von Claude Gibney Finch-Davies (Illustrationen) & Alan Kemp (Text), Vorwort von C. K. Brain
Gebundene Ausgabe im neutralen
Pappschuber, limitierte Auflage von 1500 numerierten Exemplaren (Subscribers' Edition 201-1700), 339
Seiten, 141 ganzseitige Farbillustrationen, 1 Schwarzweißfoto
Winchester Press (Südafrika), 1980, ISBN 0-620-04578-7
Klappentext: "The Birds of Prey of
Southern Africa is the showcase for the wonderful paintings of birds of prey by the late Claude Gibney
Finch-Davies. It is sixty years since this talented artist, of world standard, died tragically. His life and
the circumstances surrounding his death are described in a brief biography contained in the book. He
illustrated all the birds of prey, including owls, known in southern Africa at the beginning of the
twentieth century - and only eight other species have been discovered since that time. He depicted the
various plumages as they occur with great accuracy and detail so that this collection provides a fine
reference source. The text, by Dr. Alan Kemp of the Transvaal
Museum in Pretoria, is a narrative account of each species known in southern Africa, extracting the
essence of their biology and of birds of prey in general. It relies on the masterly illustrations to
document details of colour and structure, the functions and adaptations of which are discussed in the text.
Superb artwork and readable text combine to provide an enjoyable reference work about this impressive group
of birds, many of which are suffering at the hand of man."
Vorwort: "For the last sixty years the Transvaal
Museum has held in safekeeping a unique asset - a collection of over nine hundred paintings of southern
African birds by the late Claude Gibney Finch-Davies. Copyright considerations dictated that fifty years
must elapse following the artist's death before the works could be published; until recently, therefore,
this remarkable treasure has been seen by very few people. Various ways of making the Finch-Davies paintings
available to the public have been considered by the Trustees of the Transvaal
Museum under the Chairmanship of Professor F. C. Eloff. In 1976 the Museum
published a biography of the artist [The Biography of Claude Gibney Finch-Davies, 1875-1920] by Dr. A. C. Kemp, illustrated
with twelve colour plates. The present work covering the birds of prey represents a co-operative venture
between the Transvaal
Museum and Winchester Press of Johannesburg, in which the publishing expertise of Guy Winchester-Gould
has resulted in a beautiful book which does justice to Finch-Davies' meticulous attention to detail. Dr.
Kemp's text on each of the birds illustrated makes this an authoritative and comprehensive guide to southern
African raptors. The strange and unfortunate circumstances in which the Transvaal
Museum acquired the Finch-Davies paintings shortly before the artist's death have had at least one
positive outcome - the collection, representing the artistic output of a lifetime, has remained intact.
Furthermore, the Museum Trustees have agreed that royalties accruing from the publication of these paintings
will form a special fund to promote research on southern African birds. I am sure this fact would have given
Claude Gibney Finch-Davies both pleasure and satisfaction. Dr. C. K. Brain, Director, Transvaal
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-04577-9, limitierte Auflage von 200 numerierten Exemplaren 1-200, ¼ in Leder
gebunden, Schuber) und als Presentation Edition (ISBN 0-620-04576-0 (?), limitierte Auflage von 26
numerierten Exemplaren A-Z, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
The Birds of South Africa
painted by Thomas Baines (1820-1875)
comprising the complete collection of ninety plates executed by Thomas Baines, together with descriptions
from the text of C. J. Anderson's 'Notes on the Birds of Damara Land and the adjacent Countries of
South-West Africa', with a biographical essay by R. F. Kennedy
von Thomas Baines (Illustrationen) & R. F. Kennedy (Text)
Gebundene Kunstlederausgabe im Schuber,
kein Schutzumschlag, limitierte Auflage von 500 numerierten Exemplaren (1-500), 204 Seiten, 91 ganzseitige
Farbillustrationen, 1 ganzseitige Schwarzweißillustration
Winchester Press (Südafrika), 1975, ISBN 0-620-01401-6
Einführung: "The Birds of South
Africa is a unique volume comprising the complete collection of ninety bird studies painted by Thomas
Baines and published as a Centenary tribute. It has taken over one hundred years for these paintings - some
in oils but mostly in water-colours - to appear in book form. Throughout his life Baines was a keen observer
of wildlife, especially birds, and it is apparent from his sketches and drawings that he had an eye for
their essential characteristics. On returning from an expedition to the Victoria Falls with James Chapman,
in 1862, Baines stayed at the home of Charles John Andersson at Otjimbingwe, South-West Africa. Andersson
was contemplating writing a bird book to be called 'Avi-fauna of South-West Africa' and invited Baines to
assist in illustrating the proposed work. Baines accepted the commission and remained with Andersson from
August 1863 until October 1864, painting from the many sketches he had made and from bird-skins collected on
his recent expedition. Andersson died before he could complete his magnum opus on the birdlife of
South-West Africa and it was only some years later that his notes were edited and published posthumously by
the celebrated British ornithologist, John Henry Gurney, this time under the title 'Notes on the Birds of
Damara Land and the adjacent Countries of South-West Africa'. Baines' illustrations were not included in the
new work no doubt due to the high cost of reproducing the many coloured and tinted plates. It was estimated
that more than £4000 would be required - a considerable sum at that time. It is noteworthy that Baines'
illustrations can be directly related to Andersson's text, as published by Gurney. Most of the paintings are
signed by Baines and include both place and date. His inscriptions make interesting reading even if some of
them are difficult to follow being written in his own form of short-hand! It is not known with certainty
what became of Baines' bird studies after Andersson's death. Having been commissioned by Andersson it is
likely they remained in the possession of that family. It is also possible they may have remained in Baines'
family. In 1929 the drawings re-appeared when offered for sale by the London antiquarian book dealer,
Francis Edwards. The studies were bound into an album, together with a few sketches of animals. Recognising
an opportunity to acquire Africana of exceptional importance Dr. J.G. Gubbins, founder of the Africana
Museum in Johannesburg, purchased the album in 1934 - for £80. Later, the album was broken up and the
individual paintings were on display in the Africana Museum for some years after 1935. In 1960 they were
exhibited at the King George VI Art Gallery in Port Elizabeth where they were praised by both art critics
and leading ornithologists. The Birds of South Africa is a lasting tribute to an outstanding
traveller and artist, whose paintings are a vital and colourful reminder of this remarkable man."
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Presentation
Edition (ISBN 0-620-01401-6, limitierte Auflage von 26 numerierten Exemplaren A-Z, ganz in Leder
gebunden, Schuber).
Klappentext: "Birds of Southern
Africa is a colourful and powerful tribute to the rich and varied bird life with which the diverse
habitats of the subcontinent is so abundantly blessed. In this magnificent portfolio - with images from the
giant eagle owl to the diminutive scarlet-chested sunbird, the soaring fish eagle to the flightless ostrich
- Nigel Dennis and Phil Hockey have captured the very essence of Africa's avifauna. The magnificent birds we
see through the eye of the camera is an African world of vibrant colour and spectacular action and this
collection of outstanding images is a celebration of this natural splendour."
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mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Birds of Southern Africa
The Sasol Plates Collection
von Peter Hayman (Illustrationen), Norman Arlott (Illustrationen) & Warwick Tarboton (Text)
Gebundene Ausgabe im Schuber, limitierte
Auflage von 6000 Exemplaren (Standard Edition), 432 Seiten, über 4000 Farbillustrationen auf 192
Tafeln Struik Winchester
(Südafrika), 1994, ISBN 0-947430-44-X
Klappentext: "Commissioned as the
artwork for the field guide, Sasol
Birds of Southern Africa, the illustrations produced were of such a high standard and so widely admired,
that it was decided to reproduce them at their original size to display them to full advantage. Illustrators
Peter Hayman and Norman Arlott, both of whom have received international recognition for their artwork, have
worked to the highest standards and in the more than 4000 images painted, present the 900 species which
comprise the southern African avifauna in a degree of detail not previously achieved. Birds in flight are
particularly well represented - a feature which distinguishes this work from the welter of birds books
currently available to the ornithological market. To accompany the splendid illustrations, Warwick Tarboton
has written a stimulating text. Informative without being technical, the text deals with birds from many
perspectives: behavioural, historical, biological and environmental. It is not intended as a field guide
text but rather to enlighten, and to broaden the depth of knowledge of the interested bird lover. Birds
of Southern Africa: The Sasol Plates Collection is a volume which will have wide appeal for its
illustrations and text, both of which achieve exceptionally high standards."
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(Großbritannien). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-947430-50-4, limitierte Auflage von 150 numerierten Exemplaren 1-150, ½ in Leder
gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 0-947430-51-2, limitierte Auflage von 26
numerierten Exemplaren A-Z, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Collectors' Edition
The Birds of Southern Africa
von Claude Gibney Finch-Davies (Illustrationen) & Alan Kemp (Text), Vorwort von C. K. Brain
Gebundene Ausgabe im Schuber, limitierte
Auflage von 2750 numerierten Exemplaren (Subscribers' Edition 251-3000), 489 Seiten, 177 ganzseitige
Farbillustrationen, 2 Duotonfotos, 1 Diagramm
Winchester Press (Südafrika), 1982, ISBN 0-620-05678-9
Klappentext: "The Birds of
Southern Africa is the showcase for 176 paintings by the late Claude Gibney Finch-Davies, whose life -
and the tragic circumstances surrounding his death - is described in a brief biography contained in the
book. At the time of his death in 1920, this talented artist of world standard had illustrated almost half
(380) of the bird species known to occur in southern Africa, completing over 1,000 paintings in 30
sketchbooks. While the majority of the illustrations appearing in the book have been selected for their
technical excellence, several of his earlier works have been included which demonstrate his developing
technique. The text, by Dr. Alan Kemp of the Transvaal Museum,
Pretoria, is an authoritative, narrative account of the radiation and diversity of birdlife in southern
Africa, dependent on Finch-Davies' masterly illustrations to document details of colour and structure. This
combination of outstanding artwork and informative text provides a comprehensive reference work on the
birdlife of southern Africa."
Vorwort: "The strange and unfortunate circumstances through which the Transvaal Museum
acquired a unique collection of over 900 bird paintings by Claude Gibney Finch-Davies, in 1920, are now well
known. For 50 years these paintings were seen by very few people but, following the expiry of copyright
restrictions, the Trustees of the Transvaal Museum
under the chairmanship of Professor F. C. Eloff investigated ways of making some of this remarkable
collection accessible to the public. As a first step, in 1976 a biography of the artist [The Biography of Claude Gibney
Finch-Davies, 1875-1920] by Dr. A. C. Kemp, illustrated with 12 colour plates, was published by the Museum. In 1980 a
further 140 colour plates of southern African birds of prey were published in a co-operative venture between
the Transvaal Museum
and Winchester Press of Johannesburg. These superbly reproduced paintings appeared in a work titled The Birds of Prey of Southern Africa, the text of which was
written by Dr. Kemp, ornithologist at the Transvaal Museum.
This beautiful book, doing full justice to some of Finch-Davies' finest paintings, was greatly in demand.
Its limited edition of 1,700 copies was sold out at the time of publication. The aim of the present volume
is to make an additional 176 paintings by Finch-Davies available to the public. Once again, the publishing
expertise of Guy Winchester-Gould has been called upon to ensure the quality of the reproduced paintings,
and Dr. Kemp has written a highly informative text. Paintings have been selected to depict examples of
southern African families of birds and, together with the accompanying text, furnish a wealth of information
not formerly available in any single volume. This information is, in the main, based on Dr. Kemp's extensive
personal experience of southern African birds in both the field and the laboratory. As was the case with The Birds of Prey volume, royalties accruing from this book will
be deposited in a special fund - administered by the Trustees of the Transvaal Museum
- the aim of which is to promote research on the birds of southern Africa that Finch-Davies loved so well
and painted so faithfully. Dr. C. K. Brain, Director, Transvaal Museum"
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 0-620-05677-0, limitierte Auflage von 250 numerierten Exemplaren 1-250, ¼ in Leder
gebunden, Schuber) und als Presentation Edition (ISBN 0-620-05676-2, limitierte Auflage von 26
numerierten Exemplaren A-Z, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber). Inoffizielle Proof Copies (limitierte
Auflage von 25 numerierten Exemplaren 1-25, ½ in Leder gebunden, Schuber) sind ebenfalls im Umlauf.
Limited Edition
Birds of the African Bush
von Réna Fennessy (Illustrationen) & Leslie Brown (Text)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 30 x 40 cm, 111 Seiten,
24 ganzseitige Farbillustrationen, 25 Schwarzweißillustrationen William Collins Sons &
Co. (UK), November 1975, ISBN 0-00-216069-2
Klappentext: "The joint product of
two outstanding personalities of the East African natural history scene, this book combines beautiful
painting with a light and entertaining text which is nevertheless scientifically accurate and contains
information never before collected together. It does not set out to be a scientific treatise on the birds
concerned, but rather to display their beauty and stimulate the interest of ordinary bird-watchers. As
Leslie Brown points out, the common and spectacular birds of the bush are still, very often, little known,
and a detailed study of the ways of one pair observed for a few days, even a few hours, can produce new
knowledge. The very commonest species of the bush, such as the White-crested Shrike and White-headed
Pouffats Weaver, are so common and obvious that they escape detailed attention. There is a problem needing
solution on almost every page; and much can be learned by simple and accurate observation and reporting.
Both the artist and the author live in Karen, Kenya, and spend much of their lives in the habitat described
in this book. Réna Fennessy's paintings bring out the details of the bush she knows so well, while Leslie
Brown, although an author who normally deals with larger birds of prey, writes not only with great knowledge
but with evident love of his subject."
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Limited
Edition (ISBN 0-00-216074-9, limitierte Auflage von 295 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-295, in
Kunstleder gebunden, Schuber, mit zusätzlichem Farbprint eines Sulphur-breasted Bush Shrike).
Birds of the African Waterside
von Réna Fennessy (Illustrationen) & Leslie Brown (Text)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 111 Seiten, 24
ganzseitige Farbillustrationen, über 30 Schwarzweißillustrationen William Collins Sons &
Co. (UK), Januar 1979, ISBN 0-00-216079-X
Klappentext: "This, the second book
in a series by two outstanding personalities of the African ornithological scene, again combines a light and
informative text with beautiful paintings. In contrast to the arid, spiky thornbush, the subject of the
first volume [Birds of the African Bush], the lush productivity
of the waterside is here described. Watersides are always enjoyable, nowhere more so than when they are a
contrast to the scorching heat of African plains. Birds of the waterside are generally very numerous and
often quite well known; accordingly selection has been more difficult and to cover the subject adequately in
some plates two species are shown. Some, such as the Great White Pelican and Lesser Flamingo, have become
quite intimately known in recent years. Other spectacular species such as the Goliath Heron and Saddlebilled
Stork are less well-known. Some, such as Peter's Finfoot, are still very mysterious birds; and whether the
Egyptian Plover, as Herodotus claimed, really does pick the teeth of crocodiles has yet to be proven. Both
author and artist live in Kenya, where there is an unrivalled variety of watery habitats and bird species.
Leslie Brown is an acknowledged world authority on flamingoes and pelicans, and spends much of his time
watching water birds. Réna Fennessey's paintings capture the softness of their plumage, and effectively
portrays the variety and beauty of the waterside environment and its inhabitants."
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