Wildes Paradies
Eine Reise durch 24 Nationalparks
von Franck Fouquet, Vorwort von Johnny Clegg
Gebundene Ausgabe, 192 Seiten, über 150
Farbfotos RvR-Kubik, Oktober 2005,
ISBN 3-938265-07-8
Deutsche Fassung von Paradis sauvages
d'Afrique du Sud. Eine englische Fassung ist als South Africa:
The Wild Paradise erschienen.
Verleger: "Atemberaubende
Landschaften, von den Savannen bis zur Wüste Kalahari, von den weiten Sandstränden bis zur Felsenküste
des Kaps der Guten Hoffnung, vom üppig wuchernden Urwald bis zu verschneiten Berggipfeln, ist Südafrika
eine Folge mächtiger, grandioser, fast unwirklicher Landschaften. Südafrika, so kann man sich das Paradies
vorstellen. Franck Fouquet (Gewinner des Internationalen Preises der Hasselblad Stiftung 2001 und
unermüdlicher Wanderer auf afrikanischem Boden) hat während zwei Jahren die 24 besten Nationalparks
besucht und nimmt Sie mit auf eine wunderbare Reise. »Die außergewöhnlichen Fotografien Franck Fouquets
bezeugen die Schönheit meines Landes, sie gehören zu den authentischsten, die ich je gesehen habe,« so
äußert sich Johnny Clegg, der vielleicht populärste Sänger Südafrikas und engagierter Kämpfer für die
Abschaffung der Apartheid, in seinem Vorwort. Praktische Hinweise und ein Adressenteil geben die notwendigen
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.de. Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland).
Verleger: "Table Mountain, a landmark
recognized the world over, is a place of scenic beauty and natural riches. Flanked on either side by
Devil's Peak and Lion's Head, it forms a spectacular backdrop to the city of Cape Town. Yet despite its
proximity to this bustling metropolis, it is home to an amazing diversity of plants and animals, some of
which are found nowhere else on earth. In fact, it is a showcase for the southwestern Cape's renowned
Cape Floral Kingdom. The lives of the plants of this kingdom are inextricably linked with a host of
unusual animals, many of them inconspicuous, but vital for the survival of the mountain's natural
communities. In Table Mountain: A Natural History, scientists Anton Pauw and Steven Johnson explore
the intricate relationships between the plants and animals of the mountain's diverse habitats, from its
fynbos, forests and caves to its streams and vleis. With stunning photography and a perceptive text
they present a unique and thrilling view of this icon of southern Africa."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
To Everything its Season
MalaMala: The Story of a Game Reserve
Synopsis: "In the north-eastern
Transvaal, where the land is still uncultivated wilderness, lies the Sabi Sand game reserve. In an ox-bow in
the Sand river lies the jewel of the bushveld, MalaMala, Africa's
paramount private game reserve. To this haven of African wild live and bushveld tranquillity the Rattray's
of MalaMala invited their
namesake Gillian Rattray, celebrated author and artist of Springing of the Year. The result, To
Everything its Season, is a delightful record of an extended sojourn in this bushveld paradise. In To
Everything its Season Gillian Rattray applies her keen skill as observer and artist to the wonders of
this terrain. Her text explores the passage of the seasons in the bushveld, its sights and sounds, as well
as the fascinating history of MalaMala and its people.
Her fine paintings compliment the text with a record of the flora, fauna, bird and insect life of this
abundant region. This beautiful volume will delight all who have visited MalaMala, as well as those
who plan to - or just dream of doing so. Far more than a tribute to a stay at MalaMala, To Everything
its Season is a record of bushveld days and seasons and a paean to the people who, over the years, made
this heart of Africa what it is by leaving it the way it has always been."
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Eden of the Garden Route
von Philip van den Berg (Fotos), Ingrid van den Berg (Fotos), Heinrich van den Berg (Fotos) & Keri Harvey (Text)
Verleger: "This delightful book
memento focuses on the natural beauty of the Tsitsikamma region of the spectacular Garden Route in the
Eastern Cape. The high quality photographs and the engaging text are informative and place the area in
geographical context. The content also deals with specific attractions, accommodation and business
partnerships – against a setting of the natural environment, both terrestrial and marine."
Informationen zu den Fotografen erhalten
Sie bei HPH Photography.
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch direkt bei HPH Publishing
(Südafrika). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
The Waterberg
The Natural Splendours and the People
von William Taylor (Text), Gerald Hinde (Fotos) & David Holt-Biddle (Text)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 176 Seiten, 209
Farbfotos, 19 Duotonfotos, 4 Farbillustrationen, 3 Farbkarten Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), August 2003, ISBN 1-86872-822-6
Klappentext: "This beautiful and
evocative book introduces an unspoilt and little-known part of the country: the Waterberg, which has
recently been declared a biosphere reserve
by the United Nations. For many
years overlooked by developers and tourists alike, this quiet region possesses a haunting natural splendour.
It is home to large populations of game and encompasses some important historic and prehistoric sites. The
authors trace the history of the Waterberg, from its geological formation to the first human settlements.
They focus on people whose presence and activities have impacted on its development, such as Eugène Marais
and, later on, Clive Walker. They describe the natural splendour of the fauna and flora; and, most
significantly, they detail modern-day developments, specifically the move from farming to conservation - a
trend that might preserve the natural features and inhabitants from more invasive practices. The book is
richly illustrated with photographs by renowned wildlife photographer Gerald Hinde."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Wild Kruger
A Visual Celebration of Africa's
Premier National Park
von Adrian Bailey (Fotos) & Robyn Keene-Young (Text)
Verleger: "Adrian Bailey shows off
the wildlife and scenery of the Kruger park at its best. Containing 160 of his best photographs this is a photographic
journey through the park from the northern most tip to the south, showing the different vegetation, scenery,
and wildlife along the way. The introduction also includes details of the range of accommodation and events
that Kruger park has to offer: Night drives, walking trails and 4x4 trails etc. A short but
succinct text by Robyn Keene-Young complements the photography."
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk
(Großbritannien) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Wild South Africa
von Alan Mountain (Text) & Lex Hes (Fotos)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 208 Seiten, 340
Farbfotos, 6 Karten Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), September 1998, ISBN 1-86872-195-7
Verleger: "This guide forms part of a
series comprising natural history studies of biologically rich countries with a diverse natural heritage.
The series also looks at natural environments under pressure from the encroachments of industry and
agriculture, and considers the conservation and ecological issues involved. Wild South Africa
celebrates the beauty and diversity of this country's unspoilt and less-developed areas, at the same time
highlighting some of the more renowned wild places. Around 340 photographs illustrate all aspects of natures
cycles in each region, from tiny insects and birds to the larger mammals, as well as fruits, flowers and
sweeping landscapes. Indigenous peoples of the various regions are also portrayed at work and play in their
natural environment. After an introduction, which covers aspects ranging from geology, plant and animal life
to conservation and the future of a truly wild South Africa, each chapter focuses on a specific region. The
Eastern Coastal Plain, a wetland area of extraordinary natural diversity; the Eastern and Western Coast
zones; the Bushveld, encompassing some of South Africa's richest wildlife areas; the Deserts of the Karoo
and Kalahari; and the Mountains from the jagged and spectacular Drakensberg massif to the Cape's dramatic
fold mountains. The emphasis is on the untouched natural beauty of the land, with each section highlighting
its unique vegetation, animal and bird life, and landscapes."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Klappentext: "Few places on earth
have such an abundance and diversity of animals and plantlife as the wilderness areas of the eastern
Transvaal lowveld. It is not surprising, therefore, that this natural bounty has been the subject for many a
writer and photographer. Wilderness Dawning, however, is far from 'yet another book' on the wildlife
of southern Africa, as the author, Peter Pickford, breaks new ground. His photographic talent is huge and
becomes manifestly apparent as one turns the pages of this volume, for he has captured the very essence of
the African wilderness - ancient, moody and compelling. Here, in this harsh and uncompromising world, the
participants are presented in their true spirit - a spirit of wild freedom. Peter Pickford's talents extend
beyond the realm of photography, for he also exhibits a sensitive skill with words, giving the reader, in a
subtle blend of fact and fiction, an historical and contemporary perspective to the creation and existence
of the wilderness sanctuaries of the lowveld: Sabi Sand, Timbavati, Umbabat, Klaserie, and, of course, the Kruger National
Park itself. In the words of Dr. Ian Player, who has written the Foreword to this book: 'Wilderness
Dawning is an expression of Peter Pickford himself and comes from the depth of his inner being. I trust
that other books will come, infused always by the wilderness spirit'."
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