Gebundene Ausgabe, 377 Seiten, 26 Farb-
& 31 SW-Fotos auf 32 Tafeln, 1 Karte Viking Books (UK), April
1991, ISBN 0-670-83612-5
Klappentext: "As a child Kuki
Gallmann dreamed of Africa. Born near Venice, she grew up enchanted by the sound of words. Stories of the
Sahara fired her imagination and, like the swallows in her grandfather's garden, she felt the urge to fly
south. At the age of twenty-five, divorced, crippled by a devastating accident, she left to convalesce in
Kenya with her friend Paolo Gallmann, whom she was in due course to marry. So begins a journey that takes
her to the extremities of human experience. In Kenya she and Paolo explore lakes, desert and the tropical
coastline before buying a vast ranch on the Laikipia plateau. They hunt lion, buffalo and once - to their
horror - an elephant. The years bring a succession of discoveries and delights, but increasingly they are
interspersed with dangers and premonitions. When her life with Paolo ends as violently as it started Kuki is
left with her twelve-year-old son Emanuele, an unborn baby and 90,000 acres of Africa to look after. There
follow years of recovery and hope - the birth of Paolo's golden-haired daughter Sveva; the healing
companionship of new men; the emergence of Emanuele from a boy fond of hunting and fishing into a youth who
loves motorbikes and girls, but who has a passion that is to prove fatal - snakes. Few mothers, if any, have
written so movingly of a son's death. The triumph of this continuously enthralling book lies in its final
chapters, which epitomize the victory of friendship, will, courage and imagination over the cruellest
tragedies. Through her dedication to the hills, gorges, elephant herds and tribespeople of Laikipia, the
devotion of her friends and love of her daughter, the author has forged a new life for herself and founded a
living memorial to her husband and her son. Both her foundation and her astonishing story are without
parallel even in the stormy and beautiful continent of Africa."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
I Dreamed of Africa (Reissue)
von Kuki Gallmann
Paperback, Wiederauflage, 336 Seiten,
Fotos auf Tafeln Penguin Books (UK),
November 2004 (1992), ISBN 0-14-014459-5
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
I'd Rather Be On Safari
Adventures and Reflections from over
100 Safaris
Verleger: "On over 100 safaris, Gary
K. Clarke has canoed the Zambezi River, camped on the floor of the Ngorongoro
Crater, slept under the stars of the Kalahari Desert and traversed the Great Rift Valley. In this book
he writes about his many adventures and misadventures in Africa. I'd Rather Be On Safari conveys a
true feeling for the land, the animals and culture of this diverse and complex continent. Gary K. Clarke has
a lifelong involvement with wild animals, human cultures and the natural world. He is a naturalist,
lecturer, photographer, writer, consultant, safari leader and former zoo director. For more than a quarter
of a century Gary has explored the majesty that is Africa. If you've ever been on safari this book is a
must. If not, it's the next best thing. Jack Hanna, television star of Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures
graces the dust jacket with the following quote 'My dream is to someday be on safari with Gary
Suchen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
The Language of the Land Living Among the Hadzabe in
von James Stephenson
Gebundene Ausgabe, 220 Seiten, 12
Farbillustrationen auf 12 Tafeln, 69 Schwarzweißfotos, 1 Schwarzweißillustration, Karte St. Martin's Press (USA),
September 2000, ISBN 0-312-24107-0
Verleger: "A rare adventure with the
last Stone Age hunting and gathering tribe in Africa. In 1997 James Stephenson arranged to have almost a
full year free, a year he wanted to spend among the Hadzabe in East Africa. He had visited these people
several times previously and with every trip his fascination with them deepened, for the Hadzabe are the
last hunters and gatherers still living a traditional life in Africa. At the age of 27, Stephenson intended
to spend the year living among the Hadzabe, and, more importantly, living their life, hunting what they
hunted, eating what they ate, participating in their dances and ceremonies, consulting with their medicine
men and learning their myths and dreams. Armed only with his camera, his art supplies and the open-hearted
courage of youth, he set out to visit with a people who have changed little since the Stone Age. He wanted
to glimpse the world as they perceived it and learn the wisdom they had wrestled from the land. This account
of his adventure and what he learned is travel writing at its best, reminiscent of the books of Peter Beard
and Bruce Chatwin."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
The Language of the Land (Reissue)
Living Among a Stone-Age People in Africa
von James Stephenson
Paperback, Wiederauflage, 256 Seiten, 12
Farbillustrationen auf 12 Tafeln, 69 Schwarzweißfotos, 1 Schwarzweißillustration, Karte St.
Martin's Griffin (USA), Oktober 2001, ISBN 0-312-28436-5
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(Großbritannien) oder (Deutschland). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Land of a Thousand Hills
My Life in Rwanda
von Rosamond Halsey Carr & Ann Halsey
Gebundene Ausgabe, 264 Seiten, 63
Schwarzweißfotos auf 16 Tafeln, 2 Karten Viking Books (USA),
September 1999, ISBN 0-670-88780-3
Klappentext: "When Rosamond Halsey
Carr first arrived in Africa, she had no idea that she would spend the rest of her life there. As a young
fashion illustrator living in New York City in the 1940s, she seemed the least likely candidate for such a
life of adventure. But marriage to a dashing (and considerably older) hunter-explorer took her to what was
then the Belgian Congo, and divorce left her determined to stay on, in neighboring Rwanda, as the manager of
a flower plantation. Whether chugging up the Congo on a paddle-wheel steamboat, rubbing elbows with pygmy
chiefs (or wealthy colonial neighbors), being pursued through the dark by a stalking leopard, or visiting
friend Dian Fossey and her mountain gorillas at Karisoke, Carr found herself living a life of cinematic
proportions. In the process, she witnessed a half century of the politics of a deeply troubled country and
saw firsthand the decline and fall of colonialism, the wars for independence, and the relentless clashes
between the Hutus and Tutsis. And finally, having been caught in the crossfire of 1994's horrific genocide,
Carr provides an unparalleled personal account that underscores her continued devotion to the country by her
decision to turn her plantation into a shelter for Rwanda's lost and orphaned children. Land of a
Thousand Hills unfolds against the backdrop of Rwanda's history from the royal Tutsi dynasty to the
present, in a landscape whose magic is aptly evoked through vivid descriptions of everything from elephants
to volcanoes to pyrethrum fields. In the grand romantic tradition of Out of Africa,
Carr's story is the epic story of a woman alone in an exotic land, struggling to survive untold hardships
only to emerge with an extraordinary love for her adopted country and its people."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Land of a Thousand Hills (Reprint)
My Life in Rwanda
von Rosamond Halsey Carr & Ann Halsey
Paperback, Nachdruck, 264 Seiten, 63
Schwarzweißfotos auf 16 Tafeln, 2 Karten Plume
Books (USA), September 2000, ISBN 0-452-28202-0
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern
(USA) oder
(Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Life of Frederick Courtenay Selous
von J. G. Millais, F.Z.S.
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag,
Nachdruck, 387 Seiten, 1 Schwarzweißfoto, 4 Schwarzweißillustrationen
The Gallery Publications (Tansania), Dezember 2001, ISBN 9987-667-11-2
Nachdruck von Life of Frederick
Courtenay Selous, Capt. 25th Royal Fusiliers (England, 1918).
Rückentext: "Frederick Courtney
Selous (1851-1917) was above all a great hunter and adventurer. He was also a naturalist, patriot and
pioneer. He was very much a man of his times and yet was one of the few men of his men of his day who could
see beyond the narrow vision of colonialism. The name of Selous lives on in one of the great game reserves
of East Africa. Many of those who are fortunate enough to have visited the Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania
will have seen Selous' grave, near to the spot where he fell in battle. This is a book of lively anecdotes
which explores the qualities of an extraordinary man who was the epitome of the great, fair-minded
Englishman who lived in the heyday of British Imperialism. Loyalty to 'King and country' brought Selous to
his death as an intelligence officer in the campaign to capture Tanganyika from the Germans. Selous, a
curious, lively child grew up to be strong in mind, stature and the ideals of the time. He went on
adventures, hunted and collected specimens in Asia Minor, Europe and Africa. In this book we see the
affection and respect he commanded from those who met him, including Teddy Roosevelt. The re-issue of this
biography is very welcome. The modern reader not only gains an insight into the life of the man but also the
history of colonial Africa and the genesis of some of the political and ecological issues of today."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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