von Valerie Gargett, Peter J. Mundy (wissenschaftliche Redaktion),
Graeme Arnott (Illustrationen) & Robert Davies (Illustrationen), Vorwort
von Peter Steyn
Klappentext: "This long-awaited and
important volume comprises the most detailed, comprehensive and prolonged single study of an eagle species
ever undertaken. Thousands of hours of observation in the field during a 21-year period and over 12,000
written records by a team of voluntary birdwatchers, have gone into the investigation of the behaviour and
breeding of some 60 pairs of Black Eagles in their natural environment, the Matobo Hills of Zimbabwe. The
Black Eagle, or Verreaux's Eagle as it is called outside central and southern Africa, was described by the
late Leslie Brown, pioneer of raptor studies in Africa, as 'the finest of the genus Aqula'. Noted for its
unsurpassed aerial mastery, this magnificent eagle ranges across rugged and mountainous terrain over much of
Africa, from the Cape Peninsula to the Arabian Peninsula. In the Matobo Hills of Zimbabwe, and particularly
in the Matobo National Park, the Black eagle has for the present a secure refuge. It is not merely plentiful
in the area, but occurs in the greatest concentration of any single large eagle species in the world. This
unique situation inspired the subject of this monograph, which is based on a research project started in
1964 and continued from 1965 under the leadership of Valerie Gargett. It combines substantial contribution
to our knowledge of eagle life and behaviour with the story of an adventure, in which teamwork and the
personal dedication of the author or interwoven. Val's obvious admiration for and devotion to the eagles
shine through the lively style of her narrative throughout this fascinating book. Val Gargett's dogged
approach to research relies on faithful observation, and here she tackles the full range of intriguing
questions on Black Eagle behaviour directly from her personal experience, supplemented by a wealth of facts
and figures and a generous dose of detective work. For example, are Black Eagle partners monogamous and do
they pair for life? How much space does a pair need to maintain a successful territory? Is it shared with
others of the same species or of different species? When does an eagle lay her eggs, and why does only one
chick survive when two eggs are laid? What happens to the surviving eaglet after fledging? While the focus
is on the black eagles of the Matobo Hills, comparisons are also included with studies on the species
elsewhere, as well as on other species of Aquila eagles, which help to put the black Eagle into a family
perspective in Africa. Exquisite paintings by renowned bird artist Graeme Arnott, and a series of
behavioural sketches by eagle-student Robert Davies, add an extra dimension to an appreciation of the Black
Eagle. Their inclusion, together with a selection of colour photographs, both from the author's unique and
extensive collection and by photographers of note, makes this a volume to be treasured by collectors of
Africana as well as by all bird of Prey enthusiasts."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-11916-0, limitierte Auflage von 200 numerierten Exemplaren
1-200, ¼ in Leder gebunden, Schuber, mit einem signierten Farbprint von Graeme Arnott) und als Sponsors'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-11916-0, limitierte Auflage von 7 numerierten Exemplaren A-G, ¾ in Leder gebunden,
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Calburn's Birds of Southern Africa
Paintings, Field Sketches and Field
von Simon Calburn
Gebundene Ausgabe, 256 Seiten,
Farbillustrationen auf 80 Tafeln, 106 Schwarzweißillustrationen
Purnell & Sons S.A. (Südafrika), 1969
Klappentext: "This is a book about
the watching and drawing of birds in action. The artist and author, Simon Calburn, works only from life and
this book is essentially a record in pictures and words of his contact with the world of birds. Over one
hundred of the species found in Southern Africa are illustrated, and there are birds from all the principal
types of habitat. The illustrations range from pencil field-sketches and water-colour studies to large
finished plates, and the text describes in simple terms how the artist goes to work, the difficulties that
he meets and, above all, the way birds live. For many, such a style will be more rewarding than a purely
scientific approach. Calburn sees birds as individuals - as possessing the traits and foibles that make up
distinct characters. He concentrates on capturing this individuality and his presentation of the drama,
humour and colour of the bird-world cannot but fascinate all those to whom birds are a source of joy."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als De luxe
Edition (limitierte Auflage von 250 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-250, ganz in Leder gebunden,
Schuber, mit einem signierten Farbprint).
A Celebration of Birds
C. G. Finch-Davies's final album of
southern African birds
Facsimile reproduction of 21 coloured paintings, each accompanied by a page of hand-written notes, covering
the period 28 March 1918 to 4 April 1920
von Claude Gibney Finch-Davies, Alan Kemp (Text), Vorwort von Rex E. R.
Gebundene Ausgabe im Schuber, 96 Seiten,
21 ganzseitige Farbillustrationen, 2 Schwarzweißfotos, Schwarzweißillustrationen
Natural History Books (Südafrika), 1990, ISBN 0-620-14819-5
Klappentext: "Claude Gibney
Finch-Davies (1876-1920) was an artist of immense talent who received the recognition he so richly deserved
only in recent years and long after his death. Unlike most of his contemporaries who painted birds
full-time, Finch-Davies was first and foremost a professional soldier able to paint only in his spare
moments. Given this fact, and that he died at the relatively young age of 44, we can but speculate on the
degree of excellence he might have achieved had he lived a normal span. During his lifetime he illustrated
only one book and for over 50 years after his death his paintings (numbering nearly 1000) were denied the
public for reasons concerning copyright. It was not until 1976 that a small number of superb paintings was
reproduced in book form for the enjoyment of the public and leading authorities in the field [The Biography of Claude Gibney
Finch-Davies, 1875-1920]. During the 1980s a further four volumes of paintings were reproduced, in
limited numbers, for an ever-expanding and appreciative audience both locally and internationally [The Birds of Prey of Southern Africa,
The Birds of Southern Africa,
The Bird Paintings of C.G.
Finch-Davies and Gamebirds
& Waterfowl of Southern Africa]. The profile of the artist by Dr. Alan Kemp of the Transvaal Museum,
Pretoria, is a lively, informative account of Finch-Davies's life. It traces his arrival in southern Africa,
describes his military career and ends on a tragic note with his death in 1920. A Celebration of Birds
is the showcase for C.G. Finch-Davies's final twenty-one paintings, and judging by the exquisite detail
appearing in the finished works he was, without doubt, at the height of his artistic powers. Publication of
the volume - in association with the British Museum (Natural History),
London - is intended to perpetuate the memory of one of the world's truly gifted bird artists."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-14818-7, limitierte Auflage von 200 numerierten Exemplaren 1-200, ½ in Leder
gebunden, Schuber) und als Remarqué Edition (ISBN 0-620-14817-9, limitierte Auflage von 26
numerierten Exemplaren A-Z, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Collectors' Edition
The Complete Book of Southern
African Birds
von Peter J. Ginn (Textredaktion), W. Geoff McIlleron (Bildredaktion) & Peter le S. Milstein (Redaktion),
Graeme Arnott (Illustrationen), Ray Holing (Illustrationen) & P.J. Mills (Karten), Vorwort von
Eric Hosking
Gebundene Ausgabe, 760 Seiten, 1091
Farbfotos, 57 Farbillustrationen, Schwarzweißillustrationen, Diagramme, Übersichtskarten, 817
Verbreitungskarten Struik Winchester
(Südafrika), Februar 1990, ISBN 0-947430-11-3
Klappentext: "With more than 900 bird
species known to occur, southern Africa is one of the richest avifaunal areas in the world. It is not
surprising, therefore, that The Complete Book of Southern African Birds is one of the biggest
single volumes ever to be published on the natural history of the region. Leading bird photographers have
contributed the more than 1000 colour photographs featured in the book's 760 pages. Each photograph has been
carefully chosen to show to best advantage the outstanding or characteristic features of that particular
species. This truly impressive collection, compiled by pictures editor Geoff McIlleron, includes some
showing extremely rare migrants. For the few species for which suitable photographs were unavailable,
paintings by well-known bird illustrator Graeme Arnott were commissioned. The text for The Complete Book
of Southern African Birds has been written by ornithologists, many of them world authorities, with
valuable contributions by amateurs who have extensive field experience. The individual species entries give
a general account of the bird, followed by details of its distribution and occurrence within the region,
points for field recognition (such as appearance, voice and behaviour), food and feeding methods, and
breeding biology. A map showing the bird's latest recorded distribution in the region is provided for the
majority of species. Also included are special, illustrated sections on the origin, evolution and behaviour
of birds in general, and bird habitats and distribution in southern Africa. The book has been compiled under
the general editorship of Peter Ginn, who has been actively involved in birding for more than 23 years and
has written eight books about birds, and Peter Milstein, an ornithologist concerned with the conservation of
birds and who has also researched and written widely on the subject. The texts have been refereed by a team
of professional ornithologists, among them Dr. Philip Hockey, Richard Brooke and Terry Oatley, all of the Percy FitzPatrick
Institute of African Ornithology at the University of Cape Town,
Warwick Tarboton, ornithologist with the Directorate of Nature and
Environmental Conservation in the Transvaal, and Ian Sinclair of the Durban Natural History Museum, a well-respected author and expert in the field of bird
identification. The vast amount of information contained in the book will be of value to expert and lay
person alike, for it has been produced out of a strong commitment to and concern for the welfare of southern
Africa's fauna, and an appreciation for the special place and beauty of birds. The book has been six years
in the making and, as world-renowned photographer Eric Hosking says in his foreword, '... this book can
truly be called a complete book of southern African birds.'"
"The 1990 reprint [2nd impression] features new photographs for more than 30 species."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-947430-15-6, limitierte Auflage von 250 signierten numerierten
Exemplaren 1-250, ½ in Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 0-947430-16-4,
limitierte Auflage von 26 (?) signierten numerierten Exemplaren A-Z (?), ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Ducks of Sub-Saharan Africa
von Gordon Lindsay Maclean (Text) & Gail Darroll (Illustrationen), Vorwort von Sir Peter Scott
Gebundene Ausgabe, limitierte Auflage von
2500 numerierten Exemplaren (Subscribers' Edition 201-2700), 33 x 42 cm, 166 Seiten,
Farbillustrationen auf 37 Tafeln, 40 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 31 Verbreitungskarten
Acorn Books (Südafrika), 1986, ISBN 0-620-09175-4
Klappentext: "Ducks of Sub-Saharan
Africa covers all thirty of the waterfowl species, both breeding and non-breeding, found in Africa south
of the Sahara. These species are individually described in a text that is not only scientifically accurate
but delightfully informative, and illustrated by superb paintings of the adult birds in their habitats, as
well as by some studies of ducklings in the nest. In addition, the text is embellished with attractive
pencil-sketch vignettes of other waterside birds, mammals, insects and plants. The thirty-six colour plates
have been reproduced to the same size as the original watercolours, and show plumages and environmental
features in an atmospheric blend of detail, colour and life. In his Foreword to the book Sir Peter Scott,
renowned conservationist and bird painter, writes of the paintings: 'As a bird painter for more than sixty
years, I welcome and greatly admire the fine portraits of waterbirds by Miss Darroll'. Gordon Maclean's
Introduction reviews this interesting group of birds and touches on problems involved in the conservation of
wetlands of Africa. He outlines the waterfowl family - its classification, plumage differences, behaviour
patterns and other aspects of waterfowl biology. More specific information on these topics is given in the
species accounts, each of which is also accompanied by an up-to-date distribution map. The happy combination
of Gail Darroll's exquisite paintings and Gordon Maclean's authoritative text makes this work of particular
interest to connoisseurs of Africana. Ducks of Sub-Saharan Africa is a book that will give pleasure
not only to dedicated birdwatchers and aviculturists, but also to sportsmen, conservationists and artlovers,
indeed to all who delight in the world of nature."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-09176-2, limitierte Auflage von 200 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-200, ¼ in
Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Remarque Edition (ISBN 0-620-09176-2, limitierte Auflage von 26
signierten numerierten Exemplaren A-Z, ½ in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Eagle Days
A study of African eagles at the nest
von Peter Steyn, Vorwort von Leslie Brown
Gebundene Ausgabe, 175 Seiten, 22 Farb-
& 125 Schwarzweißfotos, Karte
Purnell & Sons South Africa (Südafrika), 1973, ISBN 0-360-00224-2
Klappentext: "This long-awaited book
must be regarded as the most authoritative work ever published on the eagles of southern Africa. It is also
one of the most beautiful books ever produced on these birds of prey. One hundred and forty four superb
illustrations in full colour and black and white combine with an informative and thoroughly researched text
to make this book a valuable contribution to the need for greater understanding of our natural heritage. The
author, who has spent more than twenty years studying and photographing eagles, is recognised as one of the
world authorities on the African snake eagles and his chapter on this particular group is probably unique. Eagle
Days is the record of a lifetime of study which will delight not only the enthusiast but also those who
are in any way concerned with the conservation of wild life."
Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als De luxe
Edition (limitierte Auflage von 200 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-200, ganz in Leder gebunden).
François Levaillant and the Birds
of Africa
The Brenthurst Press Third Series
Vol. 5
von Kees Rookmaaker (Text), Peter Mundy (Text), Ian Glenn (Text) & Emma Spary (Text),
François Levaillant (Illustrationen
& Text) & Johann Lebrecht Reinold (Illustrationen), Vorwort von Mary Slack
Gebundene Ausgabe, limitierte Auflage von
850 Exemplaren (Standard Edition) & 50 Bibliotheksexemplaren (production copies), 484
Seiten, ca. 190 Farbillustrationen (davon 58 ganzseitig auf Tafeln), ca. 80 Duotonillustrationen, 3 Farb-
& 5 Duotonfotos, 2 Farbkarten, Tabellen The Brenthurst Press
(Südafrika), November 2004, ISBN 0-909079-59-5
Klappentext: "Intrepid traveller,
pioneering naturalist, famous author, François Levaillant (1753-1824) was a celebrity in his own lifetime.
The colourful accounts of his travels in southern Africa in the 1780s were widely read in seven languages.
His sumptuous bird books, published in a golden age of natural history book production led by the French,
recorded for posterity his extensive bird collections. Yet he has often been dismissed as a flamboyant
Gallic adventurer with a cavalier attitude to the truth. This new study seeks to re-examine this
controversial figure against the backdrop of the world of natural history and its practice in the late
European Enlightenment. The potent mix of science and commerce is reflected in Levaillant's combining his
own fascinated pursuit of knowledge about the animal kingdom with active trading in specimens. Although
somewhat of an outsider, he is shown as shrewdly negotiating the dangers, upheavals and transformations of
the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era to achieve his scientific ambitions. New insights into the life
of this remarkable man are provided by recently discovered contemporary documents, his story enlivened with
illustrations gathered from wide-ranging international sources. One of the treasures of The Brenthurst Library
forms the core of this book: a collection of fifty-eight original watercolour paintings mostly of birds of
prey, the prototypes of published engravings in his Oiseaux d'Afrique. Painted with brilliant clarity
under Levaillant's own supervision, these superior illustrations, never before published, are reproduced
here to the highest standards. The accompanying bird descriptions, including field observations, are
translated into English for the first time specifically for this edition, and are reassessed from the
perspective of modern ornithology. Levaillant is revealed as a naturalist ahead of his time, vigorous and
exceptionally skilled, whose work laid the foundations of African ornithology. In publishing this fifth
volume in its Third Series of limited-edition Africana, The Brenthurst Press offers a finely produced,
lavishly illustrated work in a tradition Levaillant himself would have recognized."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei NHBS
(Großbritannien) oder NetBooks (Südafrika).
Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als De Luxe
Edition (ISBN 0-909079-60-9, limitierte Auflage von 150 numerierten Exemplaren
1-150, ½ in Leder gebunden, Schuber, mit 2 speziell ausgesuchten Farbprints für Subscribers) und als Presentation
Edition (ISBN 0-909079-60-9, limitierte Auflage von 20 numerierten Exemplaren, ganz
in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
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