The Kruger National Park (2nd Edition)
Wonders of an African Eden
von Nigel J. Dennis (Fotos) & Bob Scholes (Text), Vorwort von Robbie Robinson
Gebundene Ausgabe, 2. Auflage, 176 Seiten,
266 Farbfotos, 8 Farbkarten, 3 Tabellen Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), November 2000, ISBN 1-86872-578-2
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The Kruger National Park (3rd Edition)
Wonders of an African Eden
von Nigel J. Dennis (Fotos) & Bob Scholes (Text), Vorwort von Robbie Robinson
Gebundene Ausgabe, 3. Auflage, 176 Seiten, 266 Farbfotos, 8
Farbkarten, 3 Tabellen Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), Dezember 2005, ISBN 1-77007-348-5
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Kruger: A Supreme African
von Bruce Aiken
Gebundene Ausgabe, 176 Seiten, 172
Farbfotos, 1 Schwarzweißfoto, 1 Schwarzweißillustration, 4 Farbkarten, Übersichtskarten
Design & Produktion von Afropix Publishers (Jersey) Butterworths
Professional Publishers (Südafrika), März 1989 (1988), ISBN 0-409-10605-4
Klappentext: "Measuring approximately
350 km from north to south, and covering a massive 19485 km², the Kruger is
one of the most famous national parks in the world. Within this huge expanse of bush is a variety of scenery
and wildlife unequalled in southern Africa. Whether it is mountainous terrain, great rivers, thick bush,
open plains or magnificent forest, the Kruger has
it all. There are over 100 reptile, 500 bird and 140 mammal species. Among the more prolific of the larger
mammals are about 120,000 impala, 10,000 kudu, 27,000 buffalo, 7,500 elephant, 1,500 lion and 900 leopard.
Four years in the making, this superlative documentary vividly portrays the splendour of this major
wilderness. Bruce Aiken's outstanding photography takes the reader to remote and beautiful parts of the
park, as well as those accessible to visitors. Splendid behavioural photographs, including unique pictures
of lions hunting at night, will hold the wildlife enthusiast spellbound. The highly readable and informative
text is written in a warm and personal style. Three chapters precede the main photographic part of the book.
The first deals with the struggle to proclaim the park we know today. The next two chapters are interviews
with the head of wildlife management in the park, and the park's most experienced trail ranger. Their
straightforward, yet often philosophical answers will be of great interest to wildlife enthusiasts. In the
main photographic section of the book the park is divided into four areas. Each has an introductory text
which contains a detailed map; a description of each camp and its surroundings; an indication of what
animals are most commonly found there; and suggested routes for game drives."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Kruger: Portrait of a National
von David Paynter & Wilf Nussey
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag,
287 Seiten, 289 Farbfotos & -illustrationen, 92 Schwarzweißfotos & -illustrationen, 10 Karten,
Diagramme Macmillan South Africa
(Publishers) (Südafrika), 1986, ISBN 0-86954-208-7
Rückentext: "Kruger: Portrait of
a National Park is the first book to give a comprehensive overview of one of the world's finest nature
conservation areas, the Kruger National
Park. It will be extremely useful to every visitor to this huge reserve, especially the first-timer.
Details are provided about the various camps, their environments, the kind of wildlife one is likely to
encounter, and how to make maximum use of a visit to the Park. Each
camp description is accompanied by a map of the roads in the area and a detailed account of the various
possible routes, so that visitors can plan their hours sensibly and economically. But the book is much more
than a where-to-go guide. In addition to an enormous amount of practical information, which even includes a
section of hints for photographers, the nature lover is provided with an overview of many of the creatures
and plants of the Park. It
traces the fascinating history from the Stone Age, through the swashbuckling era of early explorers, and
shows how this huge area is carefully administered by a team of experts, from scientists and game rangers to
engineers and bush pilots. It also tells dramatic stories of tragic encounters between man and beast and
tales involving odd and unusual species of wildlife. Most of all, the book carries what is probably the
finest single collection of wildlife photographs of any book published on a South African national park or
game reserve and certainly one of the best in any wildlife book emerging from Africa."
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Collectors' Edition
The Leopards of Londolozi
von Lex Hes
Gebundene Ausgabe im Schuber, 172 Seiten,
147 Farbfotos, 2 Farbkarten, 1 Stammbaum Struik Winchester
(Südafrika), 1991, ISBN 0-947430-22-9
Klappentext: "Cats have fascinated
man for centuries. He has worshipped them, befriended them, hunted them, drawn them and written about them
but, throughout the years, he has never managed to expose their essence. Of the world's big cats, the
leopard is one of the least known. A shy, nocturnal animal, its reclusive nature has thwarted the many
attempts to study it in the wild. In an evocative portfolio, The Leopards of Londolozi,
author/photographer Lex Hes has managed to penetrate the private life of the wild leopard to reveal its
habits and behaviour. The book is the culmination of 12 years of diligent observation by the author, who is
based at Londolozi - an exclusive
lodge situated in the game-rich bushveld of the eastern Transvaal in southern Africa. The Londolozi rangers and
trackers were able to achieve their close-range study by forming an unprecedented relationship with a group
of leopards in the reserve. Showing sensitivity and restraint from the outset, they overcame the initial
apprehension and wariness of one particular female and her cubs. Soon they were able to follow the leopard,
and eventually she became so accustomed to the vehicles that close tracking of the family group was
possible. By monitoring the leopards in this way, the rangers have observed behavioural aspects not
previously recorded and their success with these unpredictable, aggressive cats has aroused international
interest. The text, drawn from Lex Hes's personal field observations, has sustained vitality with moments of
excitement and poignancy as the constant cycle of life and death in the bush unfolds. The book deals
pragmatically with the question of the survival of leopards, whose existence, like that of so many other
species, is threatened by shrinking habitats. The outstanding feature of the book is, however, its visual
impact. Lex Hes's empathy with his subject is almost uncanny and, in a collection of superb images, this
award-winning photographer reveals the quintessential leopard, showing this magnificent cat to rare and
dramatic effect."
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-947430-23-7, limitierte Auflage von 150 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-150, ½ in
Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 0-947430-24-5, limitierte Auflage von 26 (?)
signierten numerierten Exemplaren A-Z (?), ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
The Magaliesberg
von Vincent Carruthers, Vorwort von James Clarke
Gebundene Ausgabe, 438 Seiten, 93
Farbfotos auf 32 Tafeln, 81 Schwarzweißfotos, 390 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 15 Diagramme, 21 Karten Southern Book Publishers
(Südafrika), 1990, ISBN 1-86812-246-8
Klappentext: "Separating the bustle
of the Witwatersrand from the quiet openness of the African bushveld lies the Magaliesberg, a mountain range
rich in wildlife, history and scenic spectacle. Here plants and animals of the highveld blend with those of
the mountain and bushveld in a wealth of natural variety. Here, too, is the cradle of human evolution where
over thousands of years a succession of societies have lived, hunted, farmed and clashed in violent wars. The
Magaliesberg is a masterful portrayal of the immense diversity of these mountains. Beginning with the
titanic geological birth of the range, Vincent Carruthers explains the complex natural history of this
unusual locality. From the delicacy of the wild flowers to the secrecy of the kloof-dwelling leopards, he
describes the fauna and flora to be found there and the relationships between species and their environment.
He traces the history of man in the mountains, provides archaeological glimpses into ancient cultures and
relates the horror and heroism of battles between Ndebele, Tswana, Boer and Briton. Hundreds of photographs
and line drawings enhance his detailed descriptions and make the book a joy to own. Today the mountains are
a sanctuary from the stress of urban life but their fragile habitats can easily be violated by over
exploitation. To conservationists, historians, visitors and armchair explorers, The Magaliesberg is
an exciting book to read and an endless source of well researched information."
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The Magaliesberg (Reprint)
von Vincent Carruthers, Vorwort von James Clarke
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag,
Nachdruck, 438 Seiten, 93 Farbfotos auf 32 Tafeln, 81 Schwarzweißfotos, 390 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 15
Diagramme, 21 Karten Protea Boekhuis
(Südafrika), 2000, ISBN 1-919825-02-9
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Magnificent Natural Heritage
of South Africa
von Johann Knobel (Fotos) & George J. Bredenkamp (Redaktion), Vorwort von Peter Borchert,
Textbeiträge von George J. Bredenkamp, Coert J. Geldenhuys, John Hanks, Annelise le Roux, June Wendy Lloyd,
Roy Allen Lubke, Wayne Matthews, Dave Richardson, Gretel van Rooyen, Noel van Rooyen, Danny Walmsley &
Jay Walmsley
Klappentext: "South Africa is blessed
with an abundance of natural riches. Not only does it have an amazing number and variety of bird, mammal and
reptile species, but it is the only country on earth to house one of the world's six floral kingdoms within
its boundaries - the fynbos region - and more plant species can be found here than in any other temperate
region of comparable size. This rich living tapestry is spread over an infinitely varied topography, ranging
from the spectacularly rugged coastline to lofty peaks that rise to more than 3,000 metres. And, everywhere,
the landscape teems with wildlife, astounding in its variety and adaptation to the environment. Only Brazil
and Indonesia, both in the tropics, are known to have biodiversity indices higher than that of South Africa.
Fundamental to unravelling this extraordinary natural wealth is an understanding of the biomes of the land -
large natural regions, each with its own distinctive vegetation shaped by differences in climate and
topography. From arid Nama karoo to lush forest, from archetypal African savanna to waving grassland, from
aromatic fynbos to sun-baked succulent karoo and fragmented thicket, this wide spectrum of habitats holds
one of the keys to the living diversity of South Africa. Johann Knobel spent 20 years photographing the
natural wealth of South Africa, capturing on camera the very essence of every biome, each with its own
unique flora, fauna and character. In this book, as series of evocative essays, written by experts in their
respective fields, is combined with Johann's exceptional photographs, to present a holistic look at the
natural wonders of this country. Each chapter is devoted to a separate biome, portraying its land and life
forms in images and words. Woven through the text is the recurrent theme that the conservation of these
biological riches is not an end in itself, but that humankind will be the ultimate beneficiary. The
southernmost African country has a truly unique natural history, and all of its riches - both floral and
faunal - have been quintessentially revealed in this, The Magnificent Natural Heritage of South Africa."
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The Magnificent Natural Heritage
of South Africa (2nd Edition)
von Johann Knobel (Fotos) & George J. Bredenkamp (Redaktion), Vorwort von Peter Borchert,
Textbeiträge von George J. Bredenkamp, Coert J. Geldenhuys, John Hanks, Annelise le Roux, June Wendy Lloyd,
Roy Allen Lubke, Wayne Matthews, Dave Richardson, Gretel van Rooyen, Noel van Rooyen, Danny Walmsley &
Jay Walmsley
Gebundene Ausgabe, 2. Auflage, 160 Seiten,
226 Farbfotos, 1 Farbkarte Sunbird Publishers (Südafrika), März 2006, ISBN 1-919938-38-9
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
MalaMala Pathway to an African Eden
von Amanda Lumry (Fotos), Jamie Thom (Fotos), Laura Hurwitz (Redaktion) & Emily McGalliard (Redaktion)
Klappentext: "In the Mpumalanga
region of South Africa, adjacent to Kruger National
Park, lies a paradise known as MalaMala. A
privately-owned game reserve, MalaMala is renowned for
its extravagant beauty and impressive concentration of animals, including the legendary 'Big Five' - lion,
leopard, buffalo, rhinoceros, and elephant. Amanda Lumry and Jamie Thom take the reader on a visual journey
through the unspoiled innocence of this latter-day reflection of the Biblical Eden. These images bring to
life the peerless drama of the safari experience. Here is a glimpse of quintessential Africa, with its
abundance of wildlife and breathtaking landscapes. This volume captures the true essence of MalaMala, and thus the
African wildlife experience. A portion of the proceeds from this book are donated to the World Wildlife Fund U.S.,
WWF South Africa, and the Endangered Wildlife Trust."
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Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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