Verleger: "The Ngorongoro
Conservation Area encompasses some of East Africa's most dramatic scenery and is one of the greatest of
the world's wildlife wonders. The area, which is a mosaic of volcanic craters and calderas, hills,
grass-covered plains, montane forests and marshes, provides habitats for a vast array of mammals, birds and
reptiles. The western plains, adjoining the world-famous Serengeti, play host to
thousands of wildebeest, plains zebra and gazelle for several months of each year, when the grasses emerge
after the start of the rainy season. The Ngorongoro Crater is a microcosm of Africa. It has an abundance of
resident game species and one of the continent's highest densities of lion and spotted hyena. Apart from its
multitude of natural splendours, it is also an experiment in balancing the needs of the nomadic Maasai and
the tourists, as well as the wildlife and vegetation. There are few places in Africa that can offer the
diversity of species and scenery that are found in this northwestern corner of Tanzania."
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Ngorongoro-Landschaftsschutzgebiet Die großen Wildschutzgebiete
von Chris Stuart & Tilde Stuart,
Fotos von Daryl Balfour, Sharna Balfour, Mitch Reardon, Dave Richards u.a.
Klappentext: "Das Ngorongoro-Landschaftsschutzgebiet
ist eines der imposantesten Gebiete in Ostafrika und zählt zu den bedeutendsten Naturwundern der Erde. Hier
fügen sich vulkanische Krater und Calderas, Hügel, Ebenen, Gebirgswälder und Sümpfe zu einem bunten
Mosaik zusammen, um für vielfältige Säugetiere, Vögel und Reptilien das geeignete Habitat zu
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Verleger: "The battle for the Ngorongoro
Crater is one of the most gripping conservation stories of the last century. Those throwing their hats
into the ring have included a formidably imposing German farmer, a trigger-happy Scots baronet, and an
ex-British army captain with some rather reckless ideas on how to photograph lions. Such interlopers have
had to contend with the Maasai, who believe all the cattle in the world are theirs; conservationists who
wish to preserve the Ngorongoro
as a natural habitat; and of course the animals themselves, inhabiting the rich grasslands of the crater
floor in teeming numbers. The Ngorongoro Story traces the history of the crater from the pioneering
days of the early explorers, through two world wars, up to recent international efforts to save the natural
habitat of the Ngorongoro
for posterity."
Informationen zum Fotografen erhalten Sie
bei Hugo van Lawick.
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Verleger: "Nomads of the Serengeti
is a photographic odyssey about the extraordinary mass migration of wildlife that takes place each year in
Tanzania's Serengeti National Park.
A superb, coffee-table edition, it fills the need for a new souvenir volume on this magnificent park. The
park falls into four natural regions - south, central, north and western corridor - which provide the varied
backdrops to the annual mass wildebeest migration. Introductory spreads highlight the special features of
each region, and detail their relevance in the yearly, circuitous trek from south to north and back again.
Images focus on both the landscape and animal inhabitants, with a special focus on the spectacle of
large-herd migration. Predators of the region are also featured, along with images of the raw energy and
agitation they introduce to an otherwise pastoral scene. Bird life in the Serengeti is captured
too, as are the vast weather systems that sweep across the plains. Under increasing threat from human
expansion and greed, the Serengeti retains, for
the moment, the elemental patterns of life that existed before man intervened. Dramatic photography,
informative captions and superb design make this an essential memento of the region."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
durch Tansania
von Mohamed Amin (Fotos), Duncan Willetts (Fotos) & Peter Marshall (Text)
Klappentext: "Tansania ist ein Land
von besonderer Schönheit. Eingerahmt von schimmernden Seen und dem Indischen Ozean und halb so groß wie
Westeuropa, ist es der größte Staat Ostafrikas. Die natürlichen Gegebenheiten suchen ihresgleichen: Der
schneebedeckte Kilimandscharo,
Afrikas höchster Berg; der Tanganyikasee, Afrikas längster und tiefster See; der Victoriasee,
zweitgrößter See der Erde; der Ngorongoro-Krater,
größter unzerstörter Krater der Welt. In den endlosen Weiten der Wildparks von Selous und Serengeti tummeln sich
die letzten wirklich großen Wildtierherden Afrikas. Im Osten bietet das Land eine 800 km lange tropische
Palmenküste und die grünen Inseln Sansibar, Pemba und Mafia. Obwohl Tansania ein junger Staat ist, hat es
doch eine alte, ereignisreiche Vergangenheit. Fossilien aus der Olduvai-Schlucht lassen die Vermutung zu,
daß hier einst die »Wiege der Menschheit« stand. Jahrtausendelang war das Land ein blühendes Zentrum des
Handels am Indischen Ozean. An der Küste setzte sich die kraftvolle islamische Kultur durch und hinterließ
mit zahlreichen steinernen Städten ein beeindruckendes Denkmal ihres hohen Standes. Sie war es auch, die
die kisuahelische Sprache schuf. Nach den ersten Afrikareisenden Livingstone, Burton, Speke, Rebmann und
Krapf kamen deutsche und danach britische Siedler. Sie halfen mit, die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten zu
erschließen. Heute gilt Tansania als ein Schmelztiegel der Kulturen Afrikas, Arabiens, Asiens und Europas,
deren unterschiedliche Einflüsse in den Religionen, Sitten, Sprachen und Baustilen des Landes fortleben. Es
ist dieser dynamisch-kraftvollen Nation gelungen, einen eigenen Lebensstil zu finden. Sein eigenständiger
Weg, den es bei dieser Entwicklung eingeschlagen hat, machte es zu einem der am meisten beachteten Länder
Afrikas. Peter Marshall gelang es zusammen mit den Fotografen Mohamed Amin und Duncan Willets, im
vorliegenden Buch einen ausgezeichneten Überblick über dieses faszinierende Land zu geben."
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The Ruaha Sketch Book
von Susan Stolberger
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag,
limitierte Auflage von 960 Exemplaren (Standard Edition), 220 Seiten, über 200 Farbillustrationen,
Duotonillustrationen, 11 Farbfotos, 2 Farbkarten Susan Stolberger
(Tansania), 2002, ISBN 0-620-29255-5
Verleger: "In The Ruaha Sketch
Book, Susan has managed to capture with her brush delightful moments and very special thoughts of the
ever-unfolding environment around her. This is a highly visual account captured with pencil sketches and
water colours which depict the seasonal variations within the Ruaha National
Park. This book is a tribute to one of Africa's last remaining wildernesses. The book has 220 pages and
over 200 water colour studies together with numerous pencil sketches throughout the text."
Informationen zur Künstlerin erhalten Sie
bei Sue Stolberger.
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei NHBS
(Großbritannien) oder direkt bei Susan
Stolberger (Tansania). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-29256-3, limitierte Auflage von 40 numerierten Exemplaren 1-40,
¼ in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Klappentext: "Hugo van Lawick is one
of the great animal photographers of the world today. For more than fifteen years he has spent most of his
time on the Serengeti in Tanzania,
studying and recording the wild-life he loves so much. In this book he draws together some 150 of his finest
colour photographs to illustrate the world of the African predators - lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas,
jackals and wild dogs. Accompanying this unique collection is a text which describes the author's life on
the Serengeti and the animals
which are the subject of his book. Hugo van Lawick blends entertaining anecdote, important new scientific
material and an almost miraculous understanding of the animals he studies. His sympathy for his subjects
coupled with supreme technical ability give his photographs a quality that can rarely have been matched.
This is a book essential for layman and amateur alike: a book to study and a beautiful possession to
treasure for a lifetime."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Secret Eden
Africa's Enchanted Wilderness
von Eric Robins (Text) & Marion Kaplan (Fotos)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 128 Seiten, 53 Farb-
& 43 Schwarzweißfotos, 1 Karte Elm Tree Books (UK),
Oktober 1980, ISBN 0-241-10423-8
Klappentext: "There is an area,
within the borders of Tanzania in East Africa, called the Selous which, although virtually unknown, is the
world's greatest game reserve. Twenty-one thousand square miles of plain, forest, lake and mountain are the
home of more than a million creatures including the largest African elephant population on earth and the
continent's biggest concentration of crocodile, hippo, wild dog and buffalo. All human settlement is banned
so that the Selous Game Reserve, greater in area than Denmark, is indeed a Garden of Eden where no species
is endangered, where ecological problems are unknown, and where nature remains completely in balance. Eric
Robins, who has lived in Africa for thirty years, has written Secret Eden as a vivid record of the
beauty, fascination and mystery of the vast animal kingdom of the Selous. He tells of the history of the
game reserve from its origins during the days of the German colonial expansion that led to the Great War; of
Frederick Courteney Selous, the dashing British explorer, ivory hunter and naturalist after whom the great
reserve is named; of Julius Kambarage Nyerere, the first black leader at independence to pledge to safeguard
and maintain his country's wildlife; of the big game hunters, intrepid ecologists and adventure safaris, and
of the creatures themselves - the rare animals, exotic birds, giant fish and strange insects that inhabit
the reserve. It is the absorbing story of how the Selous prospers as a viable ecological territory,
safeguarding Africa's precious heritage of wildlife so sorely threatened elsewhere by man's greed; and of
the hopes of the Tanzanian Government that, by attracting foreign visitors in search of raw Africa, the
Selous may help to generate the currency to build hospitals, schools and clinics, and finance the services
that the country badly needs. The Selous is unique and this book, illustrated with nearly a hundred
brilliant and striking photographs by Marion Kaplan, is a beautiful and fitting tribute which captures all
its enchantment."
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