Klappentext: "This book introduces
Zakkie Eloff to those interested in South African fine arts: an unusually capable and versatile artist who
continues to demonstrate his exceptional talent and craftmanship. Eloff is a wildlife painter par
excellence, mainly because of his ability to capture the essence in character, movement, form and habit of
animals in their natural habitat. Through his work one also intimately experiences the mirages of Etosha,
the dunefringed 'streets' of the Kalahari, the dull-grey winters of the Transvaal bushveld or its strongly
contrasting green summer splendour. Eloff displays a truly remarkable knowledge of nature in his landscapes.
His work is exhibited in well-known South African and overseas art galleries."
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Limited Edition
An Artist in Africa
von David Shepherd, Vorwort von The Duke of Edinburgh,Einführung
von Nigel Sitwell
Gebundene Ausgabe, 75 Seiten, 44
ganzseitige Farbillustrationen Collins Publishers &
The Tyron Gallery (UK), September 1969, ISBN 0-00-211032-6
Klappentext: "There are many ways of
telling people about the things you believe in, but few can be as effective as David Shepherd's paintings.
With canvas and brush, he says more about his lifelong passion - Africa and its animals - than a thousands
books could ever do. What we see in Shepherd's painting is not simply the technical ability to distinguish
and reproduce the delicate colouring of a kudu, or the mountainous strength of a rhino, or the threatening
movement of a suspicious elephant, but so much more besides: a deep and convinced love of nature and an
overwhelming sense of responsibility towards a continent and its magnificent natural heritage so threatened
by mankind. In this first-ever collection of his paintings, David Shepherd pleads a cause that is both just
and urgent. With his paintings he repays Africa for the enormous pleasure and enjoyment that it constantly
affords him."
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Limited
Edition (limitierte Auflage von 250 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-250, ½ in Leder gebunden,
An Artist in Conservation
von David Shepherd, Vorwort von Prince Michael of Kent
Gebundene Ausgabe, 112 Seiten, 98 Farb-
& 49 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 2 Farb- & 7 Schwarzweißfotos David & Charles
(UK), Juni 1992, ISBN 0-7153-9459-2
Klappentext: "David Shepherd,
internationally known artist and deeply committed conservationist, first learnt about Africa from books
about the big game hunters of the 1930s. His first experience of the real Africa was when he attempted,
unsuccessfully, to become a game warden in Kenya. Returning to England he took up painting, initially
specialising in aviation art. David Shepherd: 'Then, in 1960, the Royal Air Force commissioned me to do two
paintings in Kenya. When I arrived they said to me, 'We don't want paintings of aircraft - do you do local
subjects such as elephant?' - and that's how it all started.' One day not long after this, in the Serengeti National Park
in Tanzania, he came across the corpses of 255 poisoned zebras, the macabre handiwork of a poaching gang. On
this traumatic day in 1960 David became an active conservationist. Over the years, the two strands of
David's life were to unite ever more strongly. As his popularity as a wildlife painter grew, he became
increasingly aware of the fragility of these animals' existence. In 1985 this led to the formation of the David Shepherd
Conservation Foundation, which David feels allows him to repay some of the pleasure and success he owes
to the creatures he paints. A stunning collection of the best of David's wildlife art, this book is a
testimony both to his unique talents as an artist, and to the beauty and majesty of the animals he portrays.
In the introductory text, David tells of his many visits to Africa and India, the people and animals he met
and the friends he made. There are fascinating descriptions of trips he made to shoot game - not with a gun,
but with a camera. He also tells of the times he painted in the field - including how he discovered the way
to stop a bull elephant in its tracks once it has taken a dislike to its portraitist. The paintings which
follow are as full of life and light as the landscapes he paints. Complemented by colour sketches, and
handwritten notes by the artist himself, they are a celebration of his subjects and his work. To David
Shepherd, the animals in his paintings are more than carefully chosen subjects - they are a lifelong
commitment. The danger they find themselves in as a result of man's many forms of barbarism and neglect
affects him deeply and sincerely. This exquisite collection of paintings is his tribute to their beauty and
their vitality."
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An Artist in Conservation (Reissue)
von David Shepherd, Vorwort von Prince Michael of Kent
Verleger: "This breathtaking
collection features the work of 86 artists who have looked in awe upon the untamed beauty of nature and
preserved it in deft sweeps of oil, watercolor and a host of other mediums. Look inside to see masterful
renderings of animals painted against some of the world's most magnificent environments. With each painting,
you'll find commentary from the artist on the inspiration, field research and techniques behind its
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The Big Cats
The Paintings of Guy Coheleach
von Guy Coheleach (Illustrationen) & Nancy A. Neff (Text), Vorwort von Roger Caras
Gebundene Ausgabe, 243 Seiten, 59
ganzseitige Farbillustrationen, 95 Schwarzweißillustrationen & Verbreitungskarten Harry N. Abrams (USA),
1982, ISBN 0-8109-0710-0
Verleger: "Lion. Tiger. Puma.
Cheetah. Leopard. Clouded leopard. Snow leopard. Jaguar. These are the big cats, among the world's most
marvelous creatures. Their grace and beauty are portrayed here by Guy Coheleach, one of the finest wildlife
painters of our time. Coheleach travels the world over to capture the sometimes startling - and always
fascinating - passages of a big cat's life, from cub to adult - playing and learning, stalking its prey,
lying in ambush, nurturing its young, cuddling its mate. Coheleach's paintings and drawings tell a story of
universal beauty and appeal. Why do some cats roar and others only purr? What makes the cheetah the fastest
mammal on earth? Why is the puma, once found across the United States, now nearly extinct east of the
Mississippi? What makes men go off in search of the rare and mysterious snow leopard? The text accompanying
these splendid portraits answers these questions and more, combining scholarly accuracy with a rare
readability. Zoologist and paleontologist Nancy Neff, a leading expert on the feline species, traces the
evolutionary basis for the structure and behavior of each cat. She explores the intriguing set of movements
constituting the predatory attack, the facts that give rise to the cats' unusual coat patterns, the reasons
they have come to live in the specific regions of the world they do, and the lore that has grown up around
them. Roger Caras, wildlife expert and author of many nature books, introduces this sumptuous volume,
writing perceptively of Coheleach the artist stalking his prey, the big cats. Maps detailing the cats' past
and present distribution, charts that graphically present the important facts of each group, a glossary of
terms, and an index add to the book's dazzling colorplates and evocative drawings, providing invaluable aids
to anyone interested in the big cats. Here is a volume that combines the beauties of art and nature with
impeccable scholarship."
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