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Klappentext: "East Africa affects our
imagination like few other places. The sight of a charging rhino goes directly to the heart, the limitless
landscape of bony highlands, desert, and moutains is, as Isak Dinesen [Karen Blixen] puts it, of 'unequalled
nobility'. The golden age of safaris spanned eighty years, a time when such legendary hunters as R. J.
Cunninghame, Philip Percival, J. A. Hunter, Karamoja Bell, and the romantic Denys Finch Hatton roamed the
African bush. They inspired Ernest Hemingway, Robert Ruark, and Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen), whose stories
became movies starring Clark Gable, Gregory Peck, and Robert Redford. Romantic and frequently reckless,
these professional hunters were witnesses to the richest wildlife spectacle the earth has ever known. Drawn
to Africa at the end of the last century, the first sportsmen were largely after meat, tusks, and skins.
Many were eccentric adventurers: one intrepid soul walked from Cape Town to Cairo - a distance of four
thousand miles - for the love of a woman. Another, a patrician trained at Sandhurst, was known to ride his
favorite mare into the dining room of the Norfolk
Hotel. By 1910 Nairobi's dashing white hunters were in the ascendancy. Early safari clients, such as
Teddy Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and the Prince of Wales who would reign briefly as King Edward VIII,
came to the field kitted out with made-to-measure jodhpurs and bush jackets fitted with sewn-in cartridge
loops. They sailed from New York or London on German Lloyd steamers and were met by deluxe trains at Mombasa
for the journey into the heart of big-game country. In the first book to tell the complete story of the
great African safaris, Brian Herne evokes the harmony that once existed between hunters and such magnificent
animals as elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo, and rhino - the big five - that roamed the high plateaus of
East Africa in large numbers before poaching and politics intervened. Beyond the glamour of hunting safaris,
the author shows the intricate connection between hunting and conservation and provides evidence that
elephant and rhino populations are beginning to rebound after years of devastation. With regulated hunting
and the ivory ban in force, Herne believes the drastic wildlife declines can be arrested. White Hunters
summons grand-scale adventure: the danger and romance of the big-game hunt."
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White Hunters (2nd Reprint Edition)
The Golden Age of African Safaris
von Brian Herne
Paperback, 2. Nachdruck, 469 Seiten, 61
Schwarzweißfotos, 2 Karten Owl Books (USA), Mai
2001, ISBN 0-8050-6736-1
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Wildlife Wars My Fight to Save Africa's Natural
von Richard Leakey & Virginia Morell
Gebundene Ausgabe, 352 Seiten, 28
Schwarzweißfotos auf 16 Tafeln, 1 Karte St.
Martin's Press (USA), September 2001, ISBN 0-312-20626-7
Klappentext: "Known the world over
for his work in early human origins, Richard Leakey was serving as director of Kenya's
National Museums when in 1989 President Daniel arap Moi appointed him to run the country's Wildlife
Conservation Department. The news stunned Leakey. He was suddenly in charge of an enormous bureaucracy
whose responsibility was to oversee millions of square acres of parks and sanctuaries, and to protect the
animals living in them. Like many other Kenyans, Leakey knew that the country's fabulous wildlife
population, in particular the elephant, was in very real danger. By the late 1980s, the once numberless
herds of elephants that roamed its savannas were dwindling fast, victims to poachers armed with automatic
weapons, bureaucratic inefficiency, and the world's appetite for ivory. Extinction was more than a
theoretical possibility. Leakey quickly realized he had been given far more than a job; he had been thrust
onto the front lines of a wildlife war, one that was being fought as fiercely in Nairobi's government
offices as in the parks themselves. Extreme conditions called for extreme measures. One of his first orders
of business involved an enormous warehouse of confiscated elephant tusks that were to be auctioned off to
the highest bidder, the proceeds used to buttress the demoralized and nearly bankrupt Wildlife
Department. Rather than sell the tusks, however, Leakey decided to burn them. The bonfire flames
captured the world's attention. The fight to save the African elephant was ignited. Wildlife Wars
is Leakey's inspiring and dramatic account of these turbulent times, indelibly capturing Kenya's struggle to
balance the needs of its human population with the task of maintaining the world-famous parks that are its
major source of revenue. He threw himself into his job: restructuring the department, firing nonperforming
personnel, securing funds for equipment, and building up a park police force that had both the will and the
means to take on the poachers. By slow degrees he and his colleagues at Wildlife
were beginning to turn the tide. But the cost of success was often high. As candid and controversial as its
author, this memoir, cowritten with Leakey family biographer and writer Virginia Morell, is testimony to one
man's commitment to save African wildlife and to serve his country. Richard Leakey has survived threats on
his life, political attacks, and a plane crash in which he lost both legs. Today, unbowed, he remains one of
Kenya's - and sub-Saharan Africa's - most passionate spokesman for conservation, political, and economic
reform. Wildlife Wars reveals how deeply his passion runs."
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Wildlife Wars (Reissue)
My Fight to Save Africa's Natural Treasures
von Richard Leakey & Virginia Morell
Paperback, Wiederauflage, 352 Seiten, 28
Schwarzweißfotos auf 16 Tafeln, 1 Karte St. Martin's Griffin
(USA), September 2002, ISBN 0-312-30334-3
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Klappentext: "After the triumph of Maasai, the lavishly produced and
highly praised book that records in pictures and words the vanishing culture of his people, Ole Saitoti now
gives us, with precision, sensitivity and humor, an enchanting memoir of his own traditional childhood,
adolescence and coming into manhood in Maasailand, and of his education in Europe and America. On the plains
of the Serengeti - lush green
during the rainy season, harsh and arid during the dry, but in either case teeming with dangerous wild
animals - a child grows up tending cattle, sheep and goats for his strict, tradition-bound father. Here is
Ole coming to terms with the vagaries and hardships of the nomadic life of the Maasai, while behaving as any
child would - though when his mother dies he lives under the domination of his father's various wives. He
ventures grudgingly into the unknown as he is chosen to leave home for a government school, where we see
him, child of an oral culture, enraptured by the magic of the written word. He switches to a missionary
school where he is encouraged to eschew the traditional ways of his people and to adopt those of 'civilized'
missionaries - he is baptized. Fired by a desire for education to better himself, he nonetheless fails a
crucial exam, ruining any chance he may have had to enter secondary school. The young man now returns to the
bosom of his family, but changed in ways he could never have imagined. And he is circumcised, initiated into
manhood; he achieves what it takes to be a warrior. Yet he runs away to become a park ranger chasing
poachers; later his world expands as he meets visitors from other countries. He is chosen to represent his
people in a National Geographic
Society film; finds himself in Munich studying German, but is sidetracked by circumstances to America,
where through special dispensation he acquires a college education that enables him to record the culture of
his people in a book and to go back to Maasailand to help them to survive. The Worlds of a Maasai Warrior
is at once a magical evocation of a life both exotic and familiar and a portrait of the frightening tensions
and ambiguities that characterize relations between the so-called Third World and the West."
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The Worlds of a Maasai Warrior (Reprint)
An Autobiography
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