Klappentext: "Masai Mara, ein
Land der Träume. Seit die britischen Kolonialherren um die Jahrhundertwende das Vergnügen entdeckten, im
Hochland Tiere zu beobachten, begann die Safari in Ostafrika eines der großen Abenteuer dieser Welt zu
werden. Die weiten Grasebenen der Savanne zu beschreiben, ist schwer. Für Veit Relin öffnete sich hier
eine neue Dimension seines Lebens. Ich kenne ihn seit 1962, als mich in seinem Ateliertheater in Wien die
Weltpremiere von Picassos »Wie man Wünsche beim Schwanz packt« begeisterte, ein surrealistisches Drama,
das Veit Relin dann 1970 für das Zweite Deutsche Fernsehen verfilmte. Mit seiner Inszenierung von Prosper
Mérimées Komödie »Die Unzufriedenen« eröffneten wir 1963 »Das kleine Fernsehspiel« im ZDF, wieder
eine Uraufführung. Hier liegt einer der Schlüssel zu Veit Relin: Der Entdecker, der Dramaturg, der
Regisseur literarischer Kostbarkeiten, damals am Naschmarkt in Wien, wie heute in seinem Torturmtheater in
Sommerhausen. Veit Relin zu beschreiben, ist noch schwerer. Wenn die Musen der griechischen Mythologie einen
Lieblingssohn wählen könnten, er hieße wohl Veit Relin - eben nicht nur der Theaterdirektor, der
Prinzipal, der Regisseur für Theater, Film und Fernsehen, auch ein profilierter Schauspieler, ein immer
wieder mit seinen Einfällen überraschender Bühnenbildner und ein begnadeter Maler und Zeichner. Seine
universelle Begabung rechtfertigt einen Begriff, den man nur sparsam verwenden sollte, den Künstler Veit
Relin, der bei aller Phantasie jedoch immer auf dem Boden des erlernten Handwerks geblieben ist, nach der
Devise seines Maler-Kollegen Auguste Renoir: »Sei zuerst ein guter Arbeiter, das wird dich nicht hindern,
genial zu sein.« In der Masai Mara hat er Auge in Auge seine Tiere gemalt: Elefanten, Giraffen, Löwen,
Nashörner, Antilopen, Paviane, Zebras, Marabus, Kronenkraniche - Porträts von hoher künstlerischer
Qualität. Und wer wie ich miterleben konnte, wie er die Tiere gebieterisch und suggestiv in seine Bilder
gezwungen hat, dem fällt ein Satz von Goya ein: »Phantasie ohne Vernunft führt zu Ungeheuerlichkeiten;
vereint aber bringen sie wahre Kunst hervor und schaffen Wunder.« (Hajo Schedlich)" /
"Masai Mara, a land of dreams. Since the British colonial masters discovered, around the turn of
the century, the pleasure of watching animals in the highland, safaris in East Africa have become one of the
great adventures of this world. It is difficult to describe the extensive grass plains of the savannah. For
Veit Relin a new dimension to his life was opening up here. I have known him since 1962 when I was thrilled
by the world première of Picasso's »How to catch wishes by the tail« at his »Theater am Naschmarkt« in
Vienna. A surrealist drama which Veit Relin then filmed in 1970 for Channel Two of German television. We
opened the 1963 »Little Plays for Television« season on Channel Two in Germany with his staging of Prosper
Mérimée's comedy »The Unhappy Ones«, another original production. This is one of the keys to Veit Relin:
the discoverer, the dramatist, the producer of literary treasures, in those days at the Naschmarkt in Vienna
and today in his »Torturmtheater« in Sommerhausen. Describing Veit Relin is even more difficult. If the
Muses of Greek mythology could have chosen a favourite son, then he might well have been Veit Relin - not
just the theatre director, the principal, the producer for theatre, film and television, but also an
outstanding actor, a set designer whose inspirations never fail to surprise and a gifted painter and
sketcher. His universal talent justifies a concept which should be used only sparingly, the artist Veit
Relin who, for all his immagination, has always kept in touch with the craft he acquired, according to his
fellow artist Auguste Renoir: »Be a good worker first, that won't stop you from being inspired.« In the
Masai Mara he painted his animals face to face: elephants, giraffes, lions, rhinos, antelopes, baboons,
zebras, marabous, crested cranes - portraits of high artistic quality. And anyone who, like me, can
experience the way he has brought the animals imperiously and evocatively into his pictures, will remember a
saying by Goya: »Inspiration without common sense leads to monstrosities; but united they bring true art to
the fore and create miracles.« (Hajo Schedlich)"
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Ray Harm's African Sketchbook
von Ray Harm, Robert Emmett McDowell (Redaktion), Vorwort
von Adrian Luckhurst
Gebundene Ausgabe im Schuber, kein
Schutzumschlag, limitierte Auflage von 10000 signierten Exemplaren, 39 x 30 cm, 192 Seiten, 12 Farb- &
68 Schwarzweißillustrationen auf 80 Tafeln, 1 Schwarzweißfoto, 1 Karte
Frame House Gallery (USA), 1973
Synopsis: "This book is a collection
of pencil and colored sketches made by Ray Harm during a safari in Kenya and Tanzania he and his wife took
in 1973."
Informationen zum Künstler erhalten Sie
bei Ray Harm.
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
The Ruaha Sketch Book
von Susan Stolberger
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag,
limitierte Auflage von 960 Exemplaren (Standard Edition), 220 Seiten, über 200 Farbillustrationen,
Duotonillustrationen, 11 Farbfotos, 2 Farbkarten Susan Stolberger
(Tansania), 2002, ISBN 0-620-29255-5
Verleger: "In The Ruaha Sketch
Book, Susan has managed to capture with her brush delightful moments and very special thoughts of the
ever-unfolding environment around her. This is a highly visual account captured with pencil sketches and
water colours which depict the seasonal variations within the Ruaha National
Park. This book is a tribute to one of Africa's last remaining wildernesses. The book has 220 pages and
over 200 water colour studies together with numerous pencil sketches throughout the text."
Informationen zur Künstlerin erhalten Sie
bei Sue Stolberger.
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei NHBS
(Großbritannien) oder direkt bei Susan
Stolberger (Tansania). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-29256-3, limitierte Auflage von 40 numerierten Exemplaren 1-40,
¼ in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
von Robert Bateman (Illustrationen) & Rick Archbold (Text)
Klappentext: "Robert Bateman has
visited Africa many times. Now, he takes us with him for up-close encounters with lions, gorillas, giraffes,
zebras, and many other fascinating creatures. In his magnificent, detailed paintings we experience what it's
like to actually see a charging rhino or witness two lions closing on their prey. An experienced naturalist,
Robert Bateman is the ideal guide on this safari. His real-life stories of meeting animals in the wild
reveal just how these astonishing creatures survive in the vast plains and dense jungles of Africa. A
special feature highlights facts about the height, weight, food, and habitat of each animal so that we can
quickly compare the huge elephant to the foot-high dik-dik. Here is an unforgettable visit to one of the
most amazing places on our planet for explorers of all ages."
Informationen zum Künstler erhalten Sie
bei Robert Bateman.
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Shadows of Africa
von Peter Matthiessen (Text) & Mary Frank (Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 120 Seiten, 23 Farb-
& 48 Schwarzweißillustrationen Harry N. Abrams (USA),
September 1992, ISBN 0-8109-3828-6
Klappentext: "Some years ago, when
artist Mary Frank first met writer Peter Matthiessen, she told him that his book The Snow Leopard had
inspired a drawing of that mythical animal. Not long thereafter, he stopped by her studio to see the drawing
and was so stunned by her work that he proposed they do a book together - a kind of 'bestiary' using her
many strong drawings of birds and animals, not as illustrations, but in loose association with the evocation
of wild creatures in his journals. Over the years the idea was given urgency by the rapid decline of
wildlife everywhere. They decided to concentrate on Africa, where the great natural populations have been
reduced drastically during the thirty years, from 1961 to 1991, that Matthiessen has traveled on that
continent. The resulting book is a lyrical and inspiring collection of words and images that beautifully
conveys the nature of animals in the African wild. Through Matthiessen's essays, drawn from his three
previous books on Africa [The
Tree Where Man was Born, Sand Rivers, and African Silences] as well as from material never before
published in book form, we attain a fresh perception of elephants, white rhinos, gorillas, and other
endangered creatures. Mary Frank's evocative images - 71 in all, including 23 in color - form a poignant
counterpoint to Matthiessen's narrative. Peter Matthiessen and Mary Frank have created a work of great power
and beauty, one that is certain to move readers to a new appreciation of African wildlife. But it is hoped
that this book will do still more, by drawing attention and support to the protection of wild animals the
world over. To further that aim, the authors are donating a portion of their earnings from this book to
Wildlife Conservation International, an arm of the New York Zoological Society [now Wildlife Conservation Society]."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Some Birds and Mammals of Africa
von Axel Amuchástegui (Illustrationen), Hilary Hook (Text)
Gebundene Lederausgabe im Schuber, kein
Schutzumschlag, 35 x 53 cm, limitierte Auflage von 505 signierten numerierten Exemplaren, 76 Seiten,
Farbillustrationen auf 14 Tafeln
The Tryon Gallery (UK), Dezember 1979, ISBN 0-902189-13-1
Synopsis: "This large volume
(14" x 21") contains 14 colour lithographed plates by the Curwen Press after Amuchástegui. Each
plate is protected by a tissue guard-leaf and all plates are incredbily stunning, showing five African birds
(black eagle, touraco, a.o.) and nine African mammals (lion, leopard, a.o.). The plates are accompanied by a
descriptive text by Hilary Hook."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Collectors' Edition
Sponsors' Edition
South African Botanical Art
Peeling Back the Petals
von Marion Arnold, Peter Goldblatt, John
Rourke, John Manning & Deirdré Snijman
Gebundene Ausgabe, limitierte Auflage von
2000 Exemplaren (Standard Edition), 216 Seiten, Farbillustrationen auf 131 Tafeln, 8 Farbfotos Fernwood Press
(Südafrika), 2001, ISBN 1-874950-54-7
Verleger: "A significant contribution
to the understanding of botanical art. Remarkable images of plants, created by the most talented of
botanical artists, are housed in store-rooms of botanical institutes and museums. Yet the oil paintings,
etchings and watercolours of 'fine' artists - depicting the same plants - are located in art galleries. Why
are plant portraits classified differently and kept apart? Is plant imagery to do with science, or with art?
Do the two 'kinds' of art ever meet? This unique and ground breaking book metaphorically 'peels back the
petals' to explore southern African plant portraiture and discovers the meanings ascribed to the genres of
'botanical art'. Well known for their particular contributions to botany, art, and art history, authors
Marion Arnold, Peter Goldblatt, John Manning, John Rourke and Dee Snijman examine plant portraiture in
southern Africa over several centuries. They provide engrossing and sometimes unique revelations on a broad
spectrum of issues, including 'discovery', insect pollination, biological classification, specimen
collection, plant naming, portraiture, and the manner and style of artistic representation. Their texts are
enhanced and liberally illustrated by works of some of the countless travellers, botanists and artists who
have so passionately and meticulously recorded South Africa's rich floral heritage. Also included is a
Concise Dictionary of South African Botanical Artists, the first to be compiled and published, offering a
succinct listing with over 250 entries."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien) oder bei NHBS
(Großbritannien). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 1-874950-55-5 (?), limitierte Auflage von 100 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-100, ½
in Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 1-874950-56-3 (?), limitierte Auflage von
26 signierten numerierten Exemplaren A-Z, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
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