von Peter Pickford (Fotos), Beverly Pickford (Fotos) & Warwick Tarboton (Text & Karten), Duncan Butchart
(Illustrationen),Vorwort von Johannes Stegmann
Gebundene Ausgabe, 228 Seiten, 159
Farbfotos, 85 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 81 Verbreitungskarten C. Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), 1989, ISBN 0-86977-651-7
Klappentext: "A truly magnificent
photographic study of southern Africa's birds of prey is long overdue. Southern African Birds of Prey
more than satisfies the need, for it combines a visually stunning collection of photographs with an
intelligently written and well-researched text. Peter Pickford has captured the essence of each of the
region's 81 species in a series of photographs both intimate and powerful. His patience as a photographer
has been well rewarded, for many of the birds he has photographed are rare and infrequently seen by anyone
other than the most dedicated or fortunate 'raptorphile'. He reveals the birds at their most natural:
mating, rearing their young, grappling in flight for possession of prey... The photographs are more than
purely a reflection of the bird's bold nobility: they also serve as an invaluable aid to the identification
of confusingly similar species. A number of the birds are shown in immature plumage; diagnostic underwing
and flight patterns are often clearly visible in in-flight shots; and sexual dimorphism is frequently shown.
Warwick Tarboton has written his text with a deft touch: he makes a strong plea for the conservation of
these magnificent and environmentally valuable animals, while accurately presenting facts with the
confidence born of familiarity with the subject. As a result, his text is eminently readable, while being
accurate and informative. Following the species' accounts, there is an appendix encapsulating the
behavioural and biological data for each species; a map showing the African distribution and, if applicable,
the migratory route of each bird; and an illustration of the underwing pattern [by Duncan Butchart]. The
book is completed with an illustrated glossary, and indexes of the common names and scientific names. The
approach of the book is deliberately evocative: to those who are unaware of the abundance and majesty of
southern Africa's raptors, it should serve to awaken an abiding interest - to those already familiar with
them, this book will be treasured as a stunning celebration of birds of prey."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Southern Africa's Birds of Prey
von Andrew Jenkins (Text), Vorwort von Pieter Cox
Paperback, 80 Seiten, 70 Farbfotos,
Verbreitungskarten Africa
Geographic (Südafrika), September 2005, ISBN 0-620-34234-X
Verleger: "Featuring some spectacular
photography, Southern Africa's Birds of Prey is a 'must-have' for all those who love this charismatic
group of birds. Specially selected photographs capture raptors in their element - whether in their mountain
fortresses or over the Okavango swamps, winging silently through a forest or floating above the harshest
desert, in their ceaseless search for prey. A visual treasure, featuring the work of some of southern
Africa's finest bird photographers."
Verleger: "With publication by
Nokomis Editions of Turacos: A Portfolio of All Species [1997] the masterful paintings by William
Cooper were, for the first time, reproduced at their original size. This placed primary focus on the
remarkable illustrations of all species in one of the world's most spectacular bird groups, and the
accompanying text by Joseph Forshaw was written to complement the illustrations. Nokomis Editions now
proudly announces publication of Turacos: A Natural History of the Musophagidae, in which emphasis is
placed on the many fascinating aspects of the natural history of these spectacularly beautiful birds, with
three new plates from William Cooper. Prompted by a recent upsurge of interest and research, which have
produced much new information about turacos, Joseph Forshaw has prepared an entirely new text covering
physical attributes, taxonomy, distribution, habitat preferences and the general ecology of all species, and
he points out that, despite our improving knowledge, an element of mystery still surrounds these birds. Poor
fossil records hinder our understanding of their evolutionary history and affinities with other birds.
Despite several attempts to link the family with other groups, the traditional approach is to place them
alone in a separate order, so emphasising their distinctiveness. The most distinctive feature is the
presence in their plumage of two complex copper pigments not known to occur in any other living animal, and
we are compelled to ask why are these pigments present? Also, how important are visually minor differences
in facial pattern for species recognition? Are differences in bill shapes associated with foraging
techniques, and what roles do subtle differences in diet play in allowing species to coexist? What functions
are served by the loud, familiar call-notes, and what courtship rituals are in place? Why should the downy
chicks be equipped with wing-claws to enable them to clamber amidst branches well before they can fly? These
and other queries are addressed in this scholarly work, which is the first fully illustrated monograph to be
published since 1860 and the only volume covering all species. Recognising the strong appeal of turacos in
aviculture, this book includes a comprehensive chapter Turacos in Aviculture, contributed by Drs.
Robert Berry and William Todd, two specialists closely associated with the captive breeding program at
Houston Zoo. The expertise and experience of these two eminent curators are manifested in the authoritative,
practical advice which will be of valuable assistance to all aviculturists with an interest in turacos. An
extremely important ornithological and avicultural monograph, Turacos: A Natural History of the
Musophagidae is a most attractive volume with an easy-to-read text and spectacularly beautiful plates.
Maintaining the highest standards of excellence, that have become a hallmark of the Forshaw-Cooper
association, it will be appreciated by ornithologists, aviculturists and lovers of fine bird books."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei NHBS
(Großbritannien). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
The Vultures of Africa
von Peter Mundy (Text), Duncan Butchart (Illustrationen), John Ledger (Text) & Steven Piper (Text), Vorwort von Ian Player
Klappentext: "In The Vultures of
Africa all eleven species of vulture known to the continent are presented, for the first time, in an
authoritative account that will rank as the most important ornithological work on these fascinating yet
threatened birds. Vultures have always evoked a strong response in people, whether it be one of reverence,
as in the Ancient Egyptians or the present-day 'vulture-watchers', or of aversion, as shown by many of the
explorers and hunters of the last century. In this major, fully illustrated monograph, Dr. Peter Mundy and
his co-authors endeavour to answer every conceivable question on the biology and lifestyles of these birds,
in a text that is a refreshing departure from traditional bird monographs in terms of its lively and
contentious style. The book, nevertheless, remains comprehensive in its approach, and combines the insights
gained from the authors' personal experiences with a scholarly review of all the available literature. The
book is divided into four parts. First, the vultures are introduced and described from the evolutionary
standpoint, both globally and in an African context, so that the world's 22 species of vulture are grouped
and defined. Then, the African species are placed under the spotlight. This part covers the following
species: Cape Griffon, Rüppell's Griffon, Eurasian Griffon, Whitebacked Vulture, Hooded Vulture,
Lappetfaced Vulture, Cinereous Vulture, Whiteheaded Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Bearded Vulture and Palmnut
Vulture. Each species' account encompasses the history of the bird's discovery, its complete identification,
distribution and preferred habitats, its behaviour, in particular its sociality, flight and actions at a
carcass, food, breeding, and its current conservation status. The third part reveals the diversity within
this group of scavenging birds by taking a comparative look at their foraging, feeding, socialising and
breeding habits. Finally, the interrelationship of vultures and humans in Africa through the ages is
documented, and modern-day conservation issues and strategies are discussed in depth. Each species is
superbly illustrated by watercolour paintings, and more than 100 pencil sketches appear throughout the text.
Over 130 photographs of the birds in action in different parts of the continent add to the book's visual
excitement, and give life to the wealth of data included in the text, maps and diagrams. The Vultures of
Africa will be essential reading for all bird enthusiasts, conservationists and ornithologists, and will
amply reward both the informed reader and the collector of fine works of Africana."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 1-874802-04-1, limitierte Auflage von 150 numerierten Exemplaren
1-150, ¼ in Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 1-874802-04-1,
limitierte Auflage von 26 numerierten Exemplaren A-Z, ¾ in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Waders of Southern Africa
von Phil Hockey (Text), Clare Douie (Illustrationen) & Andrew Barlow (Illustrationen), Vorwort von John Hanks
Rückentext: "In Waders of
Southern Africa Phil Hockey, a leading international specialist on the subject, draws on up-to-date
scientific information to provide a fascinating insight into the lives and lifestyles of waders: their food
and foraging ecology, distribution and breeding habits. He also examines the migratory patterns of the many
species that travel vast distances to and from southern Africa every year - some of these journeys totalling
more than 25,000 kilometres. The more common waders are discussed in comprehensive species accounts, each
accompanied by a distribution map and illustrated with a full-page plate by Clare Douie, showing plumage
variations and other identification characteristics. The rarer wader species and conservation are also
examined as these birds and the habitats that support them are currently high priorities in world
conservation circles. Phil Hockey has succeeded in presenting a fine balance of fact, interpretation and
narrative, and Clare Douie's 48 full-colour paintings complement his exploration of the private lives of
waders. Waders of Southern Africa presents the wide audience of bird enthusiasts with a welcome
opportunity to acquire a beautiful and comprehensive monograph on this intriguing group of birds."
Informationen zu Andrew Barlow erhalten
Sie bei Andrew
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-947430-52-0, limitierte Auflage von numerierten Exemplaren, ½ in Leder gebunden,
Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 0-947430-53-9, limitierte Auflage von numerierten
Exemplaren, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Birds of Southern Africa's Wetlands
von Nigel Dennis (Fotos) & Warwick Tarboton (Text)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 137 Seiten, 129
Farbfotos, 1 Farbkarte Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), August 1993, ISBN 1-86825-337-6
Klappentext: "There is nothing
ordinary about waterbirds. Not only do many of them have extraordinary lifestyles or unusual habits but some
provide us with the most dramatic spectacles that the natural world has to offer. Sometimes it is the sight
of their sheer numbers that is so marvellous, or it may be the dazzle of their colour, or the urgency and
clamour of their comings and goings. A million flamingos gathered to breed on Makgadikgadi Pan or half a
million Redbilled Teal rising from Lake Ngami must surely rank among the most breathtaking wildlife
spectacles of the world. Often it is the images they project - the ringing call of the African Fish Eagle;
the cheering whistles of flocks of Whitefaced Duck that cross the night sky as they wing their way from one
wetland to another, or the eerie hoot of a flufftail hidden in the depths of a marsh. At times it is simply
the patience or ingenuity that waterbirds display in acquiring the day's meal that is so amazing, or the
intrigue of their complex social life. Waterbirds: Birds of Southern Africa's Wetlands vividly
illustrates a cross-section of the region's diverse assemblage of waterbirds, and provides insight into
their varied lifestyles, habitats and changing circumstances. Warwick Tarboton's highly readable text and
Nigel Dennis's stunning photographs portray 83 waterbird species that occur south of the Zambezi and Cunene
Rivers and offer persuasive reasons why the birds' wetland habitats - the rivers, lakes, dams, swamps and
estuaries on which they make their homes - should be preserved. Dr. Tarboton's text makes the point that
these vital ecosystems must be cared for if the birdlife which graces them is to continue. The evocative
photographs focus on the more striking aspects of each species. Behaviour, feeding, courtship and flight are
brought to the fore, revealing much about the natural history of the birds and their day-to-day activities.
In Waterbirds Nigel Dennis and Warwick Tarboton have combined their talents to create more than
simply a comprehensive reference work - together they capture the variety and elegance of these splendid
birds in a book that will give lasting pleasure to a wide audience."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (limitierte Auflage von numerierten Exemplaren, ½ in Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors'
Edition (limitierte Auflage von numerierten Exemplaren, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
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