Synopsis: "This compact disc that
accompanies the book Frogs
and Frogging in Southern Africa has been compiled from an earlier CD, South African Frog Calls,
produced by Megatone Studios. The frogs are presented in same order as in the book, and are announced by
English and scientific name."
Synopsis: "Separated by the sea and
time from the rest of the world, Madagascar sails majestically down its own evolutionary route, a living Ark
of special animals that exist nowhere else. A unique complement of lemurs, fruit bats, frogs and birds are
revealed on this charming CD. This treasure chest of esoteric sounds opens with the inimitable Indri, maybe
the closest the world has to a singing teddy bear! No music, no announcements, just pure natural sound. This
atmosphere CD doubles as the only commercially available sound guide for Madagascar, as it contains 26
indexed endemic bird species. WildSounds has donated all copies of this Special Edition CD to
help save the last fragile wetlands in Madagascar."
Kaufen Sie diese
Audio-CD direkt bei WildSounds
(Großbritannien) oder bei NHBS
Le Monde des Singes / Primate World Vol. 1: Asie, Afrique et
Amériques / Asia, Africa and Americas
von Jean C. Roché
Audio-CD, 64 Minuten, stereo, mit
16-seitigem Booklet (Französisch/Englisch) Sittelle
(Frankreich), Februar 1995, SIT 30001-2
Booklet: "This is the first ever CD
of the voices of Apes, Monkeys and Lemurs. These mammals, at the pinnacle of evolution, are closely related
to man. They give out varied and often beautiful calls. This first volume of The Primates World
includes examples of the calls of monkeys and apes from Asia, Africa and south and central America, as well
as that of Lemurs, put together here for their aesthetic, even 'musical' quality."
Tracks: 1. Family of Siamangs
[Bohorok, Sumatra, Indonesia] 2. Pair of Lar Gibbons [Taman Negara National Park,
Malaysia] 3. Pair of Lar Gibbons [Yala Park, Thailand] 4. Pair of Lar
Gibbons [Taman Negara National Park, Malaysia] 5. Male Orang-utan [Kalimantan Reserve,
Borneo] 6. Female Orang-utan [Kalimantan Reserve, Borneo] 7. Harem of
Proboscis Monkeys [Kalimantan Reserve, Borneo] 8. Group of Chimpanzees [Gambia]
9. Family of Mountain Gorillas [Virunga range, Rwanda] 10. Chacma Baboon
[Kruger National Park, South Africa] 11. Group of Yellow Baboons [Niokolo-Koba National Park,
Senegal] 12. Group of Vervet Monkeys [Swaziland] 13. Group of Black Colobus
[Lopé Reserve, Gabon] 14. Two Mantled Howlers [Selva Park, Costa Rica] 15. Group
of Red Howlers [Amazonia, Venezuela] 16. Group of Black Howlers [Pentanal,
Brazil] 17. Pair of Black Howlers [Pilco Mayo Reserve, Argentina] 18. Group
of Ring-Tailed Lemurs [Madagascar] 19. Family of Indris [Madagascar] 20. An
Indri [Madagascar] 21. Families of Indris [Madagascar]
Audio-CD, 59 Minuten, stereo, mit
28-seitigem Booklet (Französisch) Sittelle
(Frankreich), 1995, SIT 30003-2
Verleger: "Avec ce Volume 2,
vous êtes invité à découvrir le monde étonnant de la communication sonore des singes forestiers
africains. Livret exceptionnel de 28 pages avec de nombreuses illustrations en couleur."
Tracks: 1.-2. Mone de Gray
[Plateau de M'Passa, Gabon] 3.-4. Mone de Wolf [Parc National de la Salonga, Zaïre]
5. Singe de Brazza [Parc National de la Salonga, Zaïre] 6.-7. Singe de Brazza
[M'Boundou, Gabon] 8.-10. Pain à cacheter [Forêt des Abeilles, Gabon] 11. Pain
à cacheter [Bengoué, Gabon] 12.-14. Cercopithèque de Preuss [Réserve du Mont
Cameroun, Cameroun] 15.-16. Singe Soleil [Forêt des Abeilles, Gabon] 17. Cercopithèque
noir et vert [Ekélé, Zaïre] 18.-19. Cercopithèque noir et vert [Parc National de
la Salonga, Zaïre] 20. Mangabey à joues blanches [Forêt des Abeilles, Gabon]
21. Mangabey à joues blanches [Réserve de La Lopé, Gabon] 22.-23. Mangabey
agile [M'Boundou & Ndjaddié, Gabon] 24.-25. Mangabey agile [Ndjaddié,
Gabon] 26. Mangabey agile [Bengoué, Gabon] 27. Colobe satan [Réserve
de La Lopé, Gabon] 28. Hurleur rouge [Les Nouragues, Guyane Français] 29. Hurleur
noir [Pantanal, Brésil] 30.-31. Mandrill [Réserve de La Lopé, Gabon]
32. Mandrill [Forêt des Abeilles, Gabon] 33.-35. Gorille de Plaine de l'Ouest
[Réserve de La Lopé, Gabon] 36. Gorille de Plaine de l'Ouest [Forêt des Abeilles,
Gabon] 37.-40. Gorille de Plaine de l'Ouest [Réserve de La Lopé, Gabon]
41.-42. Gorille de Montagne [Parc National des Volcans, Rwanda] 43. Siamang
[Fraser's Hill, Malaisie] 44. Gibbon à mains blanches [Parc de Taman Negara, Malaisie]
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