Gebundene Ausgabe, 160 Seiten, 84
Farbfotos, 24 SW-Illustrationen, 2 Karten Elm Tree Books (UK),
Oktober 1988, ISBN 0-241-12163-9
Klappentext: "It is thirty years
since Bernhard and Michael Grzimek made the Serengeti National Park
in Tanzania world famous through their book and film Serengeti
Shall Not Die. Since then the neighbouring Masai Mara in Kenya has also become recognised as a superb
wildlife reserve. Together, these two magnificent game areas form the land of the great migration. Every
year since 1977, Jonathan Scott has observed the largest population of grazing mammals in the world -
dominated by vast herds of wildebeest - as it arrives in the Mara in search of food and water during the dry
season. More recently, since the re-opening of the border between Kenya and Tanzania, he has been able to
accompany the wildebeest back to their ancestral calving grounds on the Serengeti plains to study
the other half of the migration story and complete the annual cycle. He has stayed with the herds as they
move around the Serengeti, observing the
mass calving; followed as they desert the plains and move into the woodlands at the beginning of the dry
season; witnessed the frenetic activity of the rut. But this is much more than the story of the year of the
wildebeest. All the Serengeti's animals are
linked together by a complex web of inter-relationships. The vast nomadic herds pattern the lives of the
other species. The migration takes the wildebeest and zebra on a journey through country that harbours all
the larger predators: lions and leopards, cheetahs and wild dogs, hyaenas and jackals; and, in the north,
some of the largest crocodiles still to be found in Africa await the moment each year when the herds must
plunge across the Mara River to reach greener pastures. The Serengeti/Mara is the
most important game sanctuary on earth, and the wildebeest migration its greatest spectacle. But the modern
world is crowding in and threatening the future of the habitats and of the animals. This book is not only a
magnificently illustrated celebration of a unique land. It is a warning that constant vigilance is necessary
if the land of the great migration is to be preserved for the benefit of future generations."
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The Great Migration
von Carlo Mari (Fotos) & Harvey Croze (Text), Geleitwort von Peter Matthiessen,Einführung
von Richard D. Estes
Verleger: "The golden plateau of the
Maasai Mara is a sanctuary for African wildlife and the stage for one of the most extraordinary natural
phenomena in the world - the wildebeest migration. The acclaimed Italian photographer Carlo Mari has
followed these animals for ten years. His photographs capture the dynamism and the courage of the herds,
their rhythms, their conquest of new spaces and their struggle to survive and perpetuate themselves.
Although he focuses on the startling beauty and drama of this vast movement of animals, Mari sets it within
the context of the whole spectrum of African wildlife; of leopards, hyenas, elephants and crocodiles in
particular. His often breathtaking images show us the precarious equilibrium in which all of these animals
live and, together with a text written by the ecologist and zoologist Harvey Croze, tell us of the need to
protect them in the ever-changing environment man has created."
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Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Images of Zanzibar
von Javed Jafferji, Einführung von Bethan Rees Jones
Gebundene Ausgabe, 120 Seiten, ca. 100
HSP Publications (Tansania), Dezember 2000, ISBN 0-9521726-4-X
Synopsis: "The Zanzibar archipelago
consists of two main islands, Unguja and Pentha, lying in the clear seas of the Indian Ocean. For centuries
the islands were visited by merchants from the Arabian peninsula, Persia and India who came in sailing ships
blown across the ocean by the monsoon winds. In the nineteenth century, Sultan Seyyid Said of the Busaidi
dynasty of Oman transformed Zanzibar into the richest spice islands in the world, a centre of the slave
trade and the gateway into the heart of Africa for explorers such as Livingstone and Burton. The islands are
an exotic mixture of people and customs and Images of Zanzibar explores this rich heritage from Stone
Town with its lingering atmosphere of the past to the traditional fishing villages scattered around the
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Journey through Tanzania
von Mohamed Amin (Fotos), Duncan Willetts (Fotos) & Peter Marshall (Text)
Synopsis: "Tanzania is a land of rare
beauty. Bordered by shimmering lakes and the Indian Ocean, it is East Africa's largest nation, half the size
of Western Europe. Its natural treasures are unique: snow-capped Kilimanjaro,
Africa's highest mountain; Lake Tanganyika, its longest and deepest lake; Lake Victoria, the world's second
largest freshwater lake; and Ngorongoro,
its largest unbroken crater. Here too in the mighty Selous and the endless Serengeti wildlife
sanctuaries roam the last of the great herds of African game. And then there are 500 miles of a palm-fringed
tropical coastline with the green islands of Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia. Although Tanzania is a new nation,
it has a rich and ancient past. Fossils in Olduvai Gorge suggest that it was the home of the first race of
humans on earth. Tanzania today is a fruitful and creative meeting-point of African, Arab, Asian and
European cultures whose varied influences live on in its religions, customs, languages and architecture.
Upright and confident, its original and independent path of development has made it one of the most closely
observed countries in Africa. Peter Marshall and photographers Mohamed Amin and Duncan Willetts have
captured the essence of this breathtaking country in a book as handsome as the subject it portrays."
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Journey through Tanzania (Reissue)
von Mohamed Amin (Fotos), Duncan Willetts (Fotos) & Peter Marshall (Text)
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
- Ostafrika Urwald, Eis und Steppentiere
Abenteuer heute
von Michael Pecha
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag,
120 Seiten, 89 Farbfotos, 10 Karten Badenia Verlag, 1999,
ISBN 3-7617-0359-7
Rückentext: "Mit diesem Bildband der
Reihe Abenteuer heute bringt der Fotograf und Autor Michael Pecha seine Leser in einer anstrengenden
Wanderung hinauf auf den höchsten Berg Afrikas. Bei fast minus 50 Grad Celsius entstanden faszinierende
Aufnahmen des ewigen Eises hoch oben am Gipfel des Mt. Kilimanjaro,
der fast am Äquator liegt. Eindrucksvolle Bilder vom Schwarzen Kontinent begeistern jeden Leser dieses
Buches. So z.B. erleben Sie Fotografien aus dem Rift-Valley und dem Ngorongoro-Krater, die weltberühmte
Massai Mara und Wildtierfotografie in der Steppe. Ein Besuch bei den am Aussterben bedrohten Berggorillas im
Dreiländereck Uganda-Rwanda-Zaire zeigt Natur pur, und Abenteuerfahrten durch Kenia, Tanzania und Uganda
lassen das Herz eines jeden Natur- und Afrikafreaks höher schlagen. Der Autor besuchte auch einen der
letzten Stämme der Pygmäen und macht so richtig Lust auf Reisen, abseits vom Massentourismus. Ein Erlebnis
besonderer Art."
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Kilimanjaro: The Great White
Mountain of Africa
von David Pluth (Fotos), Mohamed Amin (Fotos) & Graham Mercer (Text)
Synopsis: "Nothing in Africa is as
majestic and awe-inspiring as Kilimanjaro.
This fabled mountain - Africa's tallest - which lies astride the Kenya-Tanzania border rises more than
19,000 feet, into a clear blue equatorial sky, its crown of snow and ice ever beckoning and alluring. A
source of mystery from time immemorial, Kilimanjaro
is the subject of many fables and legends and home to the Chagga and Maasai people, two of Africa's most
colourful and fascinating communities - the one an industrious agricultural Bantu group, the other a Nilotic
tribe of fierce and noble warriors and pastoralists. Their engrossing history and the captivating beauty of Kilimanjaro
and its natural history are portrayed here in all their glory through the magnificent colour photography of
David Pluth and Mohamed Amin while Graham Mercer's compelling and often lyrical narrative delves into the
many secrets of The Great White Mountain, a spectacle that has attracted and fascinated diverse
peoples down through the ages."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
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Kilimanjaro: To the Roof of Africa
von Audrey Salkeld, Einführung von David Breashears
Verleger: "A British prime minister
in Queen Victoria's England once dismissed Kilimanjaro
as 'that mountain behind Zanzibar with the unrememberable name.' Today, there can be few who don't recognize
its most beautiful and evocative name. From the literature of Ernest Hemingway, from movies, and from a
multitude of images, the world is familiar with the Elysian view of elephants and giraffes grazing against
the shimmering backdrop of Kilimanjaro.
Floating over the plains of East Africa, more mirage than mountain, Kilimanjaro
exudes mystery and romance. At the same time, it is an accessible mountain, drawing more than 20,000
visitors each year to its slopes and snowy dome. The climb up Kilimanjaro
has been likened to a journey from the equator to the poles, passing as it does through zone after zone of
climatic change, from tropical forest to frozen desert. And Kilimanjaro's
human history is no less rich than its natural history. Close to the cradle of mankind, the mountain has
watched history unfold at its foot, from the earliest hunter-gatherers and the scramble of colonization to
World War I battles and the wave of independence that swept Africa in the mid-20th century. In Kilimanjaro:
To the Roof of Africa, accomplished mountaineer and writer Audrey Salkeld presents a comprehensive and
awe-inspiring portrait of this noble mountain and its myriad facets. To be published in conjunction with the
release of David Breashears's stunning new IMAX film about Kilimanjaro,
this book is an extraordinary journey to the roof of Africa."
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