The African Elephant: Twilight in
A National Audubon Society Book
von Roger L. DiSilvestro (Text) & Page Chichester (Fotos), Vorwort von Richard E. Leakey & Joyce
Poole,Einführung von Christopher N. Palmer
Gebundene Ausgabe, 223 Seiten, 135 Farb-
& 5 Schwarzweißfotos, 4 Farb- & 7 Duotonillustrationen, 1 Karte John Wiley & Sons (USA),
August 1991, ISBN 0-471-53207-X
Klappentext: "Elephants live in
tight-knit communities and form life-long friendships. They nurse and coddle their children for up to ten
years. They mourn their dead. Elephants speak a complex language with which they can communicate over great
distances. Strength, dignity, compassion, loyalty, cooperation - qualities we most cherish in ourselves -
these are just a few of the traits that human beings have long revered in elephants. Yet, for thousands of
years, we have wantonly destroyed elephants for sport and to supply an ivory trade, itself responsible for
the enslavement and murder of tens of thousands of our own kind. Then, just when it seemed that the African
elephant was doomed to be hunted to extinction, a miracle happened. Responding to intense popular pressure,
governments worldwide began to impose trade bans that over the past few years have brought the ivory trade
to a halt, and it now seems that the African elephant may survive. The African Elephant: Twilight in Eden
tells the story of humankind's relationship with African elephants. From prehistoric cave paintings and the
2,000 year-old ivory trade, to Jumbo, the 19th century English national hero, and famous sportsmen such as
Teddy Roosevelt and Ernest Hemingway, it's all here. You'll also learn about the biology and natural history
of elephants, including many recently discovered facts about elephant behavior, language, social
organization, and much more. And you'll witness the efforts to save the elephant from extinction, including
stories of Kenyan wildlife police doing battle against organized poaching gangs armed with automatic
weapons. Combining over 130 gorgeous photographs of elephants, their habitat, and the creatures that share
it with them with lucid, stirring prose The African Elephant: Twilight in Eden is a fascinating,
uplifting look at one of the most awe-inspiring of our fellow creatures."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Verleger: "No photographer works as
closely to animals as Künkel does. His photographs are testament to a quite exceptional gift for being
close to animals in the wild and for earning their respect. For 30 years he has stalked elephants with his
camera, establishing with them a near-mystical rapport. He has followed them on narrow trails to watering
holes and mud wallows. He has watched the combat of rival bulls. He has captured the drama of a mating and
once even dared accompany a herd swimming in a river. Alongside the captivating images in this book, Künkel
explores and cannot optimistically answer the ultimate question of whether the species will survive. Even
those in national parks and game reserves are no longer safe from the poaching which has dramatically
reduced the elephant population. The sombre analysis of Künkel's text makes even more precious the wild
beauty of his images."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
African Elephants
von Reinhard Künkel
Gebundene Ausgabe, 224 Seiten, 82
Farbfotos auf 128 Tafeln Harry N. Abrams (USA),
April 1999, ISBN 0-8109-1984-2
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African Elephants A Celebration of Majesty
von Daryl Balfour & Sharna Balfour, Vorwörter von Iain Douglas-Hamilton, John
Hanks & Daphne Sheldrick
Gebundene Ausgabe, 168 Seiten, 160
Farbfotos, Illustrationen, Karten, 1 Tabelle Struik
Publishers (Südafrika), Juni 1997, ISBN 1-86825-793-2
Klappentext: "Five years ago, Daryl
and Sharna Balfour embarked on a personal quest to record and portray African elephants as never before.
Among Africa's acclaimed wildlife photographers, the Balfours were already deeply familiar with the
continent's wild areas and its inhabitants, yet as they involved themselves more and more with the African
elephant, which possesses a majesty and dignity unmatched by any other creature, their attention was drawn
to the bonds that existed between them and their subjects. During their four-year odyssey across the African
continent they became acutely aware of the intensity of debate concerning the elephant's survival and the
central position it holds in the endless struggle between man, wildlife and environment. African
Elephants: A Celebration of Majesty, the triumph of the Balfours' quest, makes a telling contribution to
this debate by presenting the most revealing, comprehensive and striking photographic portrait of elephants
yet produced. With more than 200 magnificent photographs, it offers a vivid insight into the fascinating
lives of African elephants, their behaviour and intriguing social relationships, as well as the enormous
influence they exert on their diverse habitats. Encompassing forewords from three of the African continent's
foremost authorities on elephant conservation, as well as the gripping story of Daryl's near-fatal encounter
with one of the Kruger's large tuskers, the Balfours' text draws on their personal experiences and
confronts the complex issues surrounding the plight of the elephant today. By highlighting just how much we
might lose by denying elephants the freedom to share in this world, we gain a deeper understanding of our
own freedom and relationship with the wild. For all of us inspired by these special animals, African
Elephants is a memorable tribute to a mighty and compelling creature."
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African Elephants A Celebration of Majesty
von Daryl Balfour & Sharna Balfour, Vorwörter von Iain Douglas-Hamilton, John
Hanks & Daphne Sheldrick
Gebundene Ausgabe, 168 Seiten, 160
Farbfotos, Illustrationen, Karten, 1 Tabelle Abbeville Press (USA),
Februar 1998, ISBN 0-7892-0389-8
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Synopsis: "Nigel Dennis has been
photographing wildlife in Africa for the last twenty years, and elephants have always been one of his
favourite subjects. This is a selection of his best photographs taken during that period showing all the
facets of the elephant life. The images captured are some of the best elephant photographs ever taken and
cover a wide variety of habitats; from the arid conditions faced by the desert elephants of the Kalahari,
through savannah and forest to the lush tropical regions of Africa."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
African Elephants (2nd Edition)
von Nigel Dennis (Fotos) & Clive Walker (Text)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 2. Auflage, 112 Seiten,
ca. 200 Farbfotos Sunbird Publishers
(Südafrika), Dezember 2005, ISBN 1-919938-37-0
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Elefanten Majestäten der Savanne
von Daryl Balfour & Sharna Balfour, Vorwörter von Iain Douglas-Hamilton, John
Hanks & Daphne Sheldrick
Synopsis: "160 großformatige Bilder
und anschauliche Texte geben Aufschluß über Leben und Verhalten der Elefanten, über ihre Beziehungen zur
Umwelt und das Zusammenleben mit Artgenossen. Auf der Suche nach spektakulären Aufnahmen beobachteten die
Autoren Elefanten beim Staub- und Wasserbad, beim Grasen im kleinen Familienverband wie beim Wandern in der
Herde, bei Liebesakt und Kinderdienst... Die Gliederung nach Nationalparks ermöglicht es, das Buch wie
einen Reiseführer zu den größten und schönsten Elefantenreservaten Afrikas zu benutzen."
Synopsis: "Elefantenalltag aus
nächster Nähe - von lustvollen Bädern in Staub, Schlamm und Wasser bis zum oft erbärmlichen Ende als
Opfer von Elfenbeinjägern. Beharrlich und behutsam folgte Reinhard Künkel der Fährte der Dickhäuter
Afrikas und fing Bilder ein, in denen sich nicht nur äußere Kraft und Größe widerspiegeln, sondern auch
typische Wesenszüge der Elefanten, wie Gelassenheit, Würde, Spielfreude und Lebensklugheit. Zusammen mit
dem informativen, spannenden Text entstand daraus ein bewegendes Plädoyer für die freundlichen Riesen,
»die so würdevoll und gleichzeitig so bemitleidenswert verloren durch die modernen Zeiten
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