Synopsis: "For many people, the vast
plains of the Serengeti
have come to symbolize paradise. Now the home of two World Heritage sites and two Biosphere Reserves, the Serengeti's
unique ecosystem - one of the oldest on earth - has inspired countless writers, film-makers, photographers
and scientists. This book is a testament to Reinhard Künkel's years of affectionate and attentive recording
of a natural environment that has barely changed in a million years. Travelling across this jewel in the
crown of Tanzania'a protected areas, Künkel invites us to witness the everyday life of a huge range of
animals and birds - zebra, wildebeest, vultures, marabou, crested cranes, giraffes - as they look after
their young, hunt for food, groom and fight for their lives."
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Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Klappentext: "The life of the five
great African predators - lion, leopard, cheetah, wild dog, hyena - and the species on which they prey,
observed close up in their natural habitat during three and a half years in Africa, by the author of The Year of
the Gorilla. This is George Schaller's most beautiful and fascinating book. It is illustrated with his
own spectacular photographs - 100 of them, all in full color. It offers a unique view - at once impeccably
scientific, personal, and adventurous - of East Africa's almost primeval Serengeti, kingdom of
predators. There, on the African plains, for three and a half years, by Land Rover and afoot, Schaller
entered the world of predators as no one else had before him. For until that time, although numerous books
about them had been published, none of the great predator cats had been the subject of profound study in its
own habitat, and there had been little research on the interrelationships between the predators and their
prey. Schaller broke new ground as he stalked, lived with, photographed, and studied not only the lion -
whom he shows us in courtship, giving birth, mothering, hunting, and at ease, always at close range - but
also the cheetah and the leopard. In addition, his close observation added importantly to the new concept of
the hyena, long considered to be simply a scavenger and now seen as a powerful hunter in its own right. His
study of the wild dog revealed an elaborate social system that includes cooperative hunting, division of
labor, and an equal sharing of the spoils. He made new discoveries about the predators' main quarries: the
wildebeest, the zebra, and Thomson's gazelle among others - the 'prey species' that are an integral part of
the natural community, prey and predator paradoxically depending on each other for survival. Marking
individual animals with the aid of the harmless tranquillizer gun, Schaller discovered more about their
individual and group lives than has ever before been recorded. In his superb narrative and remarkable
photographs, he now brilliantly shares his new-found knowledge."
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Fenster zur Schöpfung
von Reinhard Radke (Text), Anup Shah (Fotos) & Manoj Shah (Fotos)
Verleger: "Die einzigartige Tierwelt
Ostafrikas in spannenden Reportagen, kenntnisreicher Darstellung und mit meisterhaften Tierfotografien. Seit
Bernhard Grzimeks Klassiker Serengeti
darf nicht sterben ist diese Landschaft in Ostafrika zum Gradmesser dafür geworden, ob der Mensch in
der Lage ist, die Natur unseres Erdballs zu erhalten. Der international preisgekrönte Tierfilmer und
Zoologe Reinhard Radke schildert in seinem faszinierenden Buch das Zusammenspiel allen Lebens in der Serengeti. Begleitet von
den herausragenden Bildern der beiden berühmten Wildlife-Fotografen Anup und Manoj Shah erleben wir, daß
dieser Nationalpark weder eine isolierte Arche Noah noch ein idyllisches Paradies ist. Die Serengeti ist vielmehr
der Glücksfall eines Fensters zur Schöpfung. Sie bietet eine Chance zu verstehen, wie zerbrechlich unsere
Welt und wie kostbar und erhaltenswert sie ist."
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The Serengeti: Land of Endless
von Lisa Lindblad (Text) & Sven-Olof Lindblad (Fotos), Vorwort von George B. Schaller,
Textbeiträge von Allan Earnshaw, Lisa Lindblad, Sandy Price & Keith Shackleton,
zusätzliche Fotos von Alan Binks, Nigel R. Pavitt, Jonathan Scott u.a.
Gebundene Ausgabe, 176 Seiten, 123
Farbfotos, 1 Farbkarte Elm Tree Books (UK),
Februar 1990, ISBN 0-241-12896-X
Britische Lizenzausgabe von The
Serengeti: Land of Endless Space (USA, 1989).
Klappentext: "At the beginning of the
dry season in May when grass on the plains becomes stubble and the sky is cloudless and pale as if seen
through a luminous gauze, the wildlife of the Serengeti retreats to the
woodlands where grass and water are plentiful. They follow age-old migrations, west and then north, many
moving out of Tanzania into Kenya's Masai Mara Game Reserve. Zebra, elephant, impala, wildebeest, giraffe,
lion, and many other animals follow the rhythms of life established over one million years ago. The Greater
Serengeti covers an area of 10,000 square miles and lies within the boundaries of two countries, Kenya and
Tanzania. This vast region of grassland, kopjes, highland, and woodland is revealed to us by those who know
it well. Men and women who have walked its plains, lived among its people, and tracked and recorded its
diverse collection of animal life. They tell the land's history and predict its future, while the stunning
photography reveals the story of today. Wild, pure, exotic, free, this land is virtually untouched by man.
An ecosystem that lives within the balances of nature and not the whims of the human mind, the Serengeti is bounded on
all sides by farmland, ranches, and other manifestations of civilization which lay claim to its open spaces.
Through the photography, the necessity of maintaining this earthly heritage becomes evident, not only for
the animals that inhabit it, but also for man whose ancestors walked here over three million years ago. Serengeti, if preserved,
will continue to allow generations to appreciate the wild things of this world, to observe their natural
beauty, and to understand more fully that earth is not man's alone."
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Klappentext: "In this stunning
collection of nearly 300 photographs, internationally renowned photographer Mitsuaki Iwago has created an
extraordinary tribute to Africa's Serengeti Plain. Iwago
captures with a powerful vision the daily dramas of life and death played out against a background of
sublime grandeur. The Serengeti Plain stretches
for endless miles across the wilds of East Africa. A world of calm beauty and quick violence, it supports a
diversity of wildlife, including lions, giraffes, cheetahs, wildebeests, zebras, impalas, hippopotamuses,
and myriad other creatures large and small. Mitsuaki Iwago spent eighteen months living on the Serengeti Plain, and no
other photographer has captured its natural splendor throughout the seasons so magnificently. Iwago's
intimacy with this vast, formidable environment and the creatures who inhabit it imbue these richly varied
images with a unique and powerful vision - one that takes the reader to the heart of the African
Informationen zu Mitsuaki Iwago erhalten
Sie bei Digital Iwago.
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Serengeti's Great Migration
von Carlo Mari (Fotos) & Harvey Croze (Text), Geleitwort von Peter Matthiessen,Einführung
von Richard D. Estes
Gebundene Ausgabe, 258 Seiten, 168
Duotonfotos, 1 Karte Abbeville Press (USA),
September 2000, ISBN 0-7892-0669-2
Verleger: "The world's most
astonishing wildlife migration is dramatically captured in 160 breathtaking duotone photographs. The vast
grasslands of the Serengeti and the golden
plateau of the Masai Mara are a sanctuary for wildlife and the stage for one of the most extraordinary
natural phenomena on earth: the wildebeast migration. The sheer scale of this event is both awesome and
unimaginable - 1,500,000 wildebeasts joined by hundreds of thousands of zebras, gazelles, elephants, and
their predators. Photographer Carlo Mari has followed these animals for ten years and watched them
stampeding relentlessly from one horizon to another in vast unbroken columns. His photographs portray the
dynamism and courage of the herds, their rhythms, their conquest of new spaces, and their struggle to live
and perpetuate themselves. Set within the context of the whole of African wildlife, these images,
accompanied by Harvey Croze's authoritative text, stretch beyond the migration itself and provide a glimpse
into a journey without end, a perpetual circle of passage. A safari through the pages of this memorable book
is the next best thing to being there."
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Klappentext: "Tansania - ein Land mit
vielen Gesichtern. Mit dem Photographen Ulrich Ackermann und den Autoren Wally und Horst Hagen begibt sich
der Leser auf eine abwechslungsreiche Entdeckungsfahrt durch das ostafrikanische Land. Einzigartig hier die
verblüffende Vielfalt von Landschaftsformen, die üppige Pflanzenwelt und der Reichtum an Tieren. Die Reise
führt entlang der Küste und hinüber zur Insel Sansibar, einst wichtiger Umschlagplatz für Gewürze, aber
auch für Sklaven und Elfenbein. In Sansibar-Stadt bezaubern die engen Gassen und die reichen Schnitzereien
an Türen und Portalen der Häuser. Durch die karge, öde Nyika, der Küstenbusch am Pazifischen Ozean, der
nur nach seltenen Regenfällen von einem Mantel zarter Blüten überzogen wird, geht es zu den
flechtenbehangenen Bergwäldern des Kraterhochlandes. Hier begegnen wir den Masai, einem wohlhabenden und
politisch einflußreichen Volk von Viehnomaden, an deren Einbindung in die Natur die Autoren den Konflikt
zwischen Naturbewahrung und Bevölkerungswachstum aufzeigen. Im Ngorongorokrater
- zu Recht das achte Weltwunder genannt - erlebt der Betrachter den paradiesischen Urzustand der Natur. Nahe
des Kraters schneidet die Olduvai-Schlucht ins Land - hier haben bedeutsame archäologische Funde Licht auf
den Weg unserer Vorfahren zum Menschen hin geworfen. Der Kilimanjaro,
dessen gletscherbedeckten Gipfel häufig ein Wolkenkranz verhüllt, ist das Symbol Afrikas schlechthin. Die
Landschaft Tansanias wird vom Zentralafrikanischen und vom Ostafrikanischen Graben geprägt, letzterer weist
noch vulkanische Aktivität auf. Zwischen den beiden Gräben liegen der Viktoriasee, der zweitgrößte See
der Erde mit seinen papyrusbewachsenen Lagunen und sumpfigen Habitaten, und die Serengeti. Mit einer
Fahrt durch diesen Nationalpark, der durch Himmel, Gras und Weiten neue Dimensionen schafft und in dem die
artenreichste und zahlenmäßig größte geschlossene Tierpopulation der Erde lebt, mit einem Blick auf das
Naturschauspiel der jährlichen Wanderungen von Gnus, Zebras und Gazellen verabschieden wir uns von
Tansania, dem Land mit den vielen Gesichtern."
Informationen zu Wally und Horst Hagen
erhalten Sie bei Hagens Afrika.
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