Gebundene Ausgabe, 256 Seiten, 208
Farbfotos, 1 Farbkarte
Gallery Publications (Tansania), April 2001, ISBN 9987-8877-7-5
Klappentext: "Tanzania is not among
the richest countries on earth but in recent years its economic progress has been praised, in the so-called
developed world, as being one of the most promising in Africa. It is certainly rich in natural resources.
Gold mining is undergoing a vigorous renaissance south of Mwanza, natural gas has already been discovered
off the old and historical coastal town of Kilwa, and in the same territorial waters there are real
possibilities of striking oil. Most countries, rich or poor, would settle for this. But Tanzania also has
diamonds and semi-precious stones, coffee, sisal, cotton, fruit, vegetables and exotic spices. And its lakes
and Indian Ocean waters, mistreated as they sometimes are, still produce boatloads of fish, lobsters and
prawns. But it is Tanzania's tourist industry which promises to transform the fortunes of this astonishingly
under-publicized country. A few of its national parks and other sanctuaries, such as the Serengeti,
Ngorongoro Crater and Mount Kilimanjaro, have been world-famous for decades. Yet the world is only just
beginning to hear of Tanzania’s less prominent but no less interesting natural attractions, which range,
quite literally, from A-Z, from Amani Nature reserve to Zanzibar's secluded beaches. And then there are
Tanzania's 120 or more ethnic groups, all fascinating and all, on the whole, remarkably good-humoured,
tolerant, friendly and welcoming. If this book, in however small a way, helps to promote a deservedly better
future for these people, and for their most exciting country, we will regard our combined efforts as well
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Tanzania: Portrait of a Nation
von Paul Joynson-Hicks, Vorwort von Eric Sikujua Ng'maryo
Klappentext: "Tanzania has the
highest mountain in Africa, the deepest lake, the largest game reserve, the tropical islands of Zanzibar,
Pemba and Mafia, game parks to beat any in the world with the Serengeti,
the Ngorongoro Crater and much, much more - but Paul Joynson-Hicks's book is more than a
portrayal of these amazing features. Tanzania is also about the people, who they are, what they do
and where they live. Tanzanians are genuinely warm and welcoming - you frequently hear 'Karibu' - Swahili
for 'welcome' - and the best of the people is reflected in these wonderful photographs. The country has
enormous areas of wilderness, areas of dense population; it has mountains and rivers, lakes and plains,
semi-arid desert, tropical rain forest, waterfalls to compete with the highest on the continent. Its
agriculture and industry at all levels is absorbingly diverse and its history is phenomenal, from ancient
arabic ruins to the exploits of one of Germany's most enigmatic World War I generals. You can see amongst
these pictures villages and natural features rarely seen before. This is not, then, another tourist memento
of the most popular reserves. The photographs and refreshingly personal captions, the excellent maps and
graphically descriptive text by Eric Ng'maryo combine to colour in a worthy Portrait of a Nation."
Informationen zu Paul Joynson-Hicks
erhalten Sie bei Blue
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Synopsis: "The pictures of this book
are an evidence of the passion for Africa. In his book Green Hills of
Africa Ernest Hemingway wrote, »All I wanted now, was to get back to Africa. I had not left it yet, but
when I awake at night I was lying and listening full of homesick for it.« Therefore, these pictures may be
the last attempt to catch something of Africa's soul before it will lose its innocence to the technical
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Synopsis: "Jedes Jahr begeben sich
riesige Tierherden auf der Suche nach neuen Weide- und Futterplätzen im Nationalpark Serengeti
auf eine lange und gefahrvolle Wanderschaft. Diese gewaltigen Tierzüge - das beeindruckendste
Naturschauspiel der Erde - hat die Australierin Robyn Stewart zweieinhalb Jahre lang beobachtet und mit der
Kamera eingefangen. Robyn Stewart wurde von 1998 bis 2003 jedes Jahr zur besten Landschaftsfotografin
Australiens gewählt."
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