Gebundene Ausgabe, 208 Seiten, 128
Farbfotos, 4 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 1 Karte The Harvill Press (UK),
Oktober 2000, ISBN 1-86046-804-7
Verleger: "On the alkaline lakes of
Kenya and Tanzania live more than three million Lesser and Greater flamingos. The sight of even half a
million of these strangely aristocratic birds, clustered together like a bed of gigantic chrysanthemums, is
perhaps the most beautiful spectacle in the bird world. The Great Rift Valley is volcanic in nature and,
whilst breathtakingly beautiful, remains one of the harshest places on earth. Its boiling, corrosive and
evil-smelling soda lakes are certain death to any animal that drinks from them - yet they are home to
Africa's pink birds. Carlo Mari is one of Europe's most celebrated nature photographers and his stunning
images capture the fleeting grace of the flamingos. Together with the text by Nigel Collar, one of the most
authoritative of today's ornithologists, Mari's photographs make up a book that offers fascinating insights
into the curiously enchanting world of the flamingo."
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Africa Die Welt der Flamingos
von Carlo Mari (Fotos) & Nigel Collar (Text)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 208 Seiten, 128
Farbfotos, 4 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 1 Karte Nicolai Verlag,
Dezember 2000, ISBN 3-87584-832-2
Deutsche Ausgabe von Pink Africa (Großbritannien).
Klappentext: "Drei Millionen
Zwergflamingos und fünfzigtausend Rosa Flamingos leben an den Salz- und Alkaliseen von Kenia und Tansania.
Dicht an dicht, wie die Blüten in einem riesigen Chrysanthemenbeet, bieten die graziösen Vögel einen
nahezu unbeschreiblichen Anblick. Viele, die dieses prachtvolle Schauspiel erleben konnten, waren sich darin
einig, dass sie nie zuvor etwas Vergleichbares gesehen hatten. Zweifellos handelt es sich um eines der
bewegendsten Naturwunder der Tierwelt. Der Große Grabenbruch ist der südlichste Teil des Großen
Afrikanischen Grabensystems, das sich vom Jordan durch das Rote Meer nach Äthiopien bis hinunter nach Kenia
und Tansania zieht. Die schroffen Höhen und tiefen Täler aus Basaltgestein und Lava sind zwar schön
anzusehen, doch verbirgt sich hier auch eine extrem lebensfeindliche Landschaft: Die Seen des Großen
Grabenbruchs sind vulkanischen Ursprungs und ihr heißes Wasser ist schwefelhaltig, ätzend, übelriechend
und zunehmend verunreinigt - der sichere Tod für jedes Tier, das verzweifelt genug ist, davon zu trinken.
Dennoch sind diese Seen die Heimat der größten Flamingopopulation der Welt. Ornithologen versuchen seit
Jahren, das Geheimnis dieser sehr alten Vogelfamilie zu enträtseln, deren Ernährungs-, Brut-, und
Lebensgewohnheiten noch immer nicht vollständig bekannt sind - und auch vielleicht für immer ein Geheimnis
bleiben, denn das ökologische Gleichgewicht der Alkaliseen, von denen das Überleben der Flamingos
abhängt, wird zunehmend von Umweltverschmutzung bedroht."
Rückentext: "Die zahlreichen brillanten Fotos des international bekannten Natur- und
Unterwasserfotografen Carlo Mari präsentieren den einzigartigen Zauber der Flamingos - die Farbenpracht und
die Anmut ihrer Bewegungen machen ihren Anblick zu einem hinreißenden Erlebnis. Nigel Collar, unter
Ornithologen eine internationale Berühmtheit, begleitet die überwältigenden Fotos mit einem sachkundigen,
anschaulichen Text, der vom Verhalten der seltenen Vögel und der Gefährdung ihrer Lebensräume
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Pink Flamingos
von Carlo Mari (Fotos) & Nigel Collar (Text)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 208 Seiten, 128
Farbfotos, 4 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 1 Karte Abbeville
Press (USA), September 2000, ISBN 0-7892-0668-4
US-Lizenzausgabe von Pink Africa (Großbritannien).
Verleger: "A photographic celebration
of the greatest spectacle in the world of birds - East Africa's sublimely beautiful pink flamingos. On the
alkaline lakes of Kenya and Tanzania live 3 million lesser flamingos and 50,000 greater flamingos. As shown
in this breathtaking book, the sight of a half-million of these beautiful, strangely aristocratic birds
clustering together like a bed of gigantic chrysanthemums is awesome. The author expalins that the volcanic
Great Rift Valley where flamingos are found is one of the harshest places on earthits boiling, corrovsive,
and foul-smelling lakes are certain death to any animal foolish enough to drink from them - yet it is home
to East Africa's pink birds. In their remote setting, flamingos inhabit a world of their own that has long
puzzled naturalists who have tried to unravel the mysteries surrounding these birds, which will suddenly
appear in countless thousands, delight us for a while, and disappear again just as swiftly. Carlo Mari's
exquisite photographs have captured the fleeting grace and fascination of flamingos, and Nigel Collar's
knowledgeable text offers insight into their curiously enchanting world. They combine to make Pink
Flamingos a superb gift for bird and nature lovers and a volume that belongs in every naturalist's
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern
(Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Klappentext: "The Rare Birds of
Southern Africa is the showcase for 94 of the rarest (and most vulnerable) birds to be found in southern
Africa. Rarity in birds arouses more than just passing interest in both serious ornithologists and amateur
birdwatchers and, with this in mind, Dr. Phillip Alexander Clancey, doyen of southern African
ornithologists, has written and lavishly illustrated one of the most authoritative books produced in recent
years. Dealing with those rare bird species breeding in the Southern African Sub-Region (south of 16°
latitude), each is portrayed in masterly detail as to form and coloration, against a meticulously executed
background showing its natural habitat. Every one of the 75 colour plates is supported by a detailed,
comprehensive text and 2-colour distribution map. Appendices include a section entitled Major References,
and a chapter on those species not now considered to be in immediate danger but whose future status warrants
careful monitoring. Dr. Clancey is the obvious choice to compile a specialised work of this nature, having
devoted the past 35 years to a detailed and analytical study of southern Africa's extensive avifauna. With
his wealth of experience and ability to capture the beauty of birds in their natural surroundings, no one is
better qualified to have undertaken this outstanding work."
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Subscribers'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-08428-6, limitierte Auflage von 1700 numerierten Exemplaren 301-2000, Schuber), als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-08427-8, limitierte Auflage von 280 numerierten Exemplaren 21-300, ¼ in Leder
gebunden, Schuber), als Remarqué Edition (ISBN 0-620-08426-X, limitierte Auflage von 20 numerierten
Exemplaren 1-20, ¼ in Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Presentation Edition (ISBN 0-620-08425-1,
limitierte Auflage von 26 numerierten Exemplaren A-Z, ½ in Leder gebunden, Schuber, mit einem der
originalen signierten Aquarelle von P.A. Clancey).
Roberts - Birds of Southern Africa
(7th Edition)
von Phil A.R. Hockey (Chefredaktion), W. Richard J. Dean (Redaktion) & Peter G. Ryan (Redaktion), Vorworte von Keith Rumble & Graça
Illustrationen von Ingrid Weiersbye, Graeme Arnott, Penny Meakin, Ronald Cook, Chris van Rooyen, Andrew
Barlow, Tony Clarkson & Norman C.K. Lighton
Gebundene Ausgabe, 7. Auflage, 1296
Seiten, Farbillustrationen auf 81 Tafeln, Schwarzweißillustrationen, Verbreitungskarten
John Voelcker Bird Book Fund & Africa
Geographic Books (Südafrika), September 2005, ISBN 0-620-34053-3
Verleger: "Austin Roberts' The
Birds of South Africa was first published in 1940 and has been in print ever since. In a remarkable
publishing history spanning some 65 years, this book has been revised several times and has embraced no
fewer than six editions and numerous impressions. In all, well over 300,000 copies of this well-loved work
have been sold, making it one of South Africa's most successful book ventures. In recent years, Roberts
began to share the market with an emerging range of popular field guides which were less bulky and easier to
use in the field. This left the Trustees of the John Voelcker Bird Book Fund, which has financed the
publication since inception, with the challenge of how to respond. After careful consideration and planning
it was decided that Roberts would be totally revamped. It would be produced in a larger format as a
major handbook to encapsulate all current knowledge of southern African birds. The text would be
comprehensive and detailed, while the plates would serve to enhance the book's appeal. The project was
entrusted to the Percy
FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (PFIAO), and a scientific editorial committee comprising
Phil Hockey (Editor in Chief), Richard Dean and Peter Ryan. To them fell the task of selecting the experts
to write the texts and of overseeing the contributions of 58 co-authors, 36 of whom provided 10 or more
species accounts. In addition, each text was assessed either by other authors in the team or by external
referees. The 951 species included in the new Roberts are dealt with under the usual headings of a
handbook, but there are a number of additional features worth noting. Although no attempt is made to fill a
niche as a field guide, identification is nevertheless dealt with in detail, with special emphasis on
confusing species. Other innovative aspects included are etymology, moult, population and demography,
taxonomy, geographical variation and conservation issues. The distribution maps, largely based on The
Atlas of Southern African Birds, are fully up to date. Texts vary in length, from breeding species
(2,000 words) and non-breeding species (1,500 words) to vagrants (500 words), and full references are given
so that the source of all information may be traced. Roberts implements the new common names that
have been established by the International
Ornithological Committee. Birdwatchers will also need to adapt to a dramatically revised taxonomic
order, in which species are arranged quite differently. The African Penguin, for example, will no longer be
found near the front of the book. Huge strides have been made in molecular techniques to establish
biological relationships, and Roberts reflects the latest research. The old order has changed,
yielding place to a completely new Roberts. The ornithological caravan has moved into an exciting new
era, with Roberts honoured as always in southern Africa's natural history literature. Roberts VII
is enhanced by 81 plates, the work of seven leading South African artists, and the larger format of the book
(315 x 235 mm) has enabled their superb artwork to be reproduced to best advantage. The artists involved, in
order of the number of plates contributed, are Ingrid Weiersbye (20), Graeme Arnott (20), Penny Meakin (11),
Ronald Cook (10), Chris van Rooyen (8), Andrew Barlow (6) and Tony Clarkson (5). These total 80; the 81st is
a fitting touch of nostalgia - Norman Lighton's wonderful frontispiece to the original Roberts',
depicting a bushveld scene with Common Ostriches, a Southern Ground-Hornbill and Bateleurs soaring
majestically overhead."
Wird ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Subscribers'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-34052-5, limitierte Auflage von 1000 numerierten Exemplaren
1-1000, in Duralin-Kunstleder gebunden, Schuber), als Collectors' Edition (ISBN 0-620-34051-7,
limitierte Auflage von 200 numerierten Exemplaren 1-200, ½ in Leder gebunden, Schuber), als Sponsors'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-34014-2, limitierte Auflage von 26 numerierten Exemplaren A-Z,
ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Presentation Edition (ISBN 0-620-34312-5,
limitierte Auflage von numerierten Exemplaren, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Robins of Africa
von Terry Oatley (Text) & Graeme Arnott (Illustrationen), Vorwort von Steven Piper
Klappentext: "Known as 'Robin
Redbreast' since the fifteenth century, the much-loved British robin, a member of the thrush family, has
given its name to a whole genre of small songbirds in different parts of the world. Africa is the heartland
of the thrush family and home to many robins and robin-like birds. In this monograph on African robins, Dr.
Terry Oatley presents a comprehensive account of the details known, from personal experience and the
literature, of thirty-three species that are endemic to Africa, including information on distribution,
habitat requirements, vocalizations and breeding biology. Each species' text is accompanied by a full-colour
plate of one of renowned bird artist Graeme Arnott's exquisite watercolour paintings, and many are enlivened
by behavioural sketches. This book is, however, much more than just another series of species' texts: it is
a celebration of the African robin and its world in all its variety. The introduction investigates the
history of the robin name and gives a definition of robin character, while seven chapters are devoted to
in-depth discussion of different aspects of robin behaviour. From songs and singing and how robin-chats use
vocal mimicry to promote the survival of their young, Terry Oatley moves on to deal with diet and the range
of animals with which robins enjoy foraging associations. The fourth chapter is devoted to the different
kinds of migration that robins undertake; while the fifth discusses the mysteries of brood parasitism by
cuckoos and the many enigmas that have still to be solved in this field of research. Chapter Six reveals the
remarkable lifespans of African robins (up to twenty-five years), and the many consequences of long life.
Chapter Seven looks at the confusions of taxonomy, past and present, and the important role of evolution.
The final chapter provides comment on the place of robins in African ecosystems and the dilemmas inherent in
the conservation of African plant and animal life. Robins of Africa embodies a master ornithologist's
enjoyment and experience of the doings of robins in many of the magical-sounding places of Africa, recorded
for his readers' pleasurable information. The anecdotal style conveys the excitement of ornithological
discoveries and of coincidental encounters with other forms of wildlife. It makes for riveting reading that
will not only delight the amateur birdwatcher, but also inspire and provide food for thought for
professional biologists. Beautifully illustrated with thirty-six colour plates and numerous pencil sketches,
this authoritative account will give the reader fresh insight into the fascinating world of the African
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 1-874802-11-4, limitierte Auflage von 100 numerierten Exemplaren
1-100, ¼ in Leder gebunden, Schuber, mit einem signierten Print einer der Bleistiftzeichnungen) und als Sponsors'
Edition (ISBN 1-874802-11-4, limitierte Auflage von 26 numerierten Exemplaren A-Z,
¾ in Leder gebunden, Schuber, mit einem der originalen Aquarelle von Graeme Arnott).
Shrikes of Southern Africa
True shrikes, helmet-shrikes and
bush-shrikes, including the batises and Black-throated Wattle-eye
von Tony Harris (Text) & Graeme Arnott (Illustrationen), Vorwort von Alan Kemp
Rückentext: "Traditionally the term
'shrike' has been confined to the typical or true shrikes, the helmet-shrikes and the bush-shrikes - a
well-known group of small to medium-sized birds with strong, hooked and toothed, raptor-like bills. This
book adopts a wider definition - based on an analysis of behaviour (especially communication behaviour) and
other characteristics - and includes the batises and wattle-eyes within the group. These fascinating birds
are often visually or vocally conspicuous, their colours ranging from pure black, through combinations of
black, white and brown, to vivid yellow, green and red. Their calls vary from discordant shrieks to
melodious whistles, certain species being renowned for their duet singing or their outstanding ability to
mimic other birds. Their social organization and status are equally diverse. In Africa, which has an
exceptionally rich variety of shrikes, they have radiated into most habitats, from arid semi-deserts to
humid tropical forests. Tony Harris's text presents many new and exciting ideas on the biology of shrikes
and includes much unpublished material from his own field experience. His detailed introduction provides a
general comparative analysis of the various characteristics that define the group. This is followed by the
thirty-two species accounts, which contain exhaustive information on identification, habitat, status,
behaviour and breeding biology. A summary of data for quick reference and two distribution maps conclude
each account. The book ends with a glossary of scientific terms, a comprehensive bibliography, and a
detailed index. The text is accompanied by thirty-four magnificent full-page colour plates by Graeme Arnott,
depicting adult birds in typical examples of their preferred habitat. Supporting these paintings are
twenty-five full-page colour sketches (illustrating characteristic postures as well as juveniles and nests),
four anatomical sketches in colour, and a number of pencil drawings. The combination of Tony Harris's
authoritative text and Graeme Arnott's sensitively executed illustrations will ensure that this book is
widely acclaimed and appreciated - not only by professional and amateur ornithologists, but also by
connoisseurs of Africana, discerning judges of contemporary wildlife art, and collectors of fine illustrated
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-947430-09-1, limitierte Auflage von 150 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-150, ¼ in
Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 0-947430-10-5, limitierte Auflage von 26
signierten numerierten Exemplaren A-Z, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Southern African Birds A Photographic Guide
von Ian Sinclair (Text) & Ian Davidson (Text),
Peter Hayman (Illustrationen), Norman
Arlott (Illustrationen) & Simon Barlow (Illustrationen), Vorwort von Paul du P. Kruger
Klappentext: "A mounting interest in
birds, their habits and behaviour has over the years seen the emergence of more and more bird photographers.
Birds have increasingly become the subject of intense study, and the results of this are seen in the growing
reserve of bird photographs. Southern African Birds: A Photographic Guide reflects this burgeoning
interest and its yield, bringing together more photographs than ever before of birds in the region. Drawing
on the achievements of talented amateur photographers to complement the work of professionals in the field,
this large-format guide presents birds in a wide variety of plumages and postures, some of these not
previously recorded on film. The increase in the number of 'in flight' shots is of particular value in
identifying birds, which more often than not are observed in motion. This volume presents more than 700 of
southern Africa's bird species over 142 plates, including endemic, breeding and resident birds, as well as
most of the visitors to the region. Similar species have been grouped to help the reader distinguish between
them. Clear and accurate guidelines to identification are provided for each species, and details of
behaviour, habitat and call are given where pertinent to further aid identification. For each species the
common name, scientific name, Roberts
number and body length is given. In each case a full-colour distribution map is provided to show where in
the region the species occurs. Where necessary, detailed colour illustrations (262 in total) appear
alongside the text to depict identification characters not captured by the photographs. Each of these
elements combines with the splendid colour photographs to make this an indispensable guide for all bird
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