Klappentext: "Africa: An Artist's
Journal is an invitation to share in Kim Donaldson's art and experience of walking where the animals
walk. Zimbabwean-born, Kim grew up on a 150,000-acre ranch of unspoiled African bush country, traversed by
rivers, hills and valleys, and teeming with game. It is this landscape that first inspired Kim to swap his
hunting rifle for a camera and a sketch-pad, and which began a lifelong passion for the wildlife of his
native continent. His stunning paintings and sketches have an intangible quality of atmosphere that can only
be achieved by those who have spent many years in the bush. Knowing and understanding his subject so well,
conservation is very close to Kim's heart, and he never misses an opportunity to help conservation projects.
Kim has a genuine love for African wildlife, reflected in his art. Kim experimented with painting, drawing
and sculpting from an early age, finally becoming a full-time artist in 1978. Since this time, Kim has made
enormous progress in his work and is today regarded as one of the world's leading wildlife artists."
Rückentext: "Africa: An Artist's Journal is an invitation to share Kim Donaldson's experience
of the continent he loves, through his art, journals and travels. Replete with information about wildlife,
culture and history, the journal combines photographs, sketches, maps and excerpts from the author's diaries
and notebooks to create a vivid and multi-layered impression of this beautiful continent. Kim focuses only
on places he has visited in person - including Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania and Namibia - and brings a
wonderful breadth of knowledge to this very personal celebration of Africa. His acute artist's vision is
tempered with humour and based on an intimate awareness of his subject, resulting in a truly unique
perspective. Anyone with an interest in art, conservation or safari will treasure this magnificent
collection of work."
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An African Experience Wildlife Art and Adventure in
Klappentext: "This is an unorthodox
book. Coffee table presentations of African wildlife almost invariably consist of photographs and, from a
first glance, the reader could be forgiven for thinking that these pictures are photographs.
Incredulity might follow until the chance arises to make a comparison of the two. Then it is revealed that
Simon Combes' animals are swollen with a life, and warmth, that no Nikon or Hasselblad can capture. A second
and unlikely revelation is that the book isn't so much about art, as about fun and adventure. A cracking
good read with little room left over artistic technicalities. One suspects that Simon may be harbouring
trade secrets, but, he says, that's just the way things turned out. People who commission paintings of
African wildlife call for the dramatic or, in the case of an admirer who requested a cheetah up a tree, the
unlikely. But never, it seems, the humble warthog, baboon or hippo. And nobody wants a drooling hyena gazing
down from the dining room wall. So to balance things up, and to demonstrate a highly-honed draughtsmanship
that owes nothing to the camera, a number of pencil sketches are included. Simon's story is rich in
encounter with wildlife, yet he writes with the restraint of one whose years of familiarity with the bush
don't call for elaboration, or undue speculation as to danger. Rather his observations and anecdotes build
up on each other to create a rich background against which to enjoy individual tales for a second and third
time, and encourage the reader to look at a painting a little longer, for this will reveal exquisite detail
that may have been missed, or taken for granted. That is a sad note, for comparatively recently it may have
seemed that the Africa portrayed here could, itself, be taken for granted."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.com (USA), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Deluxe Edition
The African Lion as Man-Eater
von Guy Coheleach, Vorwort von Jack Nicklaus
Gebundene Ausgabe, 178 Seiten, 99
Farbillustrationen, Schwarzweißillustrationen
Panther Press (USA), September 2004, ISBN 0-9746991-0-1
Synopsis: "This book is crammed with
extraordinary information about lions gathered from conversations at African campfires with the greatest
living veterans of the African bush, museum curators, great writers on Africa, and Guy Coheleach's own
extensive experience. The art features old and new paintings by this renowned artist. The lion is a
wonderful, but dangerous, animal and more often than not, human beings are on its menu. This delightful book
covers all aspects of the lion in history, natural history, hunting, tracking, man-eating lions and more.
There are great stories and even greater 'campfire chatter' about this King of Beasts."
Suchen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Deluxe
Limited Edition (ISBN 0-9746991-0-1, limitierte Auflage von 650 signierten numerierten Exemplaren
African Seasons
Wildlife at the Waterhole
von Craig Bone (Illustrationen) & Alistair Chambers (Text)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 224 Seiten, 131
Farbillustrationen (davon 74 ganz- oder doppelseitig), 108 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 1 Karte
Dragon's World (UK), November 1992, ISBN 1-85028-215-3
Klappentext: "An African afternoon in
the wet season, a time of abundance in Zimbabwe. At a waterhole filled by the persistent rains, many
creatures come to drink. Doves quench their thirst; impala step delicately into mud; a kingfisher dives; a
squirrel dashes to a tree after a quick forage, all watched by a somnolent crocodile which lurks, log-like,
in the murky water. Nearby, in a cleverly constructed hide, sits an artist, unobserved, recording the scene.
Week by week, as the wet season turns to the dry, then the hot, he notes and sketches migration and return,
predation and survival, life and death. On occasions he secretes himself there at dusk, sometimes with a
powerful spotlight to illuminate the scene and photograph the activities of those shy nocturnal animals
rarely seen by day. African Seasons is artist Craig Bone's unique record in paintings and drawings,
of one year's observations of life in and around the Sapi Waterhole, deep within the Mana Pools National
Park in the Zambezi valley. Fine paintings capture details of sights as magnificent as a cheetah chasing an
impala across the African plains, and an elephant covering the carcass of a dead relative with branches.
Every picture tells a story, which is expanded by Alistair Chambers' lively and fascinating text. Art can
often show people things they fail to see in real life - lionesses feeding on prey stolen from hyenas; a
vulture trapped inside an impala carcass; a crocodile wedging a drowned kudu against a submerged tree to
stop the river current carrying it away. Alistair Chambers' knowledge of Mana Pools' animals, birds and
insects, gleaned from many years spent as a professional guide, and participation in game capture units in
the bush, produces writing which is the perfect accompaniment to Craig Bone's paintings. The confined limits
of Africa's national game parks are under ever-increasing threat from the pressures of animal
over-population, human encroachment, and continuing drought. This book charts the progress of conservation
efforts to date, and tries to show why it is so important that this unspoilt wilderness should be part of
the heritage we pass down to our children and grandchildren, so that they too might come to understand the
raw beauty of life in the wild. Much more still needs to be done to preserve these beautiful areas, which
are vital for the continuing survival of hundreds of exotic species."
Informationen zum Künstler erhalten Sie
bei Craig Bone.
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African Wildlife in Art Master Painters of the Wilderness
von David Tomlinson (Text) & David Coulson (Text & Fotos),
Illustrationen von Robert Bateman,
Raymond Ching, Guy Coheleach, Simon Combes, Kim Donaldson, Réna Fennessey, Michael Ghaui, Donald Grant,
Timothy Greenwood, Janet Heaton, Bob Kuhn, Wilhelm Kuhnert, Larry Norton, Dino Paravano, Gunnar Pettersson,
Lindsey B. Scott, John Seerey-Lester, Keith Shackleton, Mandy Shepherd, Archibald Thorburn, Joseph C. Vance,
Arthur Wardle, Ingrid Weiersbye & Amanda Willson
Klappentext: "This is the first time
that paintings of African wildlife, by the world's leading artists, have been brought together in one book.
The pictures have been chosen to reflect a wide variety of habitats, species and artistic styles; including
beautifully detailed works by Robert Bateman and Simon Combes, the diverse moods and landscapes of Africa as
captured by John Seerey-Lester and powerful impressionism, the hallmark of Bob Kuhn. Paintings originating
from the continent itself feature strongly with pictures by local artists Kim Donaldson, Mike Ghaui and Dino
Paravano, whose skills and familiarity with the bush have earned them international recognition. Their
pictures are of the deserts of Namibia, the Kruger, the
Ruaha river in Tanzania, the Zambezi valley, the Etosha Pan and the Okavango swamps; portraying landscapes
that are different from, but every bit as compelling as, those inspired by the still awesome wildlife of the
Serengeti plains and the
Masai Mara. Wildlife artists are remarkably perceptive writers, which is not so surprising when you consider
that the need to see, rather than merely to look, is essential to their success. Accordingly they were asked
to submit notes about their pictures, and these have provided some entertaining commentaries; understanding,
observant and spiced with good humour. Apart from some vivid examples of Bushman rock art, most of the
pictures in the book are by living artists. A reflection of the ease with which one may now travel, or
perhaps of the practical difficulties that faced Wilhelm Kuhnert, for instance, at the turn of the century.
Kuhnert remains, for many people and in particular artists themselves, the greatest painter of African
wildlife. In his day there were no four-wheel-drive vehicles and no comfortable amenities; against which the
problems of poaching and wholesale appropriations of land for human needs were spectres that had not yet
been raised. He wouldn't have had to go far, before encountering game in multitudes that are by now scarcely
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als First
Edition (limitierte Auflage von 100 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-100, ganz in Leder gebunden).
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