Paperback, Wiederauflage, 298 Seiten,
Schwarzweißfotos auf 16 Tafeln Warner
Books (USA), Oktober 2000, ISBN 0-446-67613-6
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(Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
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Roaring at the Dawn
Journeys in Wild Africa
von Brian Jackman (Text), Jonathan Scott (Fotos) & David Coulson (Fotos)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 166 Seiten, 53
Farbfotos auf 28 Tafeln, 1 Karte Swan Hill Press (UK),
Juli 1995, ISBN 1-85310-570-8
Klappentext: "Roaring at the Dawn
is a celebration of the splendours of wild Africa, its greatest game parks and most spectacular fauna. The
material is culled from two decades of safari notebooks which have taken the author to Kenya, Tanzania,
Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa. Sometimes accompanied by such legendary characters as
the late George Adamson, Brian Jackman offers the reader a vivid and authentic portrait of life in the bush
as it is today. Illustrated with outstanding colour photographs, Roaring at the Dawn is a tribute to
the enduring glories of the African bush."
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Sand Rivers
von Peter Matthiessen (Text) & Hugo van Lawick (Fotos)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 213 Seiten, 65
Farbfotos auf 64 Tafeln, 10 SW-Fotos Viking
Press (USA), April 1981, ISBN 0-670-61696-6
Klappentext: "In late 1979, the
writer and naturalist Peter Matthiessen and the wildlife photographer Hugo van Lawick joined a safari into
the Selous Game Reserve in southern Tanzania, one of the largest yet least-known strongholds of wild animals
left on earth. Sand Rivers is their beautiful account of a remarkable trip into this quintessential
East African wilderness. Here, along the glinting sand rivers, among the hills littered with stone tools, in
the endless miombo woodlands, are the lion and antelope, the hippos, elephants, crocodiles, rhinos, and
dazzling birds that are the glory of the African landscape. But in the coppery autumnal light there is also
a great silence, and in the silence resound harsh questions that we must ask about the future of all the
earth's wildernesses. A foot safari into its roadless inner spaces is the climax of Mr. Matthiessen's
extraordinary portrait of the Selous and of the fierce, lonely men who shaped its history and are shaping
its future. His text evokes with characteristic brilliance not only the natural beauties but also the human
and social realities of the Selous; it is spectacularly matched by Hugo van Lawick's photographs in full
Informationen zum Fotografen erhalten Sie
bei Hugo
van Lawick.
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The Shamba Raiders
Memories of a Game Warden
von Bruce Kinloch, Charles Astley Maberly (Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 416 Seiten, 13 Farb-
& 43 Schwarzweißfotos auf 32 Tafeln, Schwarzweißillustrationen, Karte Collins & Harvill Press (UK), April
1972, ISBN 0-00-261751-X
Klappentext: "This outstanding book
on African wildlife will appeal to all lovers of the wild; written by a man of unique experience it merits a
permanent place on the bookshelves of all collectors of Africana. Over the last twenty-three years Bruce
Kinloch has been Chief Game Warden of three different African countries - the only man ever to have done so
- and Wildlife Adviser to two others. In The Shamba Raiders he tells a fascinating inside story,
revealing new and dramatic details of the eternal struggle to preserve East Africa's wildlife; the unceasing
war against vicious poachers and rapacious middlemen, the never-ending battle with bigoted officialdom, the
seldom publicised work of the veteran game departments; in all it makes exciting reading for he also tells
thrilling stories of his own encounters with rogue elephants, buffalo and other dangerous animals, and of
his relentless pursuit of cunning ivory smugglers. Starting with an intriguing, and often amusing, account
of how he himself came to be totally involved with wildlife conservation, the author relates what he and his
colleagues managed to achieve in the face of official apathy and often active opposition. Throughout, the
scene is dominated by the African elephant, for Bruce Kinloch is an avowed 'elephant man'; these mighty
beasts fascinate him and he believes that but for the need to control both their depredations of peasant shambas
and the age-old trade in their valuable ivory, effective wildlife management techniques would have been
introduced too late to save the great game herds of East Africa. Bruce Kinloch concludes his story with an
enthralling account of the strange chain of events leading to his creation, on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro,
of the College of African
Wildlife Management, an institution - the first of its kind - to train Africa's future game wardens.
Vividly and humorously written, with much thought-provoking comment, Bruce Kinloch's book makes a
substantial contribution to the history of conservation. Illustrated by splendid photographs in colour and
black and white and with Astley Maberley's charming line drawings, this is a book both to read and to
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The Shamba Raiders (Reprint)
Memories of a Game Warden
von Bruce Kinloch, Charles Astley Maberly (Illustrationen)
Paperback, Nachdruck, 431 Seiten, Farb-
& Schwarzweißfotos, Schwarzweißillustrationen, Karte Librario Book Publishers
(UK), April 2004, ISBN 1-904440-37-1
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Treetops: Story of a World Famous
von R. J. Prickett
Gebundene Ausgabe, 200 Seiten, 10
Farbfotos auf 8 Tafeln, 41 Schwarzweißfotos, 1 Karte David
& Charles (UK), November 1987, ISBN 0-7153-9020-1
Klappentext: "Treetops, the unique safari lodge in the Kenyan bush, has a unique international
reputation as one of the most exciting experiences that any visitor to Africa can hope to have. This is the
story of this remarkable hotel, told by one of its most colourful and experienced hunter-escorts. The
stories of the many people who have been there, including the Queen - who made a nostalgic visit in 1983 -
of the wildlife itself and all kinds of special happenings are vividly recorded, and many of them
illustrated. Treetops began as a hut in a tree somewhere in Kenya, but this was the tree where
Princess Elizabeth actually became Queen Elizabeth II. The book is full of poignant and amusing anecdotes,
and evokes all the magic and excitement of the life of a real life hunter-escort in the Kenyan
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True at First Light
A Fictional Memoir
von Ernest Hemingway, Vorwort von Patrick Hemingway
Verleger: "Both revealing
self-portrait and dramatic fictional chronicle of his final African safari, Ernest Hemingway's last
unpublished work was written when he returned from Kenya in 1953. Edited by his son Patrick, who accompanied
his father on the safari, True at First Light offers rare insights into the legendary American writer
in the year of the hundredth anniversary of his birth. A blend of autobiography and fiction, the book opens
on the day his close friend Pop, a celebrated hunter, leaves Ernest in charge of the safari camp and news
arrives of a potential attack from a hostile tribe. Drama continues to build as his wife, Mary, pursues the
great black-maned lion that has become her obsession. Spicing his depictions of human longings with sharp
humor, Hemingway captures the excitement of big-game hunting and the unparalleled beauty of the scenery -
the green plains covered with gray mist, zebra and gazelle traversing the horizon, cool dark nights broken
by the sounds of the hyena's cry. As the group at camp help Mary track her prize, she and Ernest suffer the
'incalculable casualties of marriage', and their attempts to love each other well are marred by cruelty,
competition and infidelity. Ernest has become involved with Debba, an African girl whom he supposedly plans
to take as a second bride. Increasingly enchanted by the local African community, he struggles between the
attraction of these two women and the wildly different cultures they represent. In True at First Light,
Hemingway also chronicles his exploits - sometimes hilarious and sometimes poignant - among the African men
with whom he has become very close, reminisces about encounters with other writers and his days in Paris and
Spain and satirizes, among other things, the role of organized religion in Africa. He also muses on the act
of writing itself and the author's role in determining the truth. What is fact and what is fiction? This is
a question that was posed by Hemingway's readers throughout his career and is one of his principal subjects
here. Equally adept at evoking the singular textures of the landscape, the thrill of the hunt and the
complexities of married life, Hemingway weaves a tale that is rich in laughter, beauty and profound insight.
True at First Light is an extraordinary publishing event - a breathtaking final work from one of this
nation's most beloved and important writers."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Tsavo Story
von Daphne Sheldrick
Gebundene Ausgabe, 315 Seiten, 9 Farb-
& 18 Schwarzweißfotos auf 23 Tafeln, Schwarzweißillustrationen, 5 Karten Collins & Harvill Press (UK), Juli
1973, ISBN 0-00-262801-5
Klappentext: "This book covers the
development of Tsavo, Kenya's
largest game park, well known to thousands of visitors, from its establishment in 1948 to the present time.
The author takes her readers back to the days when the area was no more than wild, inhospitable, arid
scrubland. It was then that her husband, David Sheldrick, was posted as the first Warden to that part of the
Park named Tsavo East. His
task was to convert this unpromising wasteland into a sanctuary which would both support a large wildlife
population and be attractive to visitors. One of the first concerns was to safeguard the game which was
threatened by many dangers: serious poaching, recurrent droughts and floods which brought death in their
wake. He set himself to solving these problems, but in time the solution of one gave rise to the emergence
of another. For instance, as the years passed, the over-population of the area by elephant posed a threat to
the Park and opinion was divided on how to meet it. An interesting aspect of the great increase in the
number of elephant was that it caused vegetal changes which entirely altered the face of Tsavo. The park
has had a very turbulent history; its story is evidence of David Sheldrick's courage, determination and
endurance to which Tsavo owes its
present fame. Though Daphne Sheldrick writes little about herself or of the calls on her courage and
patience, she gives vivid pictures of many of the young wild animals she has cared for and describes
individual characters among the tame elephants who have lived alongside the Sheldricks and enriched their
lives. Studied scientifically they have thrown valuable light on the constitution and habits of their wild
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Synopsis: "Born in England in 1902,
Beryl Markham was taken by her father to East Africa in 1906. She spent her childhood playing with native
Maruni children and apprenticing with her father as a trainer and breeder of racehorses. In the 1930s, she
became an African bush pilot, and in September 1936, became the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic
from east to west."
Ernest Hemingway: "Did you read Beryl Markham's book, West with the Night? I knew her fairly
well in Africa and never would have suspected that she could and would put pen to paper except to write in
her flyer's log book. As it is, she has written so well, and marvelously well, that I was completely ashamed
of myself as a writer. I felt that I was simply a carpenter with words, picking up whatever was furnished on
the job and nailing them together and sometimes making an okay pig pen. But [she] can write rings around all
of us who consider ourselves writers. The only parts of it that I know about personally, on account of
having been there at the time and heard the other people's stories, are absolutely true... I wish you would
get it and read it because it is really a bloody wonderful book."
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