Birds & Beasts Africa Observations of a Wildlife
von Bryan Hanlon
Gebundene Ausgabe, 128 Seiten, 86 Farb-
& 59 Schwarzweißillustrationen Swan Hill Press (UK),
März 1997, ISBN 1-85310-363-2
Klappentext: "Here is a gallery of
African wildlife painted by one of the world's most gifted young artists. During several visits to his
favorite continent, Bryan has studied, sketched and painted some of the most fascinating creatures in their
natural settings. From the cruel truth of the predator lioness felling her prey, to the quite elegance of a
female eland with her calf, the beauty and dignity of the true wild is captured within the pages of this
book. Every major painting is printed in outstanding colour reproduction with the artist's initial working
sketches detailed alongside."
Informationen zum Künstler erhalten Sie
bei Bryan Hanlon.
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (USA). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Klappentext: "Botswana: A Brush
with the Wild takes us on a journey through the wilderness areas of the country's northern region, into
the 'secret' places, where the feeling of remoteness is complete. From the Makgadikgadi salt-pans we travel
northward to meet the characters of Maun, the village on the edge of the Okavango, and then enter a
wonderland of lush waterways. The vast fossilised lake-bed of the Mababe provides a complete contrast to
this watery region and leads into the mopane forests on the way to the legendary herds on the Chobe River's
floodplains. As a traveller and artist, Paul Augustinus has for many years lived in this wilderness. In this
his first book we are invited to share many of his experiences - the thrill of surprising the Okavango's
rare sitatunga antelope, the shock of an elephant attack or of finding oneself no more than an arm's length
away from the hot breath of a buffalo. We also hear the echoes of past journeys, journeys of discovery by
David Livingstone, the trader James Chapman, the artist Thomas Baines, the hunter F.C. Selous and the
missionaries Helmore and Price. Their stories are ones of hardship and endurance, and sometimes of suspense
and tragedy. The book is illustrated throughout with reproductions of Paul Augustinus's finest paintings and
photographs. Engravings and early photographs lend historical perspective, while detailed maps of each
region give the would-be explorer practical help in keeping on the right track. For those who have already
fallen under Botswana's spell, the spell of the unspoilt wilderness, this book will be a richly rewarding
experience, and essential reading for all who dream about the wilderness, whether wildlife enthusiast,
sportsman, traveller or photographer. It is a book for both conservationists and connoisseurs of Africana to
Informationen zum Künstler erhalten Sie
bei Paul
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-09677-2, limitierte Auflage von 100 numerierten Exemplaren 1-100, ¼ in Leder
gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 0-620-09677-2, limitierte Auflage von numerierten
Exemplaren, ½ in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Botswana: A Brush with the Wild (Revised Edition)
von Paul Augustinus, Vorwort von Ian Player
Gebundene Ausgabe, 2. Auflage, 208 Seiten,
Farbfotos & -illustrationen, Schwarzweißfotos & -illustrationen, Karten
Acorn Books (Südafrika), November 1992, ISBN 1-874802-05-X
Verleger: "The revised edition of
this classic work includes a new selection of Augustinus paintings as well as an additional chapter of his
latest adventures in the wild and a conservation update on Botswana today."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Bottero's African Wildlife Gallery
von Giuseppe Bottero (Illustrationen), James Clarke (Text)
Gebundene Lederausgabe im Schuber, kein
Schutzumschlag, limitierte Auflage von 500 Exemplaren, 167 Seiten, 75 Farbillustrationen (davon 74
Wildlife Feature Corporation (Südafrika), 1977, ISBN 0-620-02661-8
Einführung: "The following pages
contain a quarter of a century's work, 73 oil paintings including some very large canvases of one of
Europe's most exciting artists - Giuseppe Bottero. The French-born Italian in the 1950's decided to break
with a very lucrative career, painting conventional European landscapes and the portraits of the wealthy, to
go into the African bush. As a master of pointilism, as an impressionist or as a sculptor he forsook a path
that was leading him to becoming one of the great traditionalist artists of the latter 20th Century. Born in
Nice and trained in Venice where for some time he made a living painting the aristocracy. Giuseppe Bottero
startled his comtemporaries by suddenly, in middle-age, disappearing into the depths of Africa. He had set
himself the task of capturing wild Africa, slowly being paved and ploughed. He saw, in his period of
isolation, the rise of wildlife art but he refused to sell even one of his paintings. (He is fortunately a
wealthy man and today owns two large game ranches.) He refused to sell until he had completed his
self-imposed assignment - a unique collection of landscapes and animal portraits. In 1977 I met Giuseppe
Bottero of whom I had heard rumblings from friends who knew the remote regions where he painted and he asked
me to contribute some notes to go with his paintings in a special book. This book, he explained, was to be
presented free to each of the 500 most influential people on earth. It has turned out to be one of the most
lavish pieces of publishing in Africa's history. It is in fact intended to be a catalogue of Bottero's work.
After years in the wilderness living like a modern St. Francis of Assisi - indeed his ultimate canvas 'The
Meeting' is reminiscent of some extravagant Renaissance version of St. Francis talking to his friends the
animals - Bottero had emerged. He is one of the greatest artists ever to travel Africa and perhaps the only
one who saw his subjects as intimate friends. His genius lies in capturing the character of wild
animals. Nobody I know can paint the movement of birds like Bottero. He is also a master at recording
accurately the often dramatic but usually subtle colours of this ochre continent. Most of his canvases (they
range down from 1700 mm x 2010 mm - 81 inches x 62) were done in the bush itself and often animals would
become so used to his presence they would come to peer at him and to sniff at his paints. Many of the
paintings have a story. Some are refreshingly naive, as are some of the titles which I did not want to
change because they give such an instant insight into this quiet, shy, grey-haired Italian. One detects the
changes in style in the collection which is only to be expected over a period of 25 years. As Bottero said
to me: 'One learns more than simply how to tolerate mosquitoes or expertly swat a tsetse fly. From my first
enforced stay in Africa (in Abyssinia with the Italian army) I was captivated by it.' During my association
with Bottero I became acquainted with his wife Lea, a delightful Italian woman whom Bottero humorously
depicts as a tiny figure standing outside the kraal in his canvas 'The Meeting'. It worried her a great deal
to see her husband throw aside the comfortable world of European landscapes and prime ministers' heads but,
one gathers, she is happy now that he made the choice. Bottero's favourite animal? 'The impala', he says.
'And then the elephant perhaps.' One can picture the wire-haired artist standing at his easel in the hot
African sun beating off flies with his brush while his subjects a few metres away ('and often very helpful
in posing') beat them off with their tails. My own reaction to Bottero's collection - and I speak as one who
has been involved in both the artistic and the scientific side of African wildlife for many years - is one
of deep admiration for a man who has painted Africa as it really is, warts and all. Quite apart from the
commercial side of this collection - it is for sale and this book serves as a unique catalogue of what is
being offered - I see it as a forceful argument for taking stock of what wildlife is still left in Africa.
Bottero has produced a great epic. - James Clarke"
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Cats of Africa
von Paul Bosman (Illustrationen) & Anthony Hall-Martin (Text), Vorwort von Anton E. Rupert
Klappentext: "Of Africa's ten cat
species, the lion is the undisputed king - powerful symbol both of the wilderness and of this fascinating
continent. The magnificent leopard, always mysterious and elusive, and the delicate cheetah, known for its
graceful but explosive acceleration during the chase, are equally prized as game-viewing 'trophies'. Of the
seven smaller cat species, long neglected in scientific studies and becoming increasingly rare, each has its
own intricate role to play in the multi-faceted ecosystem of Africa. The caracal, serval, black-footed cat,
African wild cat, African golden cat, swamp cat, and sand cat are here given the attention they so richly
deserve. Cats of Africa brings together two friends and leading authorities on African wildlife to
celebrate its splendours. An impressive blend of eloquent and inspired artwork, factual accuracy based on
research and personal experience, and realistic conservation philosophy, this book will appeal to anyone
with an interest in wildlife - from armchair game viewers to professional conservationists and students of
the natural history of Africa. Discerning judges of the best in contemporary wildlife art, as well as
collectors of high-quality books and Africana, will also be delighted by this publication. The text is both
informative and scientifically accurate, yet written in an easily readable, personal and anecdotal style. It
is also realistic, squarely facing all the pertinent issues of cat conservation and management. With the
exception of the leopard and the caracal, all of Africa's cats are endangered and depend on humankind to
protect them. Whilst Cats of Africa first and foremost offers a celebration of feline beauty and
grace, it also clearly puts the case for the conservation and proper management of the complex ecosystems
that support Africa's ten cat species."
Informationen zum Künstler erhalten Sie
bei Paul Bosman.
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 1-874950-25-3, limitierte Auflage von numerierten Exemplaren, ½ in Leder gebunden,
Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 1-874950-26-1, limitierte Auflage von numerierten
Exemplaren, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Cats of Africa
von Paul Bosman (Illustrationen) & Anthony Hall-Martin (Text), Vorwort von Anton E. Rupert
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern
(USA), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Desert Adventure In Search of Wilderness in
Namibia and Botswana
von Paul Augustinus, Vorwort von Steve Bales
Gebundene Ausgabe, 240 Seiten, 25 Farb-
& 127 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 111 Farbfotos, 14 Farbkarten
Acorn Books (Südafrika), Dezember 1997, ISBN 1-874802-08-4
Klappentext: "Desert Adventure
describes a year-long journey, made by wilderness artist Paul Augustinus, through the rich diversity of
desert landscapes of the Namib and the Kalahari. Infused with the spirit of adventure, it is an odyssey in
search of southern Africa's last remnants of unspoiled and untamed wilderness. Paul's own story is enlivened
and given substance by the inclusion of narratives from the explorers of the past, one of whom described
travelling in Africa as requiring 'the endurance of a camel and the courage of a lion'. The journey begins
at the edge of the wilderness, among the dunes of Sossusvlei, and continues through Walvis Bay and the
delights of Swakopmund into the lonely, rugged scenery of the Kaokoveld. Through the artist's eyes, we see a
land of mountains, vast plains, and dry riverbeds inhabited by myriad forms of wildlife. We share the
excitement of being surprised by elephants close to the camp at night, and the thrill of encountering the
rare desert rhino, and gaze at the ancient rock engravings at Twyfelfontein. Leaving the arid grandeur of
the Kaokoveld, we enter a world of dazzling sand dunes and turbulent ocean - the Skeleton Coast - and are
regaled with stories of coastal lions and desert elephants, and the many shipwrecks still visible on the
beaches. After the freedom of the wilderness, the Etosha National Park, where nature is 'controlled' by man,
appears tame by comparison, but this lack is more than made up for by the abundance of its wild animals and
the drama of their encounters. Lion and cheetah chases and the competitive interactions between elephant,
rhino and lion around the waterholes are vividly captured by the pen, brush and camera of the author. The
Okavango, the unique swampland of the northern Kalahari Desert, with its secret waterways and wealth of
wildlife, is Paul's next goal, and here he embarks on two dugout canoe trips into its northern reaches, far
from the normal tourist routes, to encounter buffalo and lion - and the legendary honeyguide - at close
quarters. The final stages of this epic journey take us through Moremi to the massive elephant herds of the
Chobe National Park, where Paul's vehicle was attacked and damaged by elephants. Lavishly illustrated by the
author's paintings, photographs, and pencil sketches of animals and birds in their natural settings, as well
as by detailed maps, this desert adventure is for all to experience and to treasure."
Informationen zum Künstler erhalten Sie
bei Paul Augustinus.
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 1-874802-09-2, limitierte Auflage von 100 numerierten Exemplaren 1-100, ¼ in Leder
gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 1-874802-09-2, limitierte Auflage von 26
numerierten Exemplaren A-Z, ½ in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
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