von Peter Pickford (Fotos), Beverly Pickford (Fotos) & Warwick Tarboton (Text & Karten), Duncan Butchart
(Illustrationen),Vorwort von Johannes Stegmann
Gebundene Ausgabe, 228 Seiten, 159
Farbfotos, 85 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 81 Verbreitungskarten New Holland
Publishers (UK), September 1989, ISBN 1-85368-064-8
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AGRED's Gamebirds of South Africa
Field Identification and Management
von P.J. Viljoen (Text) & Penny Meakin (Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 330 Seiten,
Farbillustrationen, Verbreitungskarten AGRED (Südafrika), November
2005, ISBN 0-9584943-3-9
Verleger: "AGRED's Gamebirds of
South Africa contains much hitherto unpublished information on gamebird identification, habitat,
breeding, status, utilisation, management and research. The information has been extensively researched, is
scientifically impeccable, and reveals a huge repository of unique information on South Africa's gamebirds,
both terrestrial and aquatic, which makes it an excellent reference source. Penny Meakin's specially
commissioned illustrations of the birds and their habitats provide invaluable visual information to farmers
and bird enthusiasts of all levels, while lovers of art in nature will be captivated by the aesthetic purity
of the hand-drawn bird paintings. Author and respected gamebird authority, Dr. P.J. Viljoen, includes an
informative section on gamebird management techniques and explains why farmers should regard gamebirds as an
income-generating resource to be nurtured. It will be an investment and help secure the future of gamebirds
in South Africa. The book features 63 species of gamebirds, including guineafowl, francolin, partridge,
quail, sandgrouse, duck, geese, snipe, bustard and korhaan. The informative text includes two novel
features: identification keys which guide the reader in diagnosing difficult species and the illustration of
feathers, enabling the enthusiast to recognise the presence of gamebirds from feathers often found in the
wild. Also illustrated for the first time are underwing illustrations of many species. The chapter on
gamebird management is the most authoritative summary yet published on South African gamebirds. It is the
embodiment of vast knowledge, retaining in its simplicity a practical approach for the landowner. For the
enthusiast, the book provides a comprehensive listing of reference works on South African gamebirds."
Wird ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-9584943-2-0, limitierte Auflage von 500 signierten numerierten
Exemplaren 1-500, ½ in Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Trustees' Edition (ISBN 0-9584943-1-2,
limitierte Auflage von 100 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-100, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Klappentext: "Here is a bird book
with a difference. In the vital yet sensitive photographs of the internationally renowned wildlife
photographer, Peter Johnson, we see the birds of southern Africa living their endlessly fascinating lives in
the freedom of their natural environment. The text emphasises the social and unusual - the living bird's
adaptions for survival - rather than the clinically scientific; its aim is simply to fascinate. Some of the
photographs are of species never satisfactorily portrayed before, while the text includes material only
recently brought to light. As Free as a Bird is intended for pleasure - to be picked up at any time,
opened at any page and enjoyed."
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The Biography of Claude Gibney
Finch-Davies, 1875-1920
Observer, student and highly skilled
illustrator of Southern African birds
von Alan C. Kemp (Text), Claude Gibney Finch-Davies (Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, limitierte Auflage von
900 Exemplaren (Standard Edition), 31 x 36 cm, 96 Seiten, 16 Farb- & 6
Schwarzweißillustrationen, 18 Schwarzweißfotos & Faksimilereproduktionen Transvaal Museum
(Südafrika), 1976, ISBN 0-620-02081-4
Prolog: "Claude Gibney Finch-Davies
came to South Africa in his teens and remained here, as a soldier, until his ironic and tragic death at the
age of forty-five. Most of his time was spent in the eastern Cape Colony, and later in the northern South
West African Protectorate. Throughout this period his consuming hobby was the study of the indigenous birds,
many of which he illustrated in meticulous and accurate paintings. His interests and ability led him to work
with museums and with the leading students of birds active at that time. At the beginning of 1920,
Finch-Davies was found removing coloured plates of birds from books in the library of the Transvaal Museum,
Pretoria. He was arrested, but not charged after he surrendered his own paintings of birds to the Transvaal Museum,
as security while he attempted to replace the damaged volumes. However, later in the year he died, and the Transvaal Museum
was advised, for legal reasons, to hold these paintings for fifty years after his death, before considering
reproducing them. In the interim the memory of Finch-Davies has faded in the minds of all but a few
enthusiasts of bird paintings. This book is to record what is known of the man, the soldier, the scientist
and the artist, and together with examples of his illustrations, to thrust Finch-Davies into the vanguard of
observers of South African birds. In the time since Finch-Davies' death, details of his life and work,
character and companions, have become vague and difficult to trace. This has made it impossible even to be
certain of where and when he was born. Such problems, which may create apparent anomalies in the text,
appear insoluble at the moment, and for the present the most likely details have been included here. It is
hoped that the production of this work may uncover the accurate details, or that at least the anomalies will
not deter from basic themes of the biography."
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-02081-4 (?), limitierte Auflage von 100 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-100,
ganz in Leder gebunden).
Collectors' Edition
The Bird Paintings of C.G.
von Claude Gibney Finch-Davies (Illustrationen),
Alan Kemp (Text) & Maxine Nesbitt
(Text), Vorwort von C. K. Brain
Gebundene Ausgabe im Schuber, kein
Schutzumschlag, limitierte Auflage von 4700 numerierten Exemplaren (Subscribers' Edition 301-5000),
29 x 39 cm, 312 Seiten, 115 Farbillustrationen (davon 108 ganzseitig), 20 Duotonfotos, 1 Karte
Winchester Press (Südafrika), 1984, ISBN 0-620-07459-0
Vorwort: "The unexpected and tragic
circumstances through which the Transvaal Museum,
Pretoria, acquired its collection of bird paintings by C. G. Finch-Davies are now well known, as are the
reasons for the long delay in the reproduction of these works. During the last few years, however, it has
been the policy of the Board of Trustees of the Transvaal Museum,
under chairmanship of Professor F. C. Eloff, to make available to the public as many of these remarkable
paintings as possible. To this end, the Museum entered
into a fruitful collaborative venture with Guy Winchester-Gould of Winchester Press, Johannesburg, whose
publishing expertise has resulted in three beautifully produced books, the first two The Birds of Prey of Southern Africa
(1980) and The Birds of Southern
Africa (1982) containing a total of 318 reproductions of the original paintings, together with
informative texts by Dr. Alan Kemp, ornithologist at the Museum. The
present volume, The Bird Paintings of C.G. Finch-Davies, comprises 100 enlarged reproductions of the
artist's finest works (accompanied by his notes), presented in a manner appropriate to their excellence. A
detailed biographical study undertaken by Dr. Kemp for this third volume has revealed the interesting fact
that Claude Gibney Finch-Davies did not visualise himself as a bird artist first and foremost, despite his
exceptional productivity in completing on average one painting per week during his many years of military
service in southern Africa. He saw the paintings rather as an aid to his serious study of birds, so it is
interesting to speculate on the extent of the contribution he might well have made, had his life not ended
so prematurely. He could have established himself as one of the major southern African ornithologists of the
time. In view of Finch-Davies's interest in the science of ornithology, it seems particularly appropriate
that the Board of the Transvaal Museum
should have decided that royalties from the three volumes of his paintings will form a fund for the
promotion of research on southern African birds. In this way a remarkable man will be remembered, not only
for his exceptional artistic talent, but more especially for his serious involvement with ornithology. Dr.
C. K. Brain, Director, Transvaal Museum"
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-07458-2, limitierte Auflage von 300 numerierten Exemplaren 1-300, ¼ in Leder
gebunden, Schuber) und als Presentation Edition (ISBN 0-620-07457-4, limitierte Auflage von 26
numerierten Exemplaren A-Z, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Birds of Africa
A Bird Photographer in East Africa
von John Karmali, Vorwort von Roger Tory Peterson
Gebundene Ausgabe, 191 Seiten, 72 Farb-
& 137 Schwarzweißfotos, 1 Schwarzweiß- & 4 Farbkarten William
Collins Sons & Co. (UK), Oktober 1980, ISBN 0-00-219031-1
Klappentext: "The immensity and
diversity of the African continent are nowhere more dramatically evident than in the huge variety of bird
species that make their temporary and permanent homes there. The visual splendour and vast size of the
African bird population are breathtaking: almost a fifth of the world's ornithological species are found in
Africa. East Africa, a meeting-place of numerous native and migrant birds, provides the setting for this
superb collection of photographs by the distinguished bird photographer John Karmali. Birds of Africa
is more than just another book about birds: it is an act of homage to the natural wealth of Africa.
Splendid, rare, sometimes humorous, the rich variety of the continent's birdlife is captured here.
Fascinating sequences include the Vitelline Masked Weaver making its nest; the Black Heron's peculiar
'umbrella' method of fishing; a young Secretary Bird learning to fly. Memorable colour pictures show the
busy breeding ground of the Greater Flamingo; the stately Crowned Crane; the majestic African Fish Eagle;
and many others. The author, scientist as well as photographer, has brought together his two lifelong
passions in this magnificent collection of 72 colour and over 140 black-and-white photographs. His subtle
compositions seem more like paintings than photographs. In his preface he outlines the techniques he has
developed and his particular philosophy of photography. The text includes a general discussion of the
continent, and detailed descriptions of each species represented. In a series of lively photographic notes,
the author describes the circumstances in which each colour photograph was taken."
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Klappentext: "This book is a
celebration of Africa's great avian diversity. It is neither meant to be a field guide, nor a definitive
biological text. Here the reader is given an overview of the huge scope of African birds, with interesting
notes about the weird and wonderful lives and habits of many bird families or species. In order to make the
almost 2,400 African bird species accessible, they are divided into large groups (chapters), each sharing
some common characteristic easily recognised even by non-taxonomists: their preferred habitat, main feeding
behaviour or breeding method. The bird families comprising each chapter are discussed in alphabetical order,
for ease of reference. Much is known about the wonderful and fascinating birds of Africa, but a great deal
of information - and even entire species - still await discovery. Sadly, some birds may become extinct
before they are ever properly studied. A recurring theme of this book is the threat to many species because
of habitat modification and human disturbance."
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Birds of Africa From Seabirds to Seed-Eaters
von Chris Stuart & Tilde Stuart
Gebundene Ausgabe, 176 Seiten, 351
Farbfotos, 2 Farbkarten MIT Press (USA), November
1999, ISBN 0-262-19430-9
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.com (USA) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Klappentext: "A beautiful and
copiously illustrated celebration of the stunning birds of East Africa. The text explores the wildlife
parks, dividing them into topographical regions, with notes on the birds' appearance, habitat and behaviour.
Kenya has one of the richest and most exotic bird populations in Africa. Here can be found the
Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, the White-starred Forest Robin, the Black-winged Stilt, the Speckled Mousebird,
the Rüppell's Vulture, the Sacred Ibis, the Short-toed Snake Eagle, the Long-tailed Widowbird, the
Secretary Bird and the White-bellied Go-away Bird. Dave Richards describes the enchanting calls, the
brilliant plumage and the strange habits of these intriguing birds, and his perceptive observations give
each one a character of its own. Ornithological safaris are becoming increasingly popular. The author, an
expert on East Africa's birds and a well-respected tour guide of long standing, has a huge collection of
spectacular photographs and this book is a selection of the finest. Anyone planning a safari or holiday in
East Africa will find this book invaluable; and for those with neither the time nor the money to travel, the
wonderful photographs will prove spellbinding."
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