience, and realistic conservation philosophy, this book
will appeal to everyone with an interest in wildlife - from professional conservationists and students of
the natural history of Africa to big-game hunters. Discerning judges of the best in contemporary wildlife
art, as well as collectors of high-quality illustrated books and Africana, will also be delighted by this
publication. Because so many of the areas described are changing by the month as more of the continent is
brought under the axe and the hoe, Elephants of Africa will become an historical record of lasting
Informationen zum Künstler erhalten Sie
bei Paul Bosman.
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-86977-350-X, limitierte Auflage von 350 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-350, ½ in
Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 0-86977-349-6, limitierte Auflage von 26
signierten numerierten Exemplaren A-Z, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Elephants of Africa
von Paul Bosman (Illustrationen) & Anthony Hall-Martin (Text), Vorwort von Anton E. Rupert
Gebundene Ausgabe, 175 Seiten, 131
Farbillustrationen, 105 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 5 Farbkarten Safari Press (USA),
Juni 1989, ISBN 0-940143-11-9
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Klappentext: "Hwange is one of the
world's last remaining wilderness areas, and one of Africa's greatest game reserves. Nick Greaves' portrait
of this magnificent park is both a beautiful photographic tribute and a lovingly written account of Hwange
in all her seasons. From the flat-topped Sinamatella Hills of the northern parts of the park, to the dry
grasslands of the central Kalahari sands, Greaves profiles every facet of the park. This is the first book
to document the beauty of the fauna and flora of Hwange and there are chapters on every aspect - from
wildlife and vegetation, to geology and climate. The author enthusiastically shares his intimate knowledge
and sense of wonder for Hwange and her inhabitants. Just as the Big Five make their home in Hwange, so do an
abundant birdlife and a variety of smaller mammals. But it is the tens of thousands of elephants who take
refuge within its protected borders that are Hwange's biggest attraction and it is the author's passion for
these gentle and vulnerable giants that are at the core of this portrait of Hwange. Elephants are under
constant threat from poachers and culling operations, and Nick Greaves discusses their precarious future in
the light of this hazardous situation. Illustrated with evocative photographs, this enchanting portrait of
Hwange will delight those who know this elephant refuge and entice those who have yet to discover its
Rückentext: "Hwange seems like a big, remote, unspoilt and often inhospitable wilderness to man, but
to the elephant, Hwange is home. Hwange's reputation grows as the best place left in Africa for viewing
large numbers of free-roaming elephants. This reputation is further enhanced as the elephants become more
accustomed to the presence of humans. I love elephants and make no apology for it. To spend hours, days or
years in close proximity to wild elephants is both a joy and a privilege. I hope many others will be able to
enjoy and appreciate such close contact and, above all, that this opportunity will exist for our children's
children. (Nick Greaves)"
Informationen zum Autor erhalten Sie bei Nick Greaves.
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Klappentext: "Foremost authority on
the world's ivory trade, a leading expert on the management of elephants, a former game warden, farmer and
hunter, Ian Parker draws on twenty-five years of field experience in Africa to illuminate the key issues
behind conservation today. His conclusions are startling. The traditional 'villains' - the poachers and the
ivory traders - are not as responsible for the plight of elephants in many African countries as is generally
alleged. The fault lies much more with the governments of those countries where game laws are outdated and
corruption is commonplace; and with the international conservation bodies which, inept and inefficient as
they often are, have much to answer for, no matter how good the cause they are serving. Ian Parker's message
is both carefully considered and deeply disturbing. If there is an ivory crisis (and even the
pessimists admit that there are over a million elephants in Africa today [1983]), it is the activities of
the conservationists themselves which constitute the main danger to the survival of the elephant. The real
crisis is in current conservation philosophy. Constructive as well as critical, Ivory Crisis is a
book for every animal lover, ecologist and self-respecting conservationist. It is a tale of conflict and
contradiction, paradox and parable, illustrated with exceptional photographs mostly taken by Mohamed Amin.
It is the true story of ivory and the elephant, and of man's interest in both."
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